Tuesday, February 16, 2021

How the Kolbrin Bible fits in with geological events and human haplotype proliferation

16           Kolbrin Bible Timeline



Introduction to timetable analysis of Kolbrin Bible


The Kolbrin Bible describes a timetable for the occurrences described therein which is stated:


At the time of the writing of the Kolbrin, it was 10 generations since the Destroyer last appeared, which was 100 generations since the Deluge, 1000 generations since the Re-creation and 10,000 generations since the Beginning. 


I looked at the timeline for events that occurred as described in the Kolbrin, like burning rocks raining down, foul smelling gases burning people, fires started, tsunamis, earthquakes.  I then related these in time to geologic events, bolide strikes and other evidence. 


I found a surprising fit at around 9,640 BP, bolide hits of large magnitude all over the globe resulted in widespread catastrophe. 


Using the definition of generation as 20 years, I calculated that the Kolbrin was probably written about 9,840 BP.  Using that date as a basis, I calculated the rest of the dates:


9640 BP                   Another appearance of the Destroyer

  11,840                    Deluge

  31,840                    Re-creation, emergence of modern societies

231,840                    Since the beginning


A range from 231,840-181,840 BP for the beginning mentioned in the Kolbrin would reflect a generation defined as between 15-20 years for that very early time, fixed at 20 years per generation for the rest.


The data stream to support these dates is here.  I think that the Kolbrin is an amazing document with historical credibility.  The history of bolide hits is poorly documented but imaging techniques have made study more effective.  The date coincides with the newly discovered Greenland Hiawatha crater, which was a huge impact that probably caused a huge displacement of materials that impacted the climate to an immediate and intense degree. 

The Re-creation date clusters with the emergence of new human haplotypes, which was amazing to me.  It’s like, so cool to sit there with correlated data.  Here it is and there is more on the main timeline.  Please view the dates as a midrange estimate.   






579,000-176,000                APOE Protein divergence E4, E3, E2

311,000                               APOE Protein divergence E3,E2 split

237,000                              North Warm Conditions, High Sea Levels, Cultural Isolation, seafaring       

231,840-181,840                Kolbrin:  Since the beginning


A range from 231,840-181,840 BP for the beginning mentioned in the Kolbrin would reflect a generation defined as between 15-20 years.  Legends indicate that there was an early civilization labeled ‘The Gods’ and that a later civilization labeled ‘The Sons of the Gods’ held sway until probably Zep Tepe about 14,000 years ago, when our modern civilizations continued to develop out of the knowledge of the past. 


Global Warming                140,000-130,000       Flooding

Interstadial warm                 130,000-115,000        Present Sea Level Height +135 M, Eemian

Greenland Crater Asteroid  79,000 

 Europe                                75,000                         Neanderthals Interbred Sapiens,  Denisovans  

Asia                                     75,000                          Denisovian DNA:  Melanesians, SouthAmericans

Toba eruption                      73,000                          Cooling Climate, population die off mammals SE Asia

Scholz’s Star                       70,000                          .8 Light Yr from sun binary star inside Oort Cloud flyby

Egypt                                   50,000                          Osirion Dated Brian Foerster

England                               40,000                       Chlorine date Stonehenge          

Egypt                                   36,400                      Egypt pyramids construction dated using sky alignments

Europe                                 41,400(+-2000)        Laschamp Event:   magnetic pole reversal for 440 years

Europe Italy                        39,400- 40,000          huge Campanian Ignimbrite, volcanic eruption

Euro Africa                         40,000                       N. Europe Severe Cold, Low Sea Levels Land Italy/Africa

Egypt                                   38,000                   Mythology “Gods” Reigned in Egypt until 14,800 bp


Kolbrin                                    31,840             Re-creation, emergence of modern societies


La Roche Cotard, France                         32,000                    Le Masque Mousterien, Neanderthal     

YDNA J P209                                          31,700                Arabia, Ethiopia, Egypt, Anatolia, Med. Sea

YDNA G                                                   30,000                Baltic, Mediterranean area, Pakistan, Alps

YDNA I M170                                         30,000                Bosnia, Macedonia, Danes, Finns, Iceland, Sardinia

MTDNA HV                                            30,000                origin central Asia, paleolithlic Europe, WAsia, S. Europe

+MTDNA X                                             30,000                Levant, N America, Druze, Scots, Algonquin, Sioux, Dene

YDNA L  (K, M120)                               30,000                Indus Valley origin, Dravidian, S. India, Afghan, Syria

YDNA N                                                   25,000                N Eurasia, Siberia, Finns, Saami, Baltics, Yakuts, Hungary

MTDNA H                                               25,000                Europe, Med. Sea, Gravettian, Magdalenian, Minoan

European Asian Split                                25,000               Genetic markers for migration

MTDNA T                                                25,000                origin Levant, Eurasia, Europe

MTDNA I                                                 23,000                Europe Carpathian, Iran, glacial expansion, Anatolia

MTDNA W                                              23,900                minority clade, Pakistan, Kurds, Caucasus, Australians

YDNA E3b M215                                   22,400                Ashkenazim, Sephardim, Sardinia, Europe, Africa, Tunis

YDNA R1b                                              22,000               Solutrean  Europe

YDNA R 173                                            18,500                Native American

Egypt                                                        14,800                Shemsu-Hor  End of Reign of Gods, Followers of Horus reigned, technology lost

Global Warming                                   13,500-12,800        Sea Level Rise

Lake Agassiz                                         13,000                 Great Lakes Area, 1st warming melt flood

Quebec Comet Strike                             12,900                 flood, disrupted warm current to N. hemisphere

Younger Dryas Glaciation             12,800-11,500           Icy Northern Hemisphere, warm South

Kolbrin                                                   11,840                 Deluge

Atlantis                                                   11,650                Disappeared under the sea (Plato’s date)

Arctic Europe/N.America                      11,500                Ice Age Ends/rising sea levels/megafauna extinction

Spain                                                       11,500                 Old Tartessos disappeared

Interstadial Resumes                               11,500           Global warming sea level rise

Lake Agassiz                                          10,000                 Refilled with glacial melt

Taurid strike                                            10,000                  entered solar sys 20-30000bp, intersected Earth

Bolide Indicator                                       9,500                 radiocarbon blip in dendrochronological record

Bolide hit                                                 9,640                 SEAsia,S. Aus,IndianO,Scand, Azores,SWMex,Tierradelfu

Bolide swarm impacts                                                    Book of Enoch. Sibyls, 7 hits/deluge/instant winter *

Kolbrin                                                   9,840                 Destroyer +200 years, 10 generations

Lake Agassiz                                           8,200                Final flood, 9ft rise in sea levels

Bolide Hit                                                4,200                 worldwide cultural extinctions, Dodwell date

Umm al Binni                                         3-5,000             Bolide hit S. Iraq

Greenland warm period                          4-8,000             Settlements and travel to North America


Dodwell Karnak                                     4,345                 25o 09’ 55”  precession aberration

CLIMATE CHANGE                          4,350                 End of Neolithic Wet Phase, severe droughts ensued

Buache/Bouvet maps                             4,300                Onset of Glaciation in N. Antarctica/Rising Sea Levels                                                                                                       /drying of the Sahara/N. Hemisphere warming

Cultural Expansions                              4,300                 Agriculture expands, Age of Exploration

Thera Eruption                                      3,525 3,647        Destruction of Minoans

End of Bronze Age Europe                   3,200                 Drought Hatti, Wars, migrations, raiding, drop in trade

Dodwell Hindu                                       2900                  24o11’04”




Saturday, January 30, 2021





The Carnak Standing Stones are in the Timeline at 7000 years ago, according to traditional scholars this is the probable date ranging up to 4,000 years ago.  I just don’t think Carnak is that young.  If it had been built at 4,000 years ago, written history would have noted it or the Greeks and Egyptians would have documented it.  No way. 

The age of the Carnak stones is actually unknown.  I read that they actually extend out into the sea shelf now underwater but probably was dry land during the Pleistocene.  This would date them as prior to 14,000 years ago, prior to the first meltwater pulse.  This puts them in the megalithic culture, the stonemasons, the ancients who knew how to hew and place huge stones.   There are some 3,000 remaining visible stones that extend for 8 miles.


Figure 90:  Aerial View of part of Carnac    https://www.truthcontrol.com/forum/myth-and-enduring-mystery-carnac-stones


What was Carnak?  Local legends say giants built it, or it was a dangerous Roman army frozen by a local sorcerer or nobody really knows who built it.  Giants again?  The legends keep popping up.  Why not Giants in the Pleistocene?  There were giant horses and camels and elephants.  Why not giant humans? 

But back to the question of what was Carnak?                                         

I read an account that solstice, equinox and moon movements were traceable through the orientation of the rocks, every which way and all you need to know is which ones.  Another account said the Carnak rocks were actually star sky trajectories that lead to specific locations on the planet, like the Orkney Islands, England,  North America, Cuba, South America,  and all you had to know was how to take a sighting along the star line leading to your destination and sight your sailing by the stars to go and return.   You could sight your way to the Bermuda Rise, which used to be an island when the seas were low during the Ice Age.   I think that Gobleki Tepi in Turkey serves the same purpose of sighting trajectories for travelers.  The history of humanity is centered on travel, migration, trade and invasions so why would the ‘spiritual’ rule, rather than the practical when building huge structures? 

Carnac is situated beyond a bay that looks like an ancient crater, with the raised outer edge protecting the harbor, which dropped off deep at a certain point, a perfect mooring for large vessels.  Beyond the bay is the wild Atlantic and probably the lost city of Atlantis.  I think Carnak dates from the time of Atlantis, during the Bolling Allerod.  It may have been used by the Phoenicians as a route setting harbor, but nobody knows.  The Phoenicians were secretive about their trading posts and travel and did not share maps or knowledge. 

What is Carnak?  I don’t know.  Was it part of Atlantis?  Did the Megalith culture go from Atlantis to the Continent or was Atlantis a colony of the mainland, rather like the USA?  The Greeks insist that Atlantis warred on those inside the Mediterranean Sea, which would indicate a date of after the modern Mediterranean Sea was formed.    Plato puts the demise of Atlantis at about 11,650 years ago, well after the first meltwater flood of 14,000 years ago.  That was plenty of time for seafaring cultures to develop and invade the Mediterranean Sea.   Plenty of time for wars to be fought and forgotten. 

That part of the world is heavy with prehistory, home to the Lascaux Cave Paintings, numerous dolmen, megalithic structures, Neanderthal / Heidelbergensis phenotype remains, as well as more modern artifacts like Chatelperronnian Neanderthal Sapiens generated tool kit.  

In later years home to the Celts.  Did they know the purpose of Carnak?  I think the knowledge was lost by then and that it was initially lost during the cataclysm that sunk Atlantis, some 11,650 BP but it remained a remnant of physical presence without any meaning remaining.  I wonder if the world shifted at that time, leaving the ancient searfaring knowledge represented by Carnak to be now in need of correction.  Is that why there are so many rows and the rows are so long?  I count 11 rows which  makes me think of moon things.  Seafaring by moon position would be possible but would require an intimate knowledge of the moon 18 year cycle.  What could the 18 year moon cycle be used for?  To predict tides?  To predict harbor accessibility?  To predict fishing runs?  

A Druid?  Figure 91:  https://www.tripadvisor.com/LocationPhotoDirectLink-g187096-d1788450-i147731910-Megaliths_of_Carnac-Carnac_Morbihan_Brittany.html

I wonder if all the Carnak stones were originally artwork, but are now eroded. 

A transition to later times shows Carnak still standing but nobody living knows what it meant because it was part of the Ice Age civilization that perished during the first meltwater pulse 14,000 years ago.  As the climate warmed into modern times the Vikings and doubtless other seafarers spread out colonizing, raiding and spreading ideas. 

The prolific times of the warming of 8,000 to 4,000 produced the reestablishment of ancient contacts remembered from antiquity, like the Legend of the Northwest Passage.   This is 2019 and it is a warm year so far and maybe it will open up again like it was 130,000 years ago.   Inland empires competed and the horsemen migrated and the Silk Road filled with travelers.




Giants and Negritos:  Giants red, Negritos black

It looks like Negritos and Giants traveled together in south east Asia, Oceania and India.  Maybe the timeframe is consistent with the last glacials ending about 14,000 years ago.  Were the Giants remnants of a high culture that flourished 130,000 years ago during the last interglacial or warmtime?  Possibly, Giants were the Moundbuilders in Europe and North America.  The Negritos could have been the founders of the civilizations of southeast Asia, which blended with new immigrants fleeing the Toba Eruption about 70,000 years ago.  

Thursday, January 28, 2021

15           Climate Change Sequence


Climate Change Sequence in Years Before Present

650,000                             CO2 levels Last time similar to present warming

676,000-621                     Glacial       MIS 16  lasted   55,000 yrs southern migrations

580,000                            YDNA A Archaic Sapiens, Erectus, Neanderthal, Denisova, Flores, Australopithicine

563-621,000                      Transition            adapt or die  58,000 years migrations

563-478,000                       Interglacial          MIS 13-15  15,000 yrs, migrations to North

520-405,000                       Warm Conditions, North High Sea Levels, northern migrations

478-424,000                       Glacial   MIS 12   54,000 YRS Low sea levels, migrations to the south

424-374,000                       Interglacial  MIS 11  50,000 YRS  migrations north

405-380,000                       Froze over in 25,000 years  adapt or die  migrations south

380-340,000                       Quick freeze, Low sea level Northern Glaciers  for 40,000 yrs

340-330,000                       Super Warm Conditions  high sea levels migrations north 

330,000 – 230,000              Glacial    100,000 yrs

312-240,000                       Extended Low sea levels  Land bridges exposed 72,000 years migrations south

312-330,000                       Froze over in 18,000 years  adapt or die  migrations south


240,000 - 225,000            Interglacial  15,000 yrs migrations north

237,000                             North Warm Conditions High Sea Levels

231,840                                 The Beginning Kolbrin  Civilized Society of the Gods (speculative date)(20 years per generation) Northern Culture

A range from 231,840-181,840 BP for the beginning mentioned in the Kolbrin would reflect a generation defined as between 15-20 years. 

237-225,000                      Froze over in 12,000 years   adapt or die


225,000                              Low Sea Level    Glaciated North migrations south

200-130,000                       Glacial  MIS 6     70,000 yrs migrations south

181,840                                 Kolbrin continuing at 15 years a generation, Southern culture

180-135,000                     Low Sea Level    Glaciated north  migrations south


135-130,000                     Glacial   (resembles Younger Dryas but longer)

135-130,000                     Froze in 5,000 years then 15,000 years warm


130-115,000                     Interglacial  MIS 5e    

130-115,000                     Interstadial warm  Present Sea Level Height +135 M, Eemian

130,000-115,000              Northwest Passage  Open as per European legend

130,000                            Hyperboreans?

132,400                            Melancovich Cycle           Minimum axis tilt 22.1

125,000                            North Warm Conditions, High sea levels, Hippos in the Thames


118,000-18,000                Latest Glacial      100,000 yrs

110,000 `                          Glacial begins Rapid cooling North, sea level drop, warm South

92,700                              Melancovich Cycle Maximum axis tilt 24.5, Wurm glaciation

79,000                              Greenland Crater Asteroid Strike

75,000                              Toba eruption Cooling Climate, bottleneck mammals SE Asia 

71-12,000                         Glacial MIS 2-4, 5a-d  40,000 years

@70,000                           Scholz’s Star   .8 Light Yr from sun binary star inside Oort Cloud flyby

66-60,000                         Great Blue Hole Above water, lower sea level, glaciated north

41,400(+-2000)                Laschamp Event:  magnetic pole reversal for 440 years

39,400- 40,000                 Italy:   huge Campanian Ignimbrite (CI) volcanic eruption

40,000                              Europe:   Severe Cold Low, Sea Levels, Land bridge Italy/Africa



22,000-18,000                 Lowest Sea Level   Greatest Extent of Northern Glaciation, land bridge between Africa and Europe.  Beringia and Sundaland habitable    Migrations

21,400 +-9000                 Tenoumer Crater Mauritania asteroid hit or explosion?  Close to Richat


18,000                              Mediterranean 2 freshwater lakes valley, Gibralter landlocked

16,000                              Sea Level Rise beginning

15,000                              Antarctica partly ice free, low sea levels, Scotia Plate

15,000                              Oronce/Reis maps  Northern Glaciation, Shallow Southern Seas *

14,800                               Egyptian legend:  Shemsu-Hor:  End of the Reign of Gods from 38,000 bp 

14,700 to c. 12,700           Bolling Allerod  warm moist climate northern hemisphere world

13,000                               Lake Agassiz Great Lakes Area, 1st warming melt flood

13,500-12,800                   Global Warming, Sea Level Rise, Clovis (1300 years), Atlantis     (1150 years)


Return to Glaciation for 1,300 Years:  Younger Dryas Cooling

12,900-13,000                         Greenland Asteroid StrikeFlood?

12,900                                     Quebec Comet Strike Caused flood, disrupted warm current to N. hemisphere, Saginaw crater

12,900                                     Carolina Bays and Nebraska sandhills were formed from bolide

12,900                                     Quari Lagoon Brazil strike      bolide strike

@12,900                                  Bolides:   Corossol, Lloydminster and Bloody Creek Canada

12,800                                      Global Cooling, Pleistocene Megafauna extinction, Clovis End

12,700                                     Began Warming Trend  

@11,840                                  Deluge   Kolbrin   Ark legend, The Destroyer

11,650                                     Atlantis Disappeared under the sea (Plato’s date)

@11,500                                  Interstadial   2nd Global Warming Sea Level Rise

10,700            ?                      Melancovich cycle   maximum 24.5 axial tilt


10,000                                     Argentina Rio Quarto Craters asteroid strike


10,000                                     Lake Agassiz  Refilled with glacial melt

10,000                                     Antarctica Larson ice shelf froze over

9,640                                       Bolide hit  SE Asia, S. Australia, Indian Ocean ,Scandinavia, Azores, SW Mexico, Tierra del Fuego

9,640                                       Another Destroyer Kolbrin  bolide

9,500                                       Bolide Indicator  radiocarbon blip in dendrochronological record

9,440                                       Kolbrin Written?  From the Destroyer +200 years, 10 generations

8,000                                       Axial Tilt Theory 24.1 then 23.5 now

8,200                                       Lake Agassiz                Final flood, 9ft rise sea levels

8000-4,000                              Greenland warm period   Settlements, seafaring, Minoan warming, bronze age, Moundbuilders?


5000-4,500                               Indian Ocean Burckle Crater, tsunami, bolide hit? Taurid?

5000-4,500                               Tigris Euphrates systems hit with floods

4,345                                         Dodwell Karnak  25o 09’ 55”  precession aberration observed (Burckle?)

4,350                                         CLIMATE CHANGE  End of Neolithic Wet Phase, severe droughts ensued

4,300                                         Buache/Bouvet maps, Onset of Glaciation in N. Antarctica, Rising Sea levels, drying of the Sahara, N. Hemisphere warming

4,193                                         Cymbrian Flood:  Frisians and Finns dispersed, final Doggerland flooding

 4,000                                        End Greenland warm period   End of N. America, Greenland contact

4,200                                         Climate Change: End of Warm Period from 9,640 BP


Dodwell Karnak                                  4,345                 25o 09’ 55”  precession aberration observed  

Dodwell Karnak                                  3,570                 24o 32’ 06”

Dodwell Chinese                                 3100                  24o 13’56”

Dodwell Chou Kung                            3100                  23o 54’04”

Dodwell Hindu                                    2,900                 24o 11’04”

Dodwell Ben Maimon                         1174                  23o 31’51”  Cordova

Dodwell Nasar-Al-Din                        1290                  23o 31’40”  Maragha Persia

Melankovich Cycle                              present              23.1 axial tilt and decreasing to 22.1, 11,700 years away

Axial Shift                                            present          axial tilt accelerates 2.6 cm a year  due Greenland Melt


Maltese Islands and the Mediterranean Sea 



Time scale (years)

Geographical State


10000 - recent

Islands on submarine elevation which connect with Sicily


Final Wurmian

23000 - 10000

Connected to Sicily

125000 - 23000

Isolated Islands

Early Wurmian


Connected to Sicily

150000 - 125000

Isolated Islands




Connected to Sicily, Tunisia, Libya and Sardinia

Mindel-Riss I/glacial


Connected to Sicily, Tunisia, and Libya



Connected to Sicily and East Mediterranean lands


1 - 11 million

Land bridge connecting Europe to (?)Africa



11 - 25 million

Land bridge connecting Europe to (?)Africa


Epicontinental; depth 30-40 ft



Epicontinental: uplift of land shown by Blue Clay and Sandstone


Epicontinental: depth 600 ft


Epicontinental: depth 30-180 ft


25 - 40 million

