16 Kolbrin Bible Timeline
Introduction to
timetable analysis of Kolbrin Bible
The Kolbrin Bible describes
a timetable for the occurrences described therein which is stated:
At the time of the writing of the Kolbrin, it was 10
generations since the Destroyer last appeared, which was 100 generations since
the Deluge, 1000 generations since the Re-creation and 10,000 generations since
the Beginning.
I looked at the timeline for events that occurred as
described in the Kolbrin, like burning rocks raining down, foul smelling gases
burning people, fires started, tsunamis, earthquakes. I then related these in time to geologic
events, bolide strikes and other evidence.
I found a surprising fit at around 9,640 BP, bolide hits of
large magnitude all over the globe resulted in widespread catastrophe.
Using the definition of generation as 20 years, I calculated
that the Kolbrin was probably written about 9,840 BP. Using that date as a basis, I calculated the
rest of the dates:
9640 BP Another appearance of the Destroyer
11,840 Deluge
31,840 Re-creation, emergence of
modern societies
231,840 Since the beginning
A range from 231,840-181,840 BP for the beginning mentioned
in the Kolbrin would reflect a generation defined as between 15-20 years for
that very early time, fixed at 20 years per generation for the rest.
The data stream to support
these dates is here. I think that the
Kolbrin is an amazing document with historical credibility. The history of bolide hits is poorly
documented but imaging techniques have made study more effective. The date coincides with the newly discovered
Greenland Hiawatha crater, which was a huge impact that probably caused a huge
displacement of materials that impacted the climate to an immediate and intense
The Re-creation date
clusters with the emergence of new human haplotypes, which was amazing to
me. It’s like, so cool to sit there with
correlated data. Here it is and there is
more on the main timeline. Please view
the dates as a midrange estimate.
579,000-176,000 APOE Protein divergence E4, E3,
311,000 APOE Protein divergence
E3,E2 split
237,000 North Warm Conditions, High
Sea Levels, Cultural Isolation, seafaring
231,840-181,840 Kolbrin: Since the
A range from 231,840-181,840 BP for the beginning
mentioned in the Kolbrin would reflect a generation defined as between 15-20
years. Legends indicate that there was
an early civilization labeled ‘The Gods’ and that a later civilization labeled
‘The Sons of the Gods’ held sway until probably Zep Tepe about 14,000 years ago,
when our modern civilizations continued to develop out of the knowledge of the
Global Warming 140,000-130,000 Flooding
Interstadial warm
130,000-115,000 Present Sea Level Height +135 M, Eemian
Crater Asteroid
Europe 75,000 Neanderthals Interbred Sapiens, Denisovans
Asia 75,000 Denisovian DNA: Melanesians, SouthAmericans
Toba eruption 73,000 Cooling Climate,
population die off mammals SE Asia
Scholz’s Star 70,000 .8 Light Yr from sun binary star inside Oort Cloud flyby
Egypt 50,000
Osirion Dated Brian Foerster
England 40,000 Chlorine date Stonehenge
Egypt 36,400 Egypt pyramids
construction dated using sky alignments
Europe 41,400(+-2000) Laschamp Event: magnetic pole reversal for 440 years
Europe Italy 39,400-
40,000 huge Campanian Ignimbrite, volcanic eruption
Euro Africa 40,000 N. Europe Severe Cold, Low
Sea Levels Land Italy/Africa
Egypt 38,000 Mythology “Gods” Reigned in
Egypt until 14,800 bp
Kolbrin 31,840 Re-creation,
emergence of modern societies
La Roche Cotard, France 32,000 Le
Masque Mousterien, Neanderthal
YDNA J P209 31,700 Arabia,
Ethiopia, Egypt, Anatolia, Med. Sea
YDNA G 30,000 Baltic,
Mediterranean area, Pakistan, Alps
YDNA I M170 30,000 Bosnia,
Macedonia, Danes, Finns, Iceland, Sardinia
MTDNA HV 30,000 origin
central Asia, paleolithlic Europe, WAsia, S. Europe
+MTDNA X 30,000 Levant,
N America, Druze, Scots, Algonquin, Sioux, Dene
YDNA L (K, M120) 30,000 Indus
Valley origin, Dravidian, S. India, Afghan, Syria
YDNA N 25,000 N
Eurasia, Siberia, Finns, Saami, Baltics, Yakuts, Hungary
MTDNA H 25,000 Europe,
Med. Sea, Gravettian, Magdalenian, Minoan
European Asian Split 25,000 Genetic
markers for migration
MTDNA T 25,000 origin
Levant, Eurasia, Europe
MTDNA I 23,000 Europe
Carpathian, Iran, glacial expansion, Anatolia
MTDNA W 23,900 minority
clade, Pakistan, Kurds, Caucasus, Australians
YDNA E3b M215 22,400 Ashkenazim,
Sephardim, Sardinia, Europe, Africa, Tunis
YDNA R1b 22,000 Solutrean
YDNA R 173 18,500 Native
Egypt 14,800 Shemsu-Hor End of Reign of Gods, Followers of Horus
reigned, technology lost
Global Warming 13,500-12,800 Sea Level Rise
Lake Agassiz 13,000 Great
Lakes Area, 1st warming melt flood
Quebec Comet Strike 12,900 flood,
disrupted warm current to N. hemisphere
Dryas Glaciation 12,800-11,500 Icy
Northern Hemisphere, warm South
Kolbrin 11,840 Deluge
Atlantis 11,650 Disappeared
under the sea (Plato’s date)
Arctic Europe/N.America 11,500
Ice Age Ends/rising
sea levels/megafauna extinction
Spain 11,500 Old
Tartessos disappeared
Interstadial Resumes 11,500 Global warming sea
level rise
Lake Agassiz 10,000 Refilled with glacial melt
Taurid strike 10,000 entered solar sys
20-30000bp, intersected Earth
Bolide Indicator 9,500 radiocarbon
blip in dendrochronological record
hit 9,640 SEAsia,S.
Aus,IndianO,Scand, Azores,SWMex,Tierradelfu
Bolide swarm impacts
of Enoch. Sibyls, 7 hits/deluge/instant winter *
Kolbrin 9,840 Destroyer
+200 years, 10 generations
Lake Agassiz 8,200 Final
flood, 9ft rise in sea levels
Bolide Hit 4,200 worldwide
cultural extinctions, Dodwell date
Umm al Binni 3-5,000 Bolide
hit S. Iraq
Greenland warm period
4-8,000 Settlements
and travel to North America
Dodwell Karnak 4,345 25o
09’ 55” precession aberration
of Neolithic Wet Phase, severe droughts ensued
Buache/Bouvet maps 4,300
Onset of Glaciation in N.
Antarctica/Rising Sea Levels /drying
of the Sahara/N. Hemisphere warming
Cultural Expansions 4,300 Agriculture
expands, Age of Exploration
Thera Eruption 3,525
3,647 Destruction of Minoans
End of Bronze Age Europe 3,200 Drought Hatti, Wars, migrations, raiding, drop in
Dodwell Hindu 2900 24o11’04”
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