Another leaked memo, the recent first of which did nothing to help the president’s efforts in the Middle East and this newest of which leads me to believe that the reputation for not tolerating dissent is definitely spread about, like manure upon farmland. A recommendation that policy be changed may have been a layoff opportunity or a retirement opportunity. I think the point here is to accept the fact that change is needed
and Mr. Secretary is also in favor of this idea whose time has come.
It is necessary to forward peace at every opportunity. The positioning of more units on borders, thus dividing up your force into thirds does not point to peace because this movement would open more possibility of encounters. Divide and conquer, the old saying applies to talk as well as physical action, does it not? Dividing your force into fragments may be a dangerous thing to do. There’s safety in numbers, ho ho ho Happy Holidays.
Another point for consideration are the arms dealer nations, like the USA, the Russians, the Chinese and who else? The arms brokers need to be talked about and some questions answered like the lucrative arms sales agreements between nations and other such econo-political agreements. Review the financial feasibility of continuance and possibly the dangers of such draining agreements. Possibly the totals garnered through such deals and who is capitalizing on war should be revealed for moral scrutiny at the United Nations.
Refugee costs are mounting and this must be studied in order to make an effective settlement in the Middle East. The countries that took in Palestinians and Iraquis should have consideration. The value of vacant land now is what the land is worth and the value of the land must have consideration. People cannot be dispossessed and another taking their former place and not expect opposition? This is a long lived conflict why not make it another 100 years war? Get real. None of so many of us caused this hassle, which should also be of consideration. Happy New Year and the Christians can pray for peace anew as the solstice dims our daylight and we glower inside caves with a fire burning a piece of the sun god keep us warm.