Free Enterprise and the end of Sanctions
I see a new world order where threats must be answered with
action so maybe it is better not to threaten.
Warm times equal Northland expansion and the global warming is not
harming everyone. Northern countries can
profit from the warming. New land is
opening up while the present seacoasts are disappearing as the sea rises. Some current agricultural areas could flood
with salt.
As the water level inexorably rises, human communities must
anticipate this by finding alternative areas for living and move these people
to higher elevations. Seacoasts should
be declared parks and all habitation removed from flooding. Compensation for the displaced is in
order. All debt occurrence along the
seacoast for a certain distance should carry a super high interest rate and government
subsidized insurance unavailable.
Worldwide, this coastal flooding will displace numerous
populations and preparations should be made.
Some laymen think global warming can be halted by human activity because
they believe that global warming is caused by human activity. I prefer a look at data from the Pleistocene
and the Holocene as the last ice age ended.
That data indicates that the world entered an Interglacial about 12,000
years ago and the warming trend has been happening since then. None of the chilly spells since were as cold
as the depths of the ice age 22,000 years ago when Northern Eurasia was iced
I do believe that the interglacial allowed our northern
civilizations to grow and prosper but the for the prosperity to continue,
future planning is necessary. The
lengths of other interglacials vary, so we do not know how long we have before
glaciation returns to the north and the refugees head south.
The world certainly cannot afford more strife.
I propose actual free trade worldwide and a cessation of ALL
world government debt payments to other governments. We should compete and trade and get rid of
‘sanctions’. Regulations are destroying
free enterprise worldwide. People cannot
be killed for any government to make Debt Payments to anybody.
Overpopulation and migration are related issues that must be
confronted by the worlds’ leaders from all realms of knowledge. We must consider scientific, government, religious
and social leaders to find a solution to these explosive issues.
-Dorothy Prater Niemi