Saturday, October 02, 2021

 Chapter in my book

15           Climate Change Sequence


Climate Change Sequence in Years Before Present

650,000                             CO2 levels Last time similar to present warming

676,000-621                     Glacial       MIS 16  lasted   55,000 yrs of southern migrations

580,000                                 Known human forms:   Archaic Sapiens, Erectus, Habilis, Neanderthal, Denisova, Flores, Australopithicine

563-621,000                      Transition            adapt or die  58,000 years of migrations

563-478,000                       Interglacial          MIS 13-15  15,000 yrs of migrations to North

520-405,000                       Warm Conditions, North High Sea Levels, northern migrations

478-424,000                       Glacial   MIS 12   54,000 YRS of Low sea levels, migrations to the south

424-374,000                       Interglacial  MIS 11  50,000 YRS  migrations to the north

405-380,000                       Froze over in 25,000 years, adapt or die during migrations south

380-340,000                       Quick freeze, Low sea level Northern Glaciers  for 40,000 yrs

340-330,000                       Super Warm Conditions  high sea levels migrations back to the north

330,000-312,000              Froze over in 18,000 years  adapt or die  migrations south

330,000-230,000             Glacial    100,000 yrs of low sea levels and southern colonization, fled north

312-240,000                       Extended Low sea levels  Land bridges exposed 72,000 years migrations south, Sundaland above sea level

240,000 - 225,000            Interglacial  15,000 yrs migrations from south to north

237,000                                 North Warm Conditions,  High Sea Levels

231,840                                 The Beginning Kolbrin  Civilized Society of the Gods (speculative date)(20 years per generation) Northern Culture

*A range from 231,840-181,840 BP for the beginning mentioned in the Kolbrin would reflect a generation defined as between 15-20 years. 

237-225,000                      Began with North Warm Conditions, High Sea Levels but Froze over in 12,000 years   adapt or die


225,000                                 Low Sea Level    Glaciated North migrations south

200,000-130,000                Glacial  MIS 6     70,000 southern settlements preemptive

181,840                                 Kolbrin continuing at 15 years a generation, Southern culture

180-135,000                     Low Sea Level    Glaciated north  migrations south


135-130,000                       Glacial   (resembles Younger Dryas but longer)

135-130,000                       Froze in 5,000 years then 15,000 years warm


130-115,000                     Interglacial  MIS 5e    

130-115,000                       Interstadial warm,  Present Sea Level Height +135 M, Eemian

130,000-115,000                Northwest Passage  Open as per European legend

130,000                                 Hyperboreans?

132,400                                 Melancovich Cycle           Minimum axis tilt 22.1

125,000                             North Warm Conditions, High sea levels, Hippos in the Thames

118,000-18,000                Latest Glacial: 100,000 years long and the modern world emerged from it

110,000 `                             Glacial begins Rapid cooling North, sea level drop, warm South

92,700                                   Melancovich Cycle Maximum axis tilt 24.5, Wurm glaciation

79,000                                   Greenland Crater Asteroid Strike

75,000                                   Toba eruption Cooling Climate, bottleneck mammals SE Asia 

71-12,000                            Glacial MIS 2-4, 5a-d  40,000 years

@70,000                               Scholz’s Star   .8 Light Yr from sun binary star inside Oort Cloud flyby

66-60,000                             Great Blue Hole Above water, lower sea level, glaciated north

41,400(+-2000)                 Laschamp Event:               magnetic pole reversal for 440 years

39,400- 40,000                  Italy:   huge Campanian Ignimbrite (CI) volcanic eruption

40,000                                   Europe:   Severe Cold, Low, Sea Levels, Land bridge Italy/Africa

22,000-18,000                   Lowest Sea Level   Greatest Extent of Northern Glaciation, land bridge between Africa and Europe.  Beringia and Sundaland habitable    Migrations

21,400 +-9000                   Tenoumer Crater Mauritania asteroid hit or explosion?  Close to Richat


18,000                         Mediterranean 2 freshwater lakes valley, Gibralter landlocked

16,000                         Sea Level Rise beginning

15,000                         Antarctica partly ice free, low sea levels, Scotia Plate

15,000                         Oronce/Reis maps  Northern Glaciation, Shallow Southern Seas *

14,800                         Egyptian legend:  Shemsu-Hor:  End of the Reign of Gods from 38,000 bp 

14,700 to c. 12,700     Bolling Allerod  warm moist climate northern hemisphere world

13,000                         Lake Agassiz Great Lakes Area, 1st warming melt flood

13,500-12,800             Global Warming, Sea Level Rise, Clovis (1300 years), Atlantis     (1150 years)

Return to Glaciation for 1,300 Years:  Younger Dryas Cooling

12,900-13,000             Greenland Asteroid Strike?  Flood?

12,900                         Quebec Comet Strike Caused flood, disrupted warm current to N. hemisphere, Saginaw crater

12,900                         Carolina Bays and Nebraska sandhills were formed from bolide

12,900                         Quari Lagoon Brazil strike      bolide strike

@12,900                      Bolides:   Corossol, Lloydminster and Bloody Creek Canada

12,800                         Global Cooling, Pleistocene Megafauna extinction, Clovis End

12,700                         Began Warming Trend  

@11,840                      Deluge   Kolbrin   Ark legend, The Destroyer

11,650                         Atlantis Disappeared under the sea (Plato’s date)

@11,500                      Interstadial   2nd Global Warming Sea Level Rise

10,700            ?          Melancovich cycle   maximum 24.5 axial tilt


10,000                         Argentina Rio Quarto Craters asteroid strike


10,000                         Lake Agassiz  Refilled with glacial melt

10,000                         Antarctica Larson ice shelf froze over

9,640                           Bolide hit  SE Asia, S. Australia, Indian Ocean ,Scandinavia, Azores, SW Mexico, Tierra del Fuego

9,640                           Another Destroyer Kolbrin  bolide

9,500                           Bolide Indicator  radiocarbon blip in dendrochronological record

9,440                           Kolbrin Written?  From the Destroyer +200 years, 10 generations

8,000                           Axial Tilt Theory 24.1 then 23.5 now

8,200                           Lake Agassiz                Final flood, 9ft rise sea levels

8000-4,000                  Greenland warm period   Settlements, seafaring, Minoan warming, bronze age, Moundbuilders?


5000-4,500                          Indian Ocean Burckle Crater, tsunami, bolide hit? Taurid?

5000-4,500                          Tigris Euphrates systems hit with floods

4,345                                     Dodwell Karnak  25o 09’ 55”  precession aberration observed (Burckle?)

4,350                                     CLIMATE CHANGE  End of Neolithic Wet Phase, severe droughts ensued

4,300                                    Buache/Bouvet maps, Onset of Glaciation in N. Antarctica, Rising Sea levels, drying of the Sahara, N. Hemisphere warming

4,193                                     Cymbrian Flood:  Frisians and Finns dispersed, final Doggerland flooding

 4,000                                    End Greenland warm period   End of N. America, Greenland contact

4,200                           Climate Change End of Warm Period from 9,640 BP


Dodwell Karnak                                  4,345                                25o 09’ 55”  precession aberration observed  

Dodwell Karnak                                     3,570                 24o 32’ 06”

Dodwell Chinese                                  3100                  24o 13’56”

Dodwell Chou Kung                             3100                  23o 54’04”

Dodwell Hindu                                    2,900                 24o 11’04”

Dodwell Ben Maimon                         1174                  23o 31’51”  Cordova

Dodwell Nasar-Al-Din                         1290                 23o 31’40”  Maragha Persia

Melankovich Cycle                                present          23.1 axial tilt and decreasing to 22.1, 11,700 years away

Axial Shift                                                 present          axial tilt accelerates 2.6 cm a year  due Greenland Melt








Maltese Islands and the Mediterranean Sea 



Time scale (years)

Geographical State


10000 - recent

Islands on submarine elevation which connect with Sicily


Final Wurmian

23000 - 10000

Connected to Sicily

125000 - 23000

Isolated Islands

Early Wurmian


Connected to Sicily

150000 - 125000

Isolated Islands




Connected to Sicily, Tunisia, Libya and Sardinia

Mindel-Riss I/glacial


Connected to Sicily, Tunisia, and Libya



Connected to Sicily and East Mediterranean lands


1 - 11 million

Land bridge connecting Europe to (?)Africa



11 - 25 million

Land bridge connecting Europe to (?)Africa


Epicontinental; depth 30-40 ft



Epicontinental: uplift of land shown by Blue Clay and Sandstone


Epicontinental: depth 600 ft


Epicontinental: depth 30-180 ft


25 - 40 million







Figure 3: Distribution map of reconstructed lake levels across Africa, 9,000 years ago relative to today.

Data are from the Oxford Lake Level Database (COHMAP members, 1988, Street-Perrott et al., 1989) updated with lake-level reconstructions generated in the last twenty years (Tierney et al., 2011).

© 2012 Nature Education All rights reserved.


Climate change is nothing new for the human race.  Race as in singular and that includes all those whose phenotype has morphed into the combo that is us today.  Ethnic and possibly haplotypic differences signals something to our primeval brain, something that tells us to clan up and fear anything different, which is sometimes justified but not always.  The weak must surround themselves with others who resemble themselves, rather like an affirmation of their own being. 

I cannot imagine anything more stultifying, rather like the feudal period in European history, or the Chinese emperor who destroyed ancient texts and forbade travel, than a system that demands a lack of creativity and inquisitiveness taking over the world.  I am a United States citizen and a descendant of those who fought in the Revolutionary War to free ourselves from Britain.  Nobody should claim the right to tell you what to think and what you can learn.  I guess rugged individualism is still my credo and I have adapted quite well to a new electronic world when I listened to only radio as a child.  A world where all have equal rights always is a dream.   Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. 

Our species has been here in sentient form for a long time and the Earth has hidden the exploits of the past but for a few vestiges of the former glory, but the legends did persist.  Homo Sapiens is clever with language and transmission of knowledge never fully ceased, throughout the trauma of the end of the Pleistocene.   All myths and legends should be restudied from a new perspective.  Dating methods get better all the time, so redate things.  The Megalith builders haunt our minds.