Wednesday, January 27, 2021


1             A New Timeline   28 November 2013 – June 2019  (JANUARY 2021)

Short Introduction

I was born and raised in Tucson Arizona USA, in the heart of El Gran Desierto that spans the present nations of the United States of America and Mexico.  Archaeological ruins abound in that area and my family enjoyed scouting out rock art and pottery strewn sites of the Hohokam and Salado.  Those experiences plus weekly trips to the library where some long forgotten librarians had created a dreamland in history that allowed me to feed a lifelong interest.  I thank to this day whomever it was over there at the Tucson Carneige library who loved history and passed it on to the citizens of Tucson. 

Receiving a classical education based on Greco-Roman and Anglo thought and achievement, I was taught European and American history and a survey of world history as it was known at that time.  We had Columbus Day off and learned to recite the Columbus poem, never doubting he was the first European to visit the Americas, even though Leif Erickson remained a possibility due to the Norse lobby who maybe could smite with Thor’s Hammer. 

I will say those people who taught history were sometimes wrong about what happened and the further back in time, the greater the error, which tended to compound itself.  I am always amazed by the certainty of historical dogma, which has produced way too many strictures on the examination of knowledge and alternate theories.

I like alternatives, variables, and choices.  The more ways to interpret data, the better.  Data interpretation is not an ego exercise or an artistic exercise but is a factual exercise.  Defending one’s theory is one thing, but suppression of alternative theories is another.  Our world is in a data flux right now, and interpretive data creation is hugely important.  Everybody needs free access to all the historical data and everybody needs to refrain from crowing about other’s mistakes in order for data sharing to proceed.  New data brings new determinations.  Ego need not apply.   

I like Wikipedia and I thank them for all the data, which is so useful in the area of human genetics and so many other areas.  Please donate to their cause.   I love the internet and all the data out there.  That’s what my Timeline is, a small compendium of data through a history reaching 3,000,000 BP to the present, with emphasis on the genetic proliferation of Homo and the indicators of extremely ancient civilizations previously thought to be mythology.  Electronic publishing is wonderful, because of the opportunities to revise as new data adds to our understanding.  If incomplete data led to a fallacious conclusion, then correct it immediately.  I’m not one to defend the indefensible. 

Dating methods are crucial.  Carbon 14 is possibly not as accurate as portrayed, since factors other than deposition must be considered when judging the accuracy of C 14 dating.  Artificial nuclear explosions deposit C14 as does the sun during certain conditions.   And C14 dating only goes back 50,000 years.

I also thank the astute authors and players in their TV shows like Ancient Aliens and Decoded and America Unearthed for their interesting interpretations and presentations.  Using their shows for leads, I was able to research topics I didn’t even know existed, like the Ica Stones and Father Crespi and the obvious Inca structures atop far earlier megalithic structures.  I look forward to their shows!  They could be right about aliens landing on Earth but I believe there existed in the misty past, a grand human  civilization that was destroyed at the end of the Pleistocene.  This civilization had settlements in many different parts of the world and locally developed civilizations had hooked up, like ours today.  I do believe that rising sea levels combined with a monster bolide just eliminated it, leaving only tattered remnants of humanity to recreate what they had lost, which remained in mythology and religious compilations.  I thank George Dodwell for documenting an aberration in the ecliptic that coincides with a bolide hit and the drying of the Sahara and Levant and the subsequent fall of nations.  I thank Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas, who produced Uriel’s Machine, a comprehensive explanation of the meaning of megaliths and their observatories.  The work of these men contains religious musings, which does not disarm the actual data.  I just concentrate on the facts.     

Rising sea levels and bolide hits and climate change and Antarctica freezing over and now it’s melting again!  We live in flux and cataclysmic possibilities and I think it’s time we guarded our planet with early warning defense systems.  All nations should cooperate and see if we can avert being hit yet again by bolides.  The fall of some human civilizations is inexorably linked to bolide hits…..                                                          

What is related to what or is all related in some way?  I am interested in direct relationships like climate change and human developments like the fading of Neanderthal as a distinct subspecies of Homo about 18,000, at the height of the last glacial period, which ended about in a range of dates centered on about 13,000 BP.  Times of low southern seas and icy northlands alternated with times of seas  450 meters higher than today and very warm global temperatures and all those fluctuations in between, like the brief glaciation from 12,800 – 11,500 BP called the Younger Dryas.  Neanderthal survived several glaciations without the ecological competition of Archaic Sapiens but did not survive as a distinct subspecies but did survive in the genes of sapiens located outside of sub-Saharan Africa.  

Humans survived all this intense environmental change but did humans develop prior civilizations that were destroyed, leaving tattered remnants of society to carry on as best they could at first salvaging and later creating their own culture designed to cope with survival needs?  Survival needs dictate what human cultures emphasize and it never fails to amaze me that odd implements and structures are always labeled religious, when they might merely be the remains of a playground and picnic area or part of a waste disposal or water system.  I know the largest structures in my community are government buildings and private enterprise businesses and utilities, not ceremonial centers.  After a tour of numerous pyramids and ruins in Mexico, I noticed that some had roofless pillars surrounding a courtyard area, which looked like a market to me.  I imagined the branch and frond shade and the stalls beneath, displaying woven goods, food and pottery for sale, not just heads rolling and beating hearts placed for the Chackmool.  At Palenque, well away from Pacal’s tomb, are the ancient bathing springs and remains of stacked stone bathhouses or apartments where the people lived.  Not all unexplained structures or artifacts must be labeled as ceremonial until proof is shown.  Open thy mind.  I do not believe the Great Pyramid at Giza is a tomb. 

A word about the dates in the timeline.  For the genetic data that showed a date range, I choose the oldest date to display on the timeline.  I have thought for years that human history is older and more complex with subspecies than anybody was willing to admit.  The timeline begins at 3,000,000 BP because that is the earliest stratigraphic date for tool remains.  These remains are of Astralopithicus, an early Homo like species that created the Oldowan technology, which is also associated with Homo Erectus, who exhibited fire use in EuroAsia 1,500,000 BP.  The actual timeline begins with the Neanderthal settlement of Europe and the Asian continent.  At one time, the mating possibilities for Sapiens females was at least Archaic Sapiens, Neanderthal, Denisova, Erectus, Flores and possibly other variations on the Homo theme.  Who were the chosen ones?  The strongest, the most intelligent, the planners?  The best hunters?

In the animal world of which Homo sapiens is a part, a female will choose a mate on the basis of what is offered besides just the sexual aspect.  Females need a safe place to have young and plenty of food for themselves and their young.  Needs are simple and choices are simple and a smart female will be wise in choosing. 

These simple animal behavior guidelines apply to sapiens also.  Left to her own devices without cultural dictates, a human female will choose a mate who belongs to a family who has strong children, a mate who brings home the buffalo, a mate who has standing in the group as a result.  When archaic sapiens encountered Neanderthal, breeding did take place and this breeding apparently favorably influenced the human immune system and genes from the Neanderthal line helped sapiens in some way because the genes flowed through the entire gene pool, which indicates a favorable change.  According to research I ran across, Africans do not carry this change and nor do they carry Neanderthal genes, but research shows commonality with Neanderthal in Africa, a sort of back migration effect.  Sapiens females made a favorable choice when they chose Neanderthals to father their children.  Maybe those males were good hunters and maybe their children inherited paler skin as an adaptation to northern living conditions, a stocky physique that was adapted to ice age conditions, and an improvement in their immune system.  Were the first generation male children mules?  Some evidence suggests that the females produced were fecund and comely, but the first generation males were competitive and warlike and possibly sterile.  Archaic sapiens encountered diseases carried by Neanderthals and they could not survive and flourish as a group without an alteration in the immune system carried only by Neanderthals.  Admixture produced a population of the disease resistant.

Shovel shaped incisors are another issue connected to interbreeding with Homo erectus since Homo erectus carried shovel shaped incisors as do many Asian  populations and Amerinds.  Three Denisovan lineages have been found in the South Seas, Taiwan and South America, which shows an early migration of humans across the shallow South Seas, skipping from island to island across a vastly more shallow Pacific Ocean than exists now.  Homo erectus is associated with rafts or boats along the Asian coast at an early time.  This migration could have taken place during the last glacial 110,000 to 20,000 BP or even during the previous glacial which ended about 140,000 years ago, which is more probable.   It could have occurred earlier also…

Genetic data for the out of Africa thesis indicates a departure date for the present slate of Archaic Sapiens of about 70,000 BP but I have seen varying determinations of this date, some of which were vastly later or earlier.   However, a logical date would indicate the most recent human migration across the shallow Pacific during the last glacial, which began about 130,000 years ago and ended about 13,000 years ago, plenty of time for a technological civilization to develop, bloom and fall and disappear into dust.  I suggest that human populations reached Easter Island before the Polynesians and were the same populations who populated South America, Central America and the coasts of North America.  These were probably the megalith builders of Teotihuacan, Cuzco, Saksayhuaman and Tiwanaku and of architecture on Easter Island.  Austronesian DNA in Amazonia indicates a prior disbursal of a variety of Sapiens before the 70,000 out of Africa cap dogma.   Rapa Nui legends tell of another prior race slain by the newcomers, the Polynesians who spread across the South Pacific.  

Present populations of the Andes resemble those of South East Asia, Borneo and MTDNA haplotype B is found in all of those areas.  Another possible connection is a predilection to doing interesting things with the human ear, like large plugs, holes, curls and massive ornamentation, which indicates a cultural connection.  

I profess that this book is both factual and speculative.  I included what ‘data’ I found, while not sifting by source.  This approach yielded some interesting juxtapositions, clusters of coincidences of facts, legends and weird time coincidences like the occurrence of Schultz’s Star with the Toba Eruption and the disappearance of the ancient rulers of Egypt with the first meltwater pulse of the Holocene. 

Errors exist because the field is so hot right now that changes are daily and the changes are coming from every discipline.  We must be flexible enough in learning to incorporate this new knowledge…..

                                                                                                                                -Dorothy Prater Niemi 2019




1                     Introduction

2                     Timeline

3                     Notes on Comprehending the Timeline

4                     Ancient Overview

5                     Pleistocene

6                     Latest Glacial

7                     Egypt

8                     Recreation Kolbrin

9                     Bolide

10                 Flood

11                 Warming

12                 Trade Routes

13                 The Americas

14                 Alternative Interpretations

15                 Climate Change Sequence

16                 Kolbrin Timeline

17                 Kolbrin Bible Analysis Book of Gleanings

18                 Analysis of parts of the Kolbrin Bible

19                 Photo Credits



Photo credits and numbers and title  

Figure 1:  Post-Glacial Sea Level Rise

Figure 2:  Ice Age Temperature Changes

Figure 3:  Dust as a Causitive Agent Iniatating Ice Ages

Figure 4:  Detailed Glacial Terminology

Figure 5:  By Incredio - Own work, CC BY 3.0,

Figure 6:  George Dodwell’s Data

Figure 7:  B006 Haplotype Distribution

Figure 8:  Map of YDNA Q      

Figure 9:  YDNA C

Figure 10:  Paleoindian Distribution

Figure 11:  Moundbuilders in Relation to Olmec

Figure 12:  YDNA R Distribution

Figure 13:   B006 Haplotype

Figure 14:  Olive Oatman

Figure 15:  Last of the Maori Moko Tattoos

Figure 16:  MTDNA X  Maulucioni

Figure 17:  New England USA

Figure 18:  Browne’s Hill Dolmen Ireland

Figure 19:  Dolmen France de Boussac in Pyrenees

Figure 20: MTDNA Haplogroups

Figure 21: YDNA Haplogroups

Figure 22:  YDNA D:

Figure 23:  YDNA C:

Figure 24:  YDNA E   Maulucioni [CC BY 3.0 (]

Figure 25:  YDNA R1

Figure 26:  Arkaim Russia Skeleton

Figure 27:   Western Russia

Figure 28:  Dmanisi Skulls

Figure 29:  Arkaim Artifact

Figure 30:  Homo Nadeli

Figure 31  Greek Art:  Larousse Encyclopedia of Prehistoric and Ancient Art, edited by Rene Huyghe        

Figure 32:  Post Glacial Sea Level Rise

Figure 33:  Temperature Dryas Allerod Bolling

Figure 34:  Temperature Dryas Allerod Bolling

Figure 35:  Denisovan Hotspots

Figure 36:  Pacific Expansion   By Vrata - modified file:Indo-Pacific_biogeographic_region_map-fr.svg, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Figure 37:  Melanesian Children

Figure 38:  Melanesian Boy

Figure 39:  Australian Man

Figure 40:  Older Australian Man

Figure 41:   Australian Child

Figure 42:  Itelman    By Theodore de Pauly - Description ethnographique des peuples de la Russie, p.408, Public Domain,

Figure 43:  The Mousterian Face La Roche Cotard

Figure 44:  By George Tsiagalakis - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Figure 45:  By Photaro - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Figure 46:  Reclining Lady

Figure 47:  Reclining Lady Top View

Figure 48:  Neanderthal?;f=15;t=005155

Figure 49:  Fat Lady of Malta

Figure 50:  Malta Female 1

Figure 51:  Hagar Qim  Malta

Figure 52:  Malta Megalith

Figure 53:  Modern Australian Art

Figure 54:  Modern Australian Art

Figure 55:  Aboriginal Cave Art Australia

Figure 56:  Dentition Evidence for Neanderthal  Ancestry

Figure 57:  Carolina Bays Nationwide

Figure 58:  Younger Dryas Nanodiamond Pattern:   Graphic from Kinzie, Firestone, Kennett et al. “Nanodiamond-Rich Layer across Three Continents Consistent with Major Cosmic Impact at 12,800 Cal BP”, The Journal of Geology, 2014, volume 122, p. 475–506.

Figure 59:  Nabta Playa Circle

Figure 60:  Red Deer Cave People

Figure 61: Lake Aggasiz

Figure 62:  Ice Age Flooding Eurasia

Figure 63: 

By Francis Lima - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Figure 64:   Climate History

Figure 65:  Yangshao Bowl

Figure 66:  Zuni Belt Buckle

Figure 67:   Hongshan Head

Figure 68:  Hongshan Figures   10 Great Ancient Mysteries of China  Mysterious Earth 

Figure 69:  Hongshan Dragon    Asian Art Forums

Figure 70:  Honshan Jade Woman

Figure 71;  Menhirs in the British Isles

Figure 72:  Menhirs Worldwide

Figure 73:  Stone Circles Worldwide:

Figures 74-75:  The Starving of Saqqara

Figure 76:  Father Crespi Collection

Figure 77: Tayos Cave

Figure 78:   Equador

Figure 79: Trilingual Inscription  Bjørn Christian Tørrissen

Figure 80:        Phaestos Disc   By C messier - Own work,Δίσκος_της_Φαιστού_πλευρά_Α_6380.JPG

Figure 81:  The Sea Peoples

Figure 82:  Phaestos Disc Symbology

Figure 83:  Arkalochori Axe

Figure 84:  Early Olmec Script

Figure 85:  Rongo Rongo Rapa Nui Script

Figure 86:  New Olmec Script

Figure 87:  Mayan Text

Figure 88:  Figure 88:  Shang Script artists-20180222-htmlstory.html

Figure 89:  Neanderthal Dated Art


Figure 90:  Aerial View of part of Carnac

A Druid?  Figure 91:

Figure 92:  Jiroft Script  Ancient Iran

Figure 93:   Father Crespi Script

Figure 94:  Gold Crespi Script

Figure 95:  Equador Crespi Closeup of tile and pants and sandals and script

Figure 96:  Jiroft Outfit

Figure 97:  Jiroft Pottery

Figure 98:  Jiroft Scorpion Man                                                                                      

Figure 99:  Jiroft Large Cat with huge snakes.

Figure 100:  Jiroft Pyramids

Figure 101:  Jiroft ‘handbag’

Figure 102:  Gobleki Tepe Handbags and Dodo Birds or vultures

Figure 103:  Handbags :

Figure 104:  Interglacials

11 9

Figure 105:  Bolide hit recovery trajectory

Figure 106:  Poppy

Figure 107:  Sumerian Doctor?

Figure 108:  Pine Cone?

Figure 109:  Poppies and bags and writing

Figure 110:  Saffron

Figure 111:  Lilies

Figure 112:  Woman gathering saffron

Figure 113:   Was this a treatment room?

Figure 114:  Caral Supe Peru

Figure 115:  Caral Super

Figure 116:  Chaco Canyon

Figure 117:  Saksayhuaman Infill


Figure 118:   Caral Supe Figurines

Figure 119:  Chaco

Figure 120:  Caral in ruins

Figure 121:  Teotihuacan

Figure 122:   Ohio Valley Moundbuilders

Figure 123:  Tools found at Hueyatlaco

Figure 124:  Olmec Head

Figure 125:  Father Crespi artifact

Figure 126:  Olmec and Maya areas of influence

Figure 127:  Olmec Head

Figure 128:  Polynesian Woman

Figure 129:  Olmec Head   Olmec Head at the Xalapa Anthropology Museum. Photo by Christopher Minster

Figure 130:  Olmec Baby

Figure 131:  Olmec Adult

Figure 132:  Kaminalijuyu      By Jonathan Kaplan1938, CC BY-SA 3.0,



Figure 133:  La Venta Pyramid

Figure 134:  Olmec Cantona site

Figure 135:  Saqqara Egypt

Figure 136:  Canary Island Pyramids

Figure 137:  North Africa eroded pyramid

Figure 138:  Monte Alban Zapotec Site   Author  Lsalgador82

Figure 139:  El Tajin  Mexico  Ernest Mettendorfín_Pyramid_of_the_Niches.jpg

Figure 140:  Tula Mexico  By Alejandro Linares Garcia - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Figure 141:  Koh Ker Cambodia  

Figure 142:  Tikal Guatemala

Figure 143:  Cambodian Pyramid

Figure 144:  Olmec Figurine

Figure 145:  Bat

Figure 146:  Bat

Figure 147:  Monte Alto Guatemala

Figure 148:  Zoloizcuintli

Figure 149:  Peruvian Xolo

Figure 150:  Chinese Hairless

End 13  11