Friday, April 01, 2022



 10            Flood 


Olmec Maya                                        10,252                 Begin new Calendar Round   3

In Argentina, an asteroid strike like 30 Tunguskas hit about 10,000 years ago and may have been part of a bombardment of asteroid fragments recorded in the Kolbrin as another visit by the Destroyer at 9640 before present.  This ‘Destroyer’ rained hell on Earth, then circled the sun and came back to set fire to what was left, a story recorded in antiquity, as I estimated the Kolbrin was written about 9,440 years ago.  Maybe these Rio Quarto Craters in Argentina were formed at this time. 

 There were ten depressions, four of them of substantial size. One depression, named the "Drop", was about 200 metres (660 ft) wide and 600 metres (2,000 ft) long. Two more large depressions, the "Eastern Twin" and "Western Twin", both about 700 metres (0.43 mi) wide and 3.5 kilometres (2.2 mi) long, were located 5 kilometres (3.1 mi) to the northeast. Another major depression, the "Northern Basin", about half and again as big as one of the Twins, was sited 11 kilometers further to the northeast. The long axes of the depressions all point to the northeast.”ío_Cuarto_craters

Some other evidence exists for bolides during this time in Southeast Asia, Australia, the Indian Ocean, the Azores, Southwestern Mexico, Greenland and Tierra del Fuego, plus a radiocarbon blip in the dendrochronological record that indicates bolides.  These bolides could have been earlier but are definitely part of the mythological record and the geologic record.  I just don’t quite trust the dates.  The Kolbrin could have been written earlier, and the Destroyer was later in time.  Bolides of various sizes rain down on us every night. 

A quick look at climate change for the era shows a revealing influence on human settlement development.

Lake Agassiz                   8,200        Final flood, 9ft rise sea levels

Well, look at that!  Lake Agassiz empties out one final time, ending a mini cold spell as the world warmed, flooding the Atlantic with glacial freshwater melt once again.  The Greenland warm period began about this time at 8000 BP to 4000 BP.  This was a time of intense cultural diffusion, sea faring, the rise of the Minoan civilization and the Bronze Age.  The Chalcolithic was in full bloom, with trade between the settlements of the great Missouri, Ohio and Mississippi river valleys and possibly Mexico and South America.  Eurasia flourished and sent out explorers in every direction.



   Climate History

A slew of ancient human settlements appeared about the time of the Holocene Warm Period.  And prior civilizations remained and bloomed again under favorable climatic conditions.  The Jomon continued until overwhelmed by the Aoi from the Asian mainland, who built an impressive civilization on the remains of the megaliths lost to sea level rise.  Catal Hoyuk in Turkey was no doubt related to Gobekli Tepe, the marvelous megalith site buried by sand.  The Indus Valley had the PreHarappan horizon, indicating a gradual progression from quite advanced beginnings, indicating starting from quick scratch or a colony or a fallen civilization or refugees from the drying of the Sahara.  I feel that the glory of predeluvian Pakistan/India remained and was used by the Indoeuropean migrants, who established the caste system in order to cement their control.  They changed each other, it appears.  Are the Dravidians the Harappans?  Delightful figurines from Mohenjo Daro indicate the presence of slender dark people, like Africans.  Was that another migration, after the big hair people who reached the Ainu territory and Brazil?  So the next overlay to the population already there came in and new ideas spread as the world climate warmed once again, forming a favorable environment for human colonies and technological advancement.    

I think  MTDNA HV was the result of the Neanderthal/Archaic Sapiens admixture that produced superior physical specimens and these females bred profusely and their progeny spread all over. 

A study conducted by Maruszak et al. (2014) analysed the mtDNA of 395 elite Polish athletes (213 endurance athletes and 182 power athletes) and 413 sedentary controls and found that haplogroup HV is among the most overrepresented mtDNA types among power athletes at the Olympic/World Class level. Haplogroup HV1d in particular carries the 16362C mutation, one of the two polymorphisms associated in this study with achieving the elite performance level.”

Wow!  That is impressive!  What man would not want one of those to mother his children?

 Kolbrin Written?                                9,440                 From the Destroyer +200 years, 10 generations

The Vikings carried MTDNA X and YDNA I, both rare haplotypes today.  MTDNA X is also found in trace amounts in the Americas.  Vikings also carried YDNA R1a and R1b, possibly to the North American shore in their ramblings.  The Vikings were a warlike culture from the hunting, gathering and fishing societies that formed after the Pleistocene ended who moved into recently glaciated areas.  When the Neolithic agricultural revolution hit Europe, it became easy prey for marauding Vikings who raided mercilessly inland along the rivers and everywhere in Europe there was a coast.  I think they traveled to North America and contacted the Adena, spreading their genes along the way.  I’m not sure how the archaic R fits in…

The Viking settlement of Greenland came to a tragic end as the climate cooled and their way of life became unsustainable.  The Vikings refused to fuse with the Aleuts, who had a cultural complex that would survive those conditions.  The Vikings died out and the Aleuts survived.  Another instance of endogamy among the Vikings that turned bad is in Portugual, where an enclave of Viking settlers interbred to the point that they have a high rate of breast cancer.  Not good to not fraternize?

The Kolbrin describes an ancient society that also practiced endogamy and punished those who disobeyed with excommunication from their society, until the excluded banded together and attacked them.  This ancient culture did selective breeding, and I cannot help but wonder if it was responsible for the large elongated skulls with odd suture patterns and possible genetic engineering.  The Kolbrin appears about this time, I believe.  Was it in written language?  I think it was.  Did they write of their own demise?  Who really wrote the Kolbrin?  Straggling survivors?  Onlookers?  Or was it originally verbal that was written down eons later?  Did the Neanderthals tell the tales and were they the real people and the Yoslings were the archaic Sapiens?  And the Gods were of the high technology who died during the flood, which fits in with the end of the Reign of the Gods in Egypt at 14,000 years ago during the first meltwater flood and maybe the Tenoumer Crater bolide hit.  The Gods were the worldwide culture that became unsustainable.   But the Gods had left seeds of ideas worldwide as well as genetic remains. 

According to traditional archaeologists, by 8,000 China had a written language as seen in petroglyphs and cultivation of millet had spread everywhere the climate was agreeable and the cultivation of rice had probably begun inland along the fertile river valleys.  I think this activity continued immediately after the end of the ice age:  this was reinstated known technology.  The idea of agriculture must have persisted and persisted as a dream of survival not dependent on hunting and gathering.  Thus agriculture as an idea was already worldwide in remote antiquity.  All you have to do is find food plants that you can domesticate in any given environ.   Domestic animals were known before agriculture, probably accompanying humans since time began and dogs became dogs and elephants were ridden.  What did these new cultures have to reinvent? 

The Daxi in northwestern China were an inland regional center that developed very early during the warming time, creating a form of art that influenced Asian art in innumerable ways.  YDNA N figured in this.   Pottery dating back to 10,000 years ago has been found in China.  Some of the Native Americans made pottery that looks very much like that of Yangshao, indicating to me that the migrants to North America brought more than just the idea of pottery:  they brought form and design and methodology.    

Yangshao Bowl

Compare to the Zuni Indian belt buckle.  The Zunis are located in Arizona and New Mexico.

Zuni Belt Buckle

I see a resemblance here, even after thousands of years and a different medium.  The genetic YDNA relationships in the Hongshan Culture were interesting in that the study I read found YDNA C, N and O in ancient samples from that area, which indicates a meeting of three very different groups, which could have produced a cultural bloom as the new ideas and technologies merged.  YDNA N is associated with herders, and the others were budding agriculturalists.  The Hongshan interest me because of the jade technology they created and their huge impact on subsequent Chinese cultures.  The conventional date is 7000 years ago for the Hongshan but I think it was far older.  A resemblance to the Olmec Culture in Mexico indicates a developed art base that traveled with migrants or that was carried to existing populations through trade and the diffusion of ideas. 

Here’s a few examples of the Hongshan art form.



Hongshan Head

Hongshan Figures   10 Great Ancient Mysteries of China  Mysterious Earth 

Hongshan Dragon    Asian Art Forums

Honshan Jade Woman!


Ancient Chinese Cultures   By Ismoon (talk) 18:09, 16 January 2014 (UTC) - File:China topo.png China topographic map, blank and own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,


These ancient Chinese cultures were positioned to pass ideas to migrants or to migrate themselves in search of new territories like the frontiers opening up as the glacial melt progressed.  Somehow I think that MTDNA B has something to do with this incredible diffusion of ideas that occurred during the Greenland warm period.    

Greenland warm period         8000-4,000     Settlements, seafaring, Minoan warming, bronze

The question of the menhirs has worried humanity for eons but a pattern emerges….either the British Isles were colonized by the menhir makers after the Pleistocene ice age ended, or the creators of Stonehenge were the menhir makers and they expanded from a base in Southern England, which was free of ice during glaciation.  In the British Isles, it looks like the menhirs are concentrated on promontories into the sea…

I wonder how many menhirs are found in the old Doggerland, now inundated.  I know they have been found in the Mediterranean Sea also.   

A worldwide map of menhirs is open to all kinds of analysis.   When did this idea spread?  Or did the idea crop up in various parts of the world independently?  I kind of doubt it.  I really think that Mexico should be included because of Tula.  This is the remnants of something ancient and widespread.







Menhirs Worldwide

Stone circle distribution gives more information.  The Richat Structure is in the stone circle group.  I think the stone circle idea might contain Russia because of Arkaim, actually a refined expression…

Stone Circles Worldwide

Are we looking at the remnants of a once worldwide civilization?  By remnants, I mean cultural expressions in common that persisted after the end of the ice age.   Notice the swath of area between east Asia and the Mediterranean of those who did not do stone circles.  Was this indicative of a seafaring dispersal of the idea at one time?   According to these maps, Iran has menhirs and no stone circles.  I think the stone circles and the menhirs indicate different cultures and the distribution shows ancient powerhouses of civilization, with India, the USA, South Africa, Egypt, Turkey, Western Europe and a few others as probable cultural centers, with China and Brazil and Korea and Mauritania as cultural centers of the stone circle cultures.  This is all supposition, of course, but interpretations have to take new information into account.  The old menhir centers of civilization might have been Iran, Yemen, Ethiopia, Korea, Malaysia, and Argentina. So who were those people?  Were they giants of old?  Some Basque mythology says that twelve feet tall hairy giants lived with the Basques for a while teaching them metallurgy, wheat farming and the saw. The giants were mountain folk and perished finally about 2000 years ago. 

The jentil, are a race of giants in the Basque mythology. This word meaning gentile, from Latin gentilis, was used to refer to pre-Christian civilizations and in particular to the builders of megalithic monuments, to which the other Basque mythical legend the Mairuak are involved too.


The Mairuak were giants who built dolmens and stone circle burials, according to Basque mythology.  Were there two kinds of giants then? 

In English mythology, Jack the Giant Killer was a real guy and Jack and the beanstalk was a real story.  The Greeks worried about giants and the ancient Jews had David, who slew the giant Goliath.  The Moundbuilders in the USA were a mix of very tall humans and normal sized humans.  The Lovelock cave giants were slain by the Piutes because the red headed giants were stealing their children.  German mythology says giants built the dolmens. 

I posit that the giants who built the menhirs and stone circles and dolmens were the remnants of the huge megalith cultures of the Pleistocene.  The cut and polished and fitted megaliths were made by a higher technology prior to 12,000 years ago but the ideas survived but not the actual technology which tells me again that the vanished culture was such that no one human could know most of it, or even a part of it.  Like, who knows how to construct a cell phone from scratch?  That’s why this civilization is so gone, because it was an edifice, a construction with many parts that just fell apart when the cataclysms hit.  What part of our civilization does each individual know?  The mortality rate must have been horrible. 

A sculpture dug up in Saqqara Egypt shows and emaciated couple with elongated heads and suffering faces.  This thing hung in my mind, wondering who was depicted and when it was or even if it is a fake but I don’t think it is.  It is real and it shows the suffering of human beings during a famine. 



The Starving of Saqqara

The suffering is obvious.  Who were these people?

The Father Crespi Collection made in Equador is eclectic, with some fakes, some modern, some old and some archaic.  Some of the pieces that look genuine and archaic to me show great suffering and horror on some of the faces.   It just doesn’t look like they are having a good time.

More scholars are accepting the fact that there was a worldwide civilization during the Pleistocene and possibly before.  In our ancestral memory in the form of legends and art forms and artifacts, the suffering of humanity is depicted.  I remember Guernica paintings in Madrid, and these resemble them in a way. 

Chavin de Huantar is said to have existed 3,000 years ago with roots in the distant past, as evidenced by some pieces in the Father Crespi Collection.  I see a resemblance in art to some of Father Crespi’s Collection. 

Study these faces!  They saw something awful.  What was it?  The end of the established order?  A doomsday asteroid that hit the Earth and left them as survivors?  Read the Book of Enoch! 

Tayos Cave


I see suffering in this art.  Like Jesus nailed to a cross.  And what does the scroll in the middle indicate?  It looks like a written language, maybe an accounting, more dots.  What happened to these people?  Is it a tally of victims of something?

Art and writing reveal ancient connections.  If people knew writing before a societal disruption, they would cherish and preserve it except in dire circumstances. 

People and languages are interesting in that relationships are revealed, be it of a conquered people acquiring a new language to the detriment of their own or of actual colonists who brought the language with them.  The following photograph illustrates the closeness of the languages of the area.  This was found in Turkey and is written in Old Persian, Babylonian and Elamite.  I can see cultural closeness here.   Evidently the Old Persian takes up more space and indicates quite a range for Old Persian.  Bjørn Christian Tørrissen

Translation:  “I am Xerxes, the great king, the king of kings, the king of the lands, king of all the languages, king of the great and large land, the son of king Darius the Achaemenian”

The king Xerxes says: “the king Darius, my father, praised be Ahuramazda, made a lot of good, and this mountain, he ordered to work its cliff and he wrote nothing on it so, me, I ordered to write here.

May Ahuramazda protect me, with all the gods

and so my kingdom and what I have done."  Wikimedia



        Phaestos Disc   By C messier - Own work,Δίσκος_της_Φαιστού_πλευρά_Α_6380.JPG

  The Phaistos Disc is a disk of fired clay from the Minoan palace of Phaistos on the island of Crete, possibly dating to the middle or late Minoan Bronze Age. The disk is about 15 cm in diameter and covered on both sides with a spiral of stamped symbols.”   Wikipedia

The Egyptians warred with the Sea Peoples, a confederation of raiders related to the Philistines of Biblical fame.  The Sea Peoples appear in Egyptian art, apparently defeated, as captives and slain.  The hairdo or hat they wear looks like Roman gear to me but this was way before the Romans but the resemblance might help locate the origin of the Sea Peoples in the Etruscan area. 

When I checked the Net for translations of the disc, there were many out there.  This one says the Phaistos Disc is a mathematical representation.  Check their site for details.

“The deciphered content of the Phaistos Disc is mathematical in nature.  It is a pre-Euclidean proof viz. lemma regarding the paradox of Parallel Lines, very similar in approach to that used by the great mathematician Lobachevsky, more than 3500 years later.”

I prefer a different viewpoint although I can say none of the other interpretations are incorrect either.


The characters are shown next and I will interpret them as hieroglyphics, as pictures of what happened.  I tend to make practical interpretations and the guy with the Mohawk hairdo looks like a guy illustrated in Egypt during a great battle with the Sea Peoples, raiders and ultimately settlers around the Eastern Mediterranean. 

I think this thing is a history of the attacks of the Sea Peoples on the Minoans, the tribute paid and the

I will make a loose interpretation of the symbols as I see them.   The descriptors in bold are from   The first descriptors are mine.  The number s indicate how many times the symbol appears in the text.

1                     running long head man                          marching figure                 11          

2                     sea raiders, sea peoples                        head of human with crested helmet                       19

3                     round head with face abrasion           tattooed head.  A bald human head,  tattoo or jewelry    on the cheek            2

4                     stabbed long head man                         captive standing human figure bound arms         1

5                     roundhead child,was it a hybrid?       Child     1

6                     long head woman                                    woman                                 4

7                     a window?                                                  Helmet  a bell shaped symbol    18

8                     metal fist cover                                         gauntlet  fist with cestus              5             

9                     long head scalp drying on a block      tiara      2

10                 An oar                                                           an arrow              4

11                 Bow with loose string                             bow       1

12                 Calendar?                                                    Shield   17

13                 War club                                                      club       6

14                 Low ship with sails                                  manacles             2

15                 War axe                                                       mattock  1

16                 Knife in a case                                           saw  knife  2

17                 Hand weapon  handle on the top      Lid  instrument for cutting leather    1

18                 A corner?  Cornered?                             Boomerang        carpenter’s angle  12

19                 Slingshot                                                     carpentry plane   3

20                 Water pitcher, conch trumpet             dolium handled vase   2

21                 Fortress                                                       Comb   possibly a palace floorplan

22                 Any ideas?                                                   Sling  double pipe

23                 Club                                                                column  square headed mallet   11

24                 House, deer stand, lookout                   beehive  pagoda like building

25                 Boat with an Egyptian sitting in it      ship  vertical symbol of ship  7

26                 Ox horn                                                        horn of ox  6       6

27                 Animal skin, copper ingot                     hide of animal, probably an ox  15

28                 Horse or donkey hoof(not cloven)    bulls leg  ox’s foot   2

29                 Domestic Cat                                             cat head of animal of the feline family    11

30                 Sheep  ram                                                 head of horned sheep  1

31                 Raptor                                                          eagle, flying bird  5

32                 Pigeon                                                          dove, seated dove   3

33                 Shark                                                             tunny  fish mackerel   6

34                 Cow from behind                                     bee  insect possibly a bee  3

35                 Plant                                                             Plane tree  plant or tree sign 

36                 Another plant                                            vine  olive branch   11

37                 Corkscrew shape                                      papyrus  plant with a fanshaped flower  4

38                 Syrian flower on bracelet                     rosette  marguerite, anemone, eight petaled flower  4

39                 Poppy                                                           lily  saffron flower    4 

40                 Copper ingots                                            Ox back   6

41                 Sail                                                                  flute  2

42                 Waterfront buildings                              grater   1

43                 Pyramid                                                       strainer   1

44                 Dog                                                                small axe   1

45                 Water                                                           wavy band Water    6

I interpret this disc loosely as a recount of a war with the Sea Peoples against Crete.  I tend to agree with the interpretations that indicate war and the high incidence of the crested guy tells me this thing is about him and the helmets of a different shape is also of high incidence, which might have been the enemy. 

I think the animals and plants and hides/ copper ingots and maybe honey were the tribute or loot that changed hands and the Egyptians may have been in on it.  I know pirates were strange bedfellows.    Also nothing like a few poppies or maybe saffron to take home or ingest on the spot.   The worn out bowstring, various clubs, slingshots and the slap on the cheek from a loose bowstring….shields and conch loudspeakers.

The next figure is of  The fifteen Arkalochori Axe symbols from the  Minoan BC double axe found in the Arkalochori cave on Crete, dated about 2000 BC.

Identified as a ‘ceremonial object’, I think it is a retired war axe that was used against the Sea Peoples because the same crested guy is found on this that was on the Phaistos Disc.   It was found where religious rituals occurred.  Maybe it became a revered object after the war, like the Betsy Ross flag or the original Magna Carta or the Dresden Codex.

These Sea Peoples were raiders and pirates made desperate by something, whether it be inland competition or climate change and they were formidable.



It is strange but some of the ancient Olmec script looks weirdly like the Minoan.  This script predates the Maya influenced script.  The Olmec showed up around 1500 BC according to conventional dating, which kind of fits with the Bronze Age Minoan explorations and trade. 


Olmec Script  

Compare the Pacific Easter Island script with the ancient Olmec.  They look alike in some aspects.       

Rongo Rongo Rapa Nui Script

The Rapanui Script does not look like the new Olmec as seen in the next photo. 

The new Olmec script shows new organization and glyphs.  Something that drastic probably wasn’t dreamed up:  it was brought in.







A quick look at a sample from the Dresden Codex Mayan manuscript shows relationships.  This looks like the work above from Guerrero Mexico but does not look like the script attributed to the old Olmec, before the Mayan migrants came and conquered and subjugated the Olmec into using their writing and probably spoken language also. 








I just cannot leave this alone!  Look at the turtle shell oracle bones from China!  I think some of the characters look like the Neanderthal dated art .



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