Start Up Peace Talks Now and Be Practical in Choosing a Course of Action
For a true long term peace, the combatants must all be recognized as a legal representative before negotiations begin. Initially negotiate by giving a speech in alphabetical order, then another speech round unless their time is given to a sponsor, allowing for leaders to emerge naturally. Taking all the existing alliances into account, allow free talk aimed at settling disputes and seeking peace. All members must have interpreters.
Members will include representatives of all interested groups irregardless of prior activities. These groups will suspend hostilities while they meet. Criminal gangs cannot be in control of the homeland.
USA, Iraq, Iran, Britain, Lebanon, Hezbollah, Al Qaeda, Baath, Taliban, Israel, Hamas, United Nations, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Rafsanjani, al Sadr Russia, France, European Union, The ‘Stans, Turkey …There must be others. I don’t know all the names, only categories that include various political groups and heads of state. Nobody is too good to sit next to anybody. Everyone will be required to submit a negotiating position paper prior to attendance.
No complaint about your tablemate. This is what is now. Perhaps the future will be different. You must adapt to existing conditions and not focus on a pipedream or the past. Elimination of groups is not allowed. All should listen to all in honor of the fallen.
Peace from Israel and in Israel, peace for Palestine and Iraq and others in order to usher in PAX GLOBAL. Start over today to avoid the sins of the fathers to be forever visited upon the children, the hell on Earth forevermore. Freedom takes space. Who is there is who is there but losses must be paid. In a shrinking world, land is what people fight over. No more land grabs. Remember, there’s land in outer space, along with resources and riches but exploration is crippled while wars continue.
One huge peace to begin PAX GLOBAL and the grand era of world cooperation. We need an unfettered meeting of the minds after all preconceived notions and orders are cast aside. Nobody can tell anybody who they can talk to and nobody may refuse to listen to another. All sides will be heard.
The world community has problems greater than just the causes of violence that could be settled without more bloodshed. Payments in the currency or goods of your choice. Study reparations carefully. Settle something. Each gives a bit and compromises to a workable solution. Think of the benefits of peace.
And the warmongers in all groups should find another amusement.
I would our generation give the gift of peace.
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