Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Hello From West Tucson

Ah! We sit here today with the wind and dust and no rain in sight. Not much mention of drought conditions except Channel 13 Tucson published a video article on the notorious Colorado river, stating historical proof of severe fluctuations and drought. The Colorado River is like a faithless lover who promises much but cannot deliver, dashing the dreams of entrepreneurs and developers who want to develop something that is no longer there. I feel sorry for them and their money, bereft of cheap land and plentiful water.

There's plenty of water in New Orleans. Maybe KB Home could start a subdivision called Storm Surge View! Desert Views around here are being Mojaveized. Possibly the Sonoran Desert will vanish into the merciless maw of the Mojave with genuine sand drifts at the base of alluvial fans no longer flowing.

So the Tucson paper prints a story about certain developers getting bidless deals while everybody else looks in from the cold except it almost hit a hundred in the shade today, particularly for those listed as having received cushy deals. This is just plain old corruption, the good ole boys running things to make a fast buck. Where are the good ole girls? Mascarading as women? Downtown has always been creepy at night and too many Indian Spanish ghosts cruise all those empty buildings. So Downtown is primarily a day destination but some in the city would subsidize 'development' that is so often aimed at the consumption of alcohol. Interesting. Now they think they have the money to put in a trolley from the UA to downtown, I guess so drunken college kids can safely ride from the S&M store to the bars and back to their cloisters paid for by their parents.

Tucson is no Spokane, dearie. We had pueblo style houses with little courtyards, not miles of red brick. We looked more like Santa Fe, before that awful Urban Renewal.

Why if you will think about it, you might even think of Tucson as a gateway to Mexico. How about a first class passenger train to Nogales, where it will hook up with one built by the Mexicans, with connections to Guadalajara and Mexico City? That would make downtown boom and nobody would have to pay anybody to start a business there. Mexico is our best ally and we should recognize that fact and use it to make money here in Tucson. You might even help somebody

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