An eye for an eye. A tooth for a tooth. This has been declared your system of justice, but the abuse of even this harsh precept is apparently taking place. So how much damage has been inflicted on you? Are you not restricted to like amounts? The example was given twice, so as to not confuse the academic among you.
Punish and punish and soon you have a cycle of death, a blood feud flaring with an enemy underestimated and ultimately goaded to be very smart and powerful. Our people do not want war as evidenced by the recent election. More pre-emptive wars are not in the offing. The killing of innocents must cease, lest more resistance be necessary. Creating a problem through ineffective policy could be discontinued. Vengeance births vengeance. Nobody is going to make the world safe for anybody.
Forcing resistance through economic strangulation and physical destruction is a worn philosophy that is producing more strife. I make the assumption that less strife is wanted but this may startle the econo-military junta that runs your nation, if their main mission in life is fighting and strategy. Let your strategy makers concentrate on economic salvation and the eventual end of aid money so easy to sign for. Work for the betterment of both communities and control the militarists among you.
Call for elections and civil discourse. Walk the path to peace.
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