Tuesday, August 16, 2022



Recent developments in the Coliseum Arena of politics have left the new normal inflated costs to be paid by the people.  The Democrats are concentrating on ripping the political opposition rather than addressing the needs created by their own policies.  Citizens were told inflation was zero by a contemptuous rico turning his back on questions. 


I think it is time to show the affidavit used to raid Donald Trump’s home.  I think it is time to appoint a special master who is truly impartial to look at all the material and personalities involved.   The DOJ objects to both suggestions.  Why?  What they said they needed must be compared to what they took.  They have already been forced to return some items.


If Chris Wray is using official vehicles for personal pleasure, he needs to reimburse the government now.   How much does he owe?  Didn’t the Democrats depose Zinke over such issues?    Wray appeared to deliberately appoint biased operatives to a ‘case’.  Just ask Strozk.  He knows all the answers and it was rumored that his case information was in what the FBI seized. 

-DP Niemi