Who is it that wants to test atomic weapons in such an unstable geologic region as the Sea of Japan that extends all the way to the South China Sea that intersects with the area of the huge tsunami quake off Indonesia? He needs to look at a hologram of earthquake areas of the Earth, ocean trenches and fault lines before he lines up a blow to end all blows. He might be on the piece that becomes a meteorite on Venus.
Other earthquake prone areas take heed. Qum is not the first quake and will not be the last, if we can go by past geologic events and tumbled cities dust between your anointed toes. You old catamount shrewd enough to state such, speak up. The welfare of the region is no doubt in your thought processes. Academic learning and wizard dignity heed the call to peace.
Somebody needs to pay the Palestinians so should it be the descendents of all on the United Nations Security Council who decided on the creation of Zionistic Israel, plus the nation of Israel must make some reparations to these people also. How about an apology from those responsible? Beware of inflation that makes cash worth less every day as you have to pay more for the same thing, hopefully not unto a survival level. An apology would be both priceless and worthless unless it brings peace. A lump sum might make more sense and would get the economy moving. Commerce is what Israel needs, not subsidies.
“Eat, drink and be merry” quoth Shakespeare like he lived now in these dangerous times. Legalize the Baath Party and call for new elections while some of the chieftans are moving towards peace. Unite the Bloods and Crips and Banditos wow let’s try that. Even they would see a common good. Iran can influence the Shia or is Al Sadr not talking to them or what? Internecine squabbling for intangible rewards? People are dying. We need to talk to these people now. Can Saddam stop it?
If North Korea blows a wedge out of the world or makes that crack in the world bigger and Japan is sweeping seaweed off the mountaintops, then I guess all the talk was a waste of time.