“Vengeance Be Mine,” saith The Lord.
Ehud Olmert is Prime Minister of Israel and appears to hold all the reins of power to commit to a course of action defined as annihilation of a group of people who call themselves Hezbollah. When the Nazis attempted to exterminate the Jews, an outcry of defense for them has been heard for 65 years and all aid was accepted as their due. The moral structure of our civilization prohibits the ‘extermination’ of groups for the convenience of another. I believe the old Testament says to do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
This problem cannot be solved militarily, particularly when the training exercise in Gaza escalated to full scale war over the kidnapping of 3 soldiers. Does a Prime Minister have such powers without the mandate of the suffering electorate? Can his power be curbed or is this a military takeover of a ‘Democratic’ government? An Israeli official now says it is impossible to seize all of Hezbollah’s weapons. Further military incursions help no cause. It is interesting to note that the invasion is coming from Israel, not Lebanon. Withdraw to the international border or is this a land and water grab in the disguise of preemptive warfare?
I believe in the right of an individual to own a firearm. If that right is forfeit through the use of a firearm during a legally defined crime, so be it. It is a natural human response to arm if their neighbors do so, certainly if murderous intent is declared. Those who live by the sword shall die by the sword. The belief in individual rights has no international boundaries and banning firearms for certain groups based on ethnic differences is undemocratic. The possession of firearms is not an issue to regulate but is an issue to respect when dealing with neighbors. Possibly the missing MWDs are floating around somewhere.
Vengeance solves nothing. Civil discourse with enemies is necessary.