The Sins of the Fathers
Animosities ancient beyond our own beginnings as a coherent people
Bubbled to the surface if a withdrawal of new forces took place
Proving Saddam’s iron fist the only master
To your vengeance
Time to gamble on peace.
We offer sanctuary for political refugees
As Vegas of future options
Which will lead to peace
Define and control inherited feuds
The sins of the fathers controlling no more.
Communicate with combatant groups
List grievances on all sides
Al Sadr saw the foe of his father slain
No prior demands
Time to talk.
Baathists have a right to vote
Where went the spoils of war?
Call for a new election.
Distribute the oil wealth to the people
Like Indian casino money.
The human cost of is irretrievable
The course of history directed
Logic dictates endgame
Time to fold ‘em
While death holds the winning hand.