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Friday, January 29, 2021
Thursday, January 28, 2021
15 Climate Change Sequence
Change Sequence in Years Before Present
CO2 levels Last time similar to
present warming
Glacial MIS 16 lasted
55,000 yrs southern migrations
580,000 YDNA
A Archaic Sapiens, Erectus, Neanderthal, Denisova, Flores, Australopithicine
563-621,000 Transition adapt or die 58,000 years migrations
563-478,000 Interglacial MIS 13-15 15,000 yrs, migrations to North
520-405,000 Warm
Conditions, North High Sea Levels, northern migrations
478-424,000 Glacial MIS 12
54,000 YRS Low sea levels, migrations to the south
424-374,000 Interglacial MIS 11
50,000 YRS migrations north
405-380,000 Froze
over in 25,000 years adapt or die migrations south
380-340,000 Quick
freeze, Low sea level Northern Glaciers
for 40,000 yrs
340-330,000 Super
Warm Conditions high sea levels
migrations north
330,000 – 230,000 Glacial
100,000 yrs
312-240,000 Extended
Low sea levels Land bridges exposed
72,000 years migrations south
312-330,000 Froze over in 18,000
years adapt or die migrations south
240,000 - 225,000 Interglacial 15,000 yrs migrations north
237,000 North
Warm Conditions High Sea Levels
231,840 The Beginning
Kolbrin Civilized Society of the Gods
(speculative date)(20 years per generation) Northern Culture
A range from
231,840-181,840 BP for the beginning mentioned in the Kolbrin would reflect a
generation defined as between 15-20 years.
237-225,000 Froze
over in 12,000 years adapt or die
225,000 Low
Sea Level Glaciated North migrations
200-130,000 Glacial MIS 6
70,000 yrs migrations south
181,840 Kolbrin
continuing at 15 years a generation, Southern culture
180-135,000 Low Sea Level Glaciated north migrations south
135-130,000 Glacial (resembles Younger Dryas but longer)
135-130,000 Froze
in 5,000 years then 15,000 years warm
130-115,000 Interglacial MIS 5e
130-115,000 Interstadial warm Present Sea Level Height +135 M, Eemian
130,000-115,000 Northwest
Passage Open as per European legend
130,000 Hyperboreans?
132,400 Melancovich Cycle Minimum axis tilt 22.1
125,000 North Warm
Conditions, High sea levels, Hippos in the Thames
118,000-18,000 Latest Glacial 100,000 yrs
110,000 ` Glacial
begins Rapid cooling North, sea level drop, warm South
92,700 Melancovich
Cycle Maximum axis tilt 24.5, Wurm glaciation
79,000 Greenland
Crater Asteroid Strike
75,000 Toba
eruption Cooling Climate, bottleneck mammals SE Asia
71-12,000 Glacial
MIS 2-4, 5a-d 40,000 years
@70,000 Scholz’s
Star .8 Light Yr from sun binary star
inside Oort Cloud flyby
66-60,000 Great
Blue Hole Above water, lower sea level, glaciated north
41,400(+-2000) Laschamp Event: magnetic pole reversal for 440
39,400- 40,000 Italy: huge Campanian Ignimbrite (CI) volcanic
40,000 Europe: Severe
Cold Low, Sea Levels, Land bridge Italy/Africa
Sea Level Greatest Extent of Northern
Glaciation, land bridge between Africa and Europe. Beringia and Sundaland habitable Migrations
+-9000 Tenoumer
Crater Mauritania asteroid hit or explosion?
Close to Richat
18,000 Mediterranean
2 freshwater lakes valley, Gibralter landlocked
16,000 Sea Level Rise beginning
15,000 Antarctica partly ice free, low
sea levels, Scotia Plate
15,000 Oronce/Reis
maps Northern Glaciation, Shallow
Southern Seas *
14,800 Egyptian
legend: Shemsu-Hor: End of the Reign of Gods from 38,000 bp
14,700 to c. 12,700
Bolling Allerod warm moist climate northern hemisphere world
13,000 Lake
Agassiz Great Lakes Area, 1st warming melt flood
13,500-12,800 Global
Warming, Sea Level Rise, Clovis (1300 years),
Atlantis (1150 years)
Return to Glaciation for 1,300 Years: Younger Dryas Cooling
12,900-13,000 Greenland Asteroid Strike? Flood?
12,900 Quebec Comet Strike Caused flood,
disrupted warm current to N. hemisphere, Saginaw crater
12,900 Carolina
Bays and Nebraska sandhills were formed from bolide
12,900 Quari
Lagoon Brazil strike bolide
@12,900 Bolides: Corossol, Lloydminster and Bloody Creek Canada
12,800 Global Cooling, Pleistocene
Megafauna extinction, Clovis End
12,700 Began
Warming Trend
@11,840 Deluge Kolbrin Ark legend, The Destroyer
11,650 Atlantis Disappeared under the sea (Plato’s date)
Interstadial 2nd Global Warming Sea Level Rise
10,700 ? Melancovich cycle maximum 24.5 axial tilt
10,000 Argentina
Rio Quarto Craters asteroid strike
10,000 Lake
Agassiz Refilled with glacial melt
10,000 Antarctica
Larson ice shelf froze over
9,640 Bolide
hit SE Asia, S. Australia, Indian Ocean ,Scandinavia,
Azores, SW Mexico, Tierra del Fuego
9,640 Another
Destroyer Kolbrin bolide
9,500 Bolide Indicator radiocarbon blip in dendrochronological
9,440 Kolbrin
Written? From the Destroyer +200 years,
10 generations
8,000 Axial
Tilt Theory 24.1 then 23.5 now
8,200 Lake Agassiz Final
flood, 9ft rise sea levels
8000-4,000 Greenland warm
period Settlements, seafaring, Minoan
warming, bronze age, Moundbuilders?
5000-4,500 Indian
Ocean Burckle Crater, tsunami, bolide hit? Taurid?
5000-4,500 Tigris
Euphrates systems hit with floods
4,345 Dodwell
Karnak 25o 09’ 55” precession aberration observed (Burckle?)
CHANGE End of Neolithic Wet Phase,
severe droughts ensued
4,300 Buache/Bouvet
maps, Onset of Glaciation in N. Antarctica,
Rising Sea levels, drying of the Sahara, N. Hemisphere warming
4,193 Cymbrian Flood: Frisians and Finns dispersed, final
Doggerland flooding
4,000 End
Greenland warm period End of N.
America, Greenland contact
4,200 Climate
Change: End of Warm Period from 9,640 BP
Karnak 4,345 25o 09’ 55” precession aberration observed
Karnak 3,570 24o
32’ 06”
Chinese 3100 24o
Chou Kung 3100 23o
Hindu 2,900 24o 11’04”
Ben Maimon 1174 23o
31’51” Cordova
Nasar-Al-Din 1290
23o 31’40” Maragha Persia
Melankovich Cycle present 23.1
axial tilt and decreasing to 22.1, 11,700 years away
Axial Shift present axial
tilt accelerates 2.6 cm a year due
Greenland Melt
Maltese Islands and the Mediterranean
Period |
Time scale (years) |
Geographical State |
10000 - recent |
Islands on submarine elevation which connect with Sicily |
23000 - 10000 |
Connected to Sicily |
125000 - 23000 |
Isolated Islands |
Early Wurmian |
c.125000 |
Connected to Sicily |
150000 - 125000 |
Isolated Islands |
c.150000 |
Connected to Sicily, Tunisia, Libya and Sardinia |
Mindel-Riss I/glacial |
c.180000 |
Connected to Sicily, Tunisia, and Libya |
Sicilian |
c.200000 |
Connected to Sicily and East Mediterranean lands |
1 - 11 million |
Land bridge connecting Europe to (?)Africa |
MIOCENE Samartian |
11 - 25 million |
Land bridge connecting Europe to (?)Africa |
Tortonian |
Epicontinental; depth 30-40 ft |
Schlier |
Epicontinental: uplift of land shown by Blue Clay and
Sandstone |
Burdigalian |
Epicontinental: depth 600 ft |
Aquitanian |
Epicontinental: depth 30-180 ft |
25 - 40 million |
Epicontinental |
This timeline is fluid, subject to change when new data
appears. Nothing is definite: all is subject to reform. The timeline is not right or wrong: it reflects data as reported. Some of it is in conflict. New data might be different. If it conflicts with something you have been
taught, keep an open mind.
The sections following the Timeline are descriptive of some of the
elements of the timeline in sequence.
Speculation, visuals and facts are employed to attempt to explain the
timeline and possible ancient civilizations and the end of the last Ice Age. The brief descriptions can be used as part of
a search item on the internet for further research. This was written to augment academia, rather
than challenge or erode academia. We
need open discourse.
Years Before
Present Brief Description
3,300,000 Africa Earliest tool knapping Lake Turkana
3,000,000 Africa Australopithicines crude tool Oldowan
2,400,000 APOE
allele split E4 to E3 (lipid metabolism, Alzheimer’s)
1,600,000 China Homo Erectus, fire use
1,500,000 AfroAsia
Homo Erectus tool/fire use
1,400,000-900,000 Superarchaic
lineage line to modern humans differentiates
1.2-1.2,000,000 Spain Denisovan/Heidelbergensis connection
1,000,000 England
Human presence
1,000,000 APOE
allele split E3 to E2 (lipid metabolism, Alzheimer’s)
1,000,000-800,000 Spain Denisovian Mtdna diverged from Neanderthal
and Sapiens
900,000 APOE allele
proliferation selection, lipid metabolism, Alzheimer’s, 16 haplotypes more
surviving offspring
800,000 South
America Mario Buildreps posits an
ancient lineage spread North with technology
770,000-550,000 Separation
lineages Neanderthal and Archaic Homo
Sapiens split
CO2 levels Last time similar to
present warming
Glacial MIS 16 lasted
55,000 yrs southern migrations
580,000 YDNA
A Sapiens, Erectus, Neanderthal, Denisova, Flores
579,000-176,000 APOE Protein divergence E4, E3,
563-621 ,000 Transition adapt or die 58,000 years migrations
563-478,000 Interglacial MIS 13-15 15,000 yrs, Northern migrations
520 - 405,000 Warm
Conditions North High Sea Levels, northern migrations
500,000 Europe Neanderthal Mousterian established
470,000-380,000 Genetic
split Neanderthal/Denisovan split
470,000-360,000 Genetic
split Neanderthal Mtdna lineage/sapiens Mtdna
430,000 Sima
de los Huesos Spain Neanderthal lineage evolving in Europe
478-424,000 Glacial MIS 12
54,000 YRS Low sea levels
southern migrations
440-410,000 Mario
Buildrep Pole VI Buildings
oriented to Pole VI
Ninjeveh (Sumer), Sippar (Sumer), Eridu (Sumer), Pyramids of
Cochasqui (nr. 5,9,14) Huaca del Sol, Zabala (Sumer), Caral
410,000-345,000 Period
of Crustal deformation: Pole VI to Pole
400,000-270,000 Lineage
divergence Siberian and Australo
Denisovan split (Who We Are)
400,000 Divergence Sapiens Neanderthal Denisova
Erectus Homo varieties
424-374,000 Interglacial MIS 11
50,000 YRS migrations north
405-380,000 Froze
over in 25,000 years adapt or die migrations south
380-340,000 Quick
freeze, Low sea level Northern Glaciers for
40,000 yrs
340-330,000 Super
Warm Conditions high sea levels migrations
345-330,000 Mario Buildrep Pole V
Buildings oriented to Pole V
‘Tomb of Three Kings of
Zhoi, Der (Sumer), Nohoch Mul Pryamid (Coba), Caral, Madinet Habu temple,
Borsippa (Sumer)”
330,000-270,000 Period of crustal
deformation: Pole V to Pole IV
330,000 Mars summer solstice correlation with ‘city’
& ‘face’?
330,000 – 230,000
Glacial 100,000 yrs
311,000 APOE Protein
divergence E3,E2 split
312-240,000 Extended
Low sea levels Land bridges exposed
72,000 years migrations south
312-330,000 Froze over in 18,000
years adapt or die migrations south
288,600 MTDNA
L Macro Subsaharan Africa, became M, N,
R divergence
Mario Buildrep
270,000-240,000 Buildings
oriented to Pole IV
“Yagul, Juara (Sumer), Great Kyz Kala, El Castillo (Chichen Itza),
Pyramid of Koh-Ker”
240,000-225,000 Period
of crustal deformation Pole IV to Pole III
250,000 Hueyatlaco Mexico Human
presence, tools, browridge skullcap
240,000 - 225,000 Interglacial 15,000 yrs migrations north
237,000 North Warm Conditions High Sea
231,840 The Beginning Kolbrin
Civilized Society of the Gods (speculative date)
237-225,000 Froze over in 12,000 years adapt or die
225,000 Low Sea Level Glaciated North migrations south
Mario Buildrep Pole III
225-210,000 Buildings Oriented to
Pole III
“Teotihuacan, Pompeii (temples), Carnac, Edzna, Tomb of Emperor Zhao
of Han, Antipatris”
210,000-155,000 Period
of crustal deformation: Pole III to Pole
200-130,000 Glacial MIS 6
70,000 yrs migrations south
@200,000 Probable selection
for APOE protein E3 and E2 disseminated
188,000 +MTDNA B006 sapiens/neander/Deniso /Amer/Europe
180-135,000 Low Sea Level Glaciated north migrations south
Buildrep Pole II 155,000-130,000 Buildings oriented to Pole II
Prasat Phum Prasat, Uxmal (pyramid of the Magician), El Mirador, Ka’ba-ye
150,000-220,000 APOE Protein E2 divergence
153,000 Great
Blue Hole Above water, low sea level,
glaciated north
143,000 S.
Asia seacoast raft building, shovel
shaped incisors Homo Erectus fossil
140,000 AXIAL
TILT End of good times, sun higher in sky before, Oera Linda Book
135-130,000 Glacial (resembles Younger Dryas)
135-130,000 Froze in
5,000 years then 15,000 years warm
130,000-26,000 Period of
crustal deformation: Pole II to Pole I
130-115,000 Interglacial MIS 5e
130-115,000 Interstadial
warm Present Sea Level Height +135 M,
135,000? Northern
Civilization Oera Linda Book Mythical northland warmtime *
130,000-115,000 Mauritanian
Coast Richat Structure close to coast
in estuary
130,000-115,000 Northwest
Passage Open as per European legend
Lake Titicaca, megalith
135,000? Saksayhuaman Andes fortress, megalith *
132,400 Melancovich
Cycle Minimum axis tilt 22.1
125,000 North
Warm Conditions High sea levels
120,000 San
Begin gene exchange with panmictic Africa
118,000-18,000 Latest Glacial 100,000 yrs
118-18,000 Low Sea Levels Glaciated
115,000 China Millet
110,000 `
Glacial begins Rapid cooling North, sea level drop, warm South
92,700 Melancovich
Cycle Maximum axis tilt 24.5, Wurm glaciation
90,000 Siberia
Neanderthal/Denisovan female
79,000 Greenland
Crater Asteroid Strike
76,160 Age of Taurus
75,000 Toba
eruption Cooling Climate, bottleneck mammals SE Asia
75,000 Out of Africa Homo
Sapiens archaic migrated from Africa again
75,000 Neanderthals Interbred with Sapiens in Europe again
75,000 Denisovians Admixture Sapiens
74,160 Age
of Aries
72,160 Age
of Pisces
71,000 MTDNA N macro Australia,
W. EurAsia, haplotypes M & R Europe
71-12,000 Glacial
MIS 2-4, 5a-d 40,000 years
70,160 Age
of Aquarius
70,000 Asia Homo
Sapiens migrations
@70,000 Scholz’s
Star .8 Light Yr from sun binary star
inside Oort Cloud flyby
70,000 India Homo
Sapiens in India
68,160 Age of Capricorn
66,160 Age of
66,000 MTDNA R
Macro origin SW Asia? India, Saudi
Arabia, Melanesia
66-60,000 Great Blue Hole
Above water, lower sea level, glaciated north
64,160 Age of Scorpio
62,160 Age
of Libra
61,486 Olmec Maya Begin
New Calendar Round 13
60,160 Age of Virgo
60,000 YDNA B M60 Tropical
Africa, Pygmies some in Iran, Hazara
60,000 Australia Homo
Sapiens in Australia
60,000 YDNA D M174 coastal migration Jomon, Ainu, Andaman,
Japan, Arabia
60,000 Neanderthals Sapiens
admixture in M East, India, Europe, Denisovans
60,000 +MTDNA C NE
Asia, Amerinds, Siberia, Eurasia
60,000 MTDNA M macro Asia, Japan, Tibet
58,160 Age of Leo
56,160 Age of Cancer
56,366 Olmec Maya Begin new Calendar Round 12
55,000 MTDNA U paleolithic
Europe, W.Eurasia, N.Africa, S. Asia
55,000 YDNA E African,
Bantu, lite Arabia, Malta, Greece, Baltic
54,000-49,000 Lineages mix Neanderthal/Sapiens
54,160 Age of Gemini
52,160 Age
of Taurus
51,700 Melancovich
Cycle Minimum axis tilt 22.1,
glaciation & lower sea level
51,240 Olmec Maya Begin
new Calendar Round 11
50,000 Osirion
Egypt Dated Brian Foerster
50,000 Homo Florienses went
extinct on Flores SE Asia as Sapiens arrived
50,000 +YDNA C Indus, Americas,Polynesia, Melanesia,
Micronesia, E.Eur
50,000 MTDNA Q Australia,
Melanesia, New Guinea
50,000 +MTDNA B2Origin
in SE Asia, found in Americas
50,000 MTDNA P Australia,
Melanesia, Phillippines, Bataan origin SE Asia
50,000 +MTDNA A Origin
Asia: N. America, Aleuts, Siberia, N. Asia
50,160 Age
of Aries
49,000-44,000 Lineages mix Denisovans/Sapiens
48,000 +MTDNA D E Asia,
China, Amerinds, NE Asia, Central Asia
48,000 YDNA F M89 macro SW Asia, SE Asia 90% nonafrican
48,160 Age of Pisces
47,000 YDNA K macro S&W
Asia, Formed T-R Y haplogroups
47,000 Aurignacian
CroMagnon (tall form?) Europe R1b Ydna, MTDna H
47,000 YDNA K SW Asian
origin, Australia, Micronesia, Melanesia
47,000 YDNA M-P256SE
Asia, Melanesia, W New Guinea,
46,000 Age of Capricorn
46,124 Olmec Maya Begin
new Calendar Round 10
45,000 MTDNA J paleolithic
Europe, origin Levant/Caucasus
45,000 YDNA H M69paleolithic
India, tribal India, Sri Lanka, Dravidians
44,160 Age
of Aquarius
43,400 MTDNA F E Asia,
SE Asia, Taiwan
42,160 Age of Pisces
40,160 Age of Scorpio
41,000 YDNA P macro became
Q, R not found in Africa
41,000 YDNA O (M214) E
Asia, Melanesia, SE Asia
40,998 Olmec Maya Begin
new Calendar Round 9
40,400 MTDNA K Ashkenazi,
Neolithic farming populations, Levant
40,160 Age
of Libra
41,400(+-2000) Laschamp Event magnetic pole reversal for 440
39,400- 40,000 Italy
huge Campanian Ignimbrite (CI) volcanic eruption
40,000 Europe Severe Cold Low Sea Levels
Land bridge Italy/Africa
40,000 Classic
European Neanderthal population decimated
40,000 Neanderthal Uluzzian mix of Mousterian and Aurignacian
40,000 Neanderthal Assimilation/decline of Neanderthal phenotype
40,000 England Chlorine
date Stonehenge
40, 000 Africa East and West African
populations mix
38,000 Egypt Mythology
“Gods” Reigned in Egypt until 14,800 bp
38,000 Megalith
Builders Final Civilization began
38,000? Puma Punku, Tiwaniku?Andes, Lake
Titicaca, megalith *
38,000? Saksayhuaman? Andes fortress, megalith *
38,000? Croatian Pyramids Found with
Stone Balls
38,000? Costa Rica Stone Balls arranged
38,000? Baalbek Megalith platform
38,000? Rapa Nui/Easter I. Saksayhuaman
style rockwork, megalith statues
39,000 MTDNA
E SW Pacific, Guam, Saipan, Indonesia, Philippines
38,160 Age
of Virgo
37-42,000 admixture
Roumania Oase 1, 4-6 generations from Neanderthal
36,160 Age of Leo
36,400 Egypt pyramids construction
dated using sky alignments
35,872 Olmec
Maya Begin new Calendar Round 8
35,700 MTDNA
G Ainu, Japan, Mongol, Tibet, Jomon, Sea of Okhotsk
35,000 Europe
Chatelperronian/Mousterian became Gravettian?
150-35,000 Hominim admixture Europe, Asia, Africa, migrations,
35,000 Americas Homo Sapiens migrations
34,700 YDNA
R M207 Central Asia disbursal
Age of Cancer
33,300 MTDNA
Y Ainu, N. Pacific, Sakhalin,
32,160 Age of Gemini
32,000 La
Roche Cotard, France Le Masque Mousterien, Neanderthal
31,840 Re-creation
Kolbrin emergence of modern societies
31,700 YDNA
J P209Arabia, Ethiopia, Egypt, Anatolia, Med. Sea
30,756 Olmec
Maya Begin new Calendar Round 7
30,160 Age
of Taurus
30,000 YDNA
G Baltic, Mediterranean area, Pakistan, Alps
30,000 YDNA
I M170 Bosnia, Macedonia, Danes, Finns, Iceland, Sardinia
30,000 MTDNA
HV origin central Asia, paleolithlic Europe, WAsia, S. Europe
30,000 +MTDNA
X Levant, N America, Druze, Scots, Algonquin, Sioux, Dene
30,000 YDNA L (K, M120)Indus Valley origin, Dravidian, S. India, Afghan, Syria
28,160 Age of Aries
27,000 Homo
Erectus Phenotype extinct or
assimilated into Sapiens etc.
26,160 Age of Pisces
26,000-present Mario Buildrep
Pole I Buildings oriented to Pole 1 “Borobudur, Konark Sun Temple,
Temple of Horus, Pyramids of Giza, Tomb of Emperor Ping of Han”
25,000 YDNA N N Eurasia, Siberia,
Finns, Saami, Baltics, Yakuts, Hungary
25,000 MTDNA H Europe, Med. Sea,
Gravettian, Magdalenian, Minoan
25,000 European Asian Split Genetic
markers for migration
25,000 MTDNA T origin Levant, Eurasia,
25,630 Olmec Maya Begin new Calendar
Round 6
24,160 Age of Aquarius Water bearer
23,000 Israel evidence cultivation
23,000 MTDNA I Europe Carpathian, Iran,
glacial expansion, Anatolia
23,900 MTDNA W minority clade,
Pakistan, Kurds, Caucasus, Australians
22,400 YDNA
E3b M215Ashkenazim, Sephardim, Sardinia, Europe, Africa, Tunis
22,160 Age
of Capricorn Goatfish:
22,000 Lowest Sea Level Greatest Extent of Northern Glaciation, land bridge between Africa and Europe. Beringia and Sundaland habitable Migrations
22 - 17,000 Solutrean Spain R1b
Ydna Europe
21,400 Tenoumer
Crater Mauritania asteroid hit or explosion?
Close to Richat
20,160 Age
of Sagittarius Archer: hunting, war
20,504 Olmec
Maya Begin new Calendar Round 5
18,500 *YDNA
R 173Native American
18,500 YDNA
R1b British Isles, Iberia, Cameroon, Caucasus, W. Europe
18,000 Immune
system advantage Successful admixture out of Africa, we are H. Sapiens
18,000 Homo
Sapiens Archaic Extinct EurAsia, assimilation admixture
18,000 Neanderthal
phenotype assimilation competition climate change
18,000 Nazca
Desert Arid conditions
18,000 Bermuda
Rise Island present and on map S of 40th
18,000? Puma Punku, Tiwaniku Andes, Lake
Titicaca, megalith *
18,000? Saksayhuaman Andes fortress,
megalith *
18,000? Malta Megalith Civilization*
18,000 Japan
Yonaguni, underwater now
18,000 India
Kerala, Dwarka underwater now
18,000 Southern
Hemisphere Warm shallow seas more land than now
18,000 Mediterranean
2 freshwater lakes valley, Gibralter landlocked
18,000 Malta
Sicily Italy landmass Menjdra, Gigantica, Hypogeum, tracks
18,000 Europe Magdalenian/Gravettian cave art, microlithics
18,160 Age
of Scorpio Scorpion
17,000? Andes Kalasasaya megaliths at Tiahuanaco
17,000 +YDNA
Q Dominant male haplotype in Native Americans appears
17,000 Rising
Sea Levels
16,407 Shekinah
16,160 Age
of Libra Scales: trade, justice
15,927 Shekinah
15,800 YDNA
R M17 (R1b)Origin W India, assoc/w Indo European lang, Brahmins
15,447 Shekinah
15,000 Oronce/Reis maps Northern Glaciation/Shallow Southern Seas *
15,000 Antarctica partly ice free/low
sea levels, Scotia Plate
15,000 Great
Blue Hole Above water, low sea level,
glaciated north
15,000 India
Sri Lanka Tamil Empire connected landmass, large Maldives Rift
15,000 Carnac,
15,000 Caral
Peruvian coast occupied
15-13,000 Levant Natufian
Epipaleolithic sedentary culture on coast
15,378 Olmec
Maya Begin new Calendar Round 4
14,967 Shekinah
14,800 Egypt
Shemsu-Hor End of Reign of Gods,
Followers of Horus reigned, technology lost
14,487 Shekinah
14,000 Europe
Doggerland sinking, Finns migrating to Frisian territory
14,000 Asia
Sundaland inundated
14,000 South
Seas Islands and shallows inundated
14,000 India
Rama Empire War (legend or truth?) Dwarka
14,000 Sahara Nabta Playa/verdant Sahara
14,000 Egypt
Sphinx? (Bauval)
14,007 Shekinah
14,160 Age
of Virgo Woman, grain
13,500-12,800 Global Warming
First Sea Level Rise Bolling Allerod
13,500-12,800 Clovis Culture North America,
megafauna hunting
13,527 Shekinah
13,047 Shekinah
13,000 Turkey, Gobekli
Tepe, Megaliths
13,000 Japan Ainu Jomon
culture, pottery
13,000 Greenland
Asteroid Strike?
13,000 Lake
Agassiz Great Lakes Area, 1st warming melt flood
12,900 Quebec
Comet Strike Caused flood, disrupted warm current to N. hemisphere
12,900 Quari
Lagoon Brazil strike bolide
@12,900 Bolides Corossol, Lloydminster and Bloody Creek
12,900 Megalith
Civilization decline
12,900 Carolina
Bays and Nebraska sandhills were formed from bolide
12,800-11,500 Younger Dryas Glaciation Global
Cooling Pleistocene Megafauna, Clovis
12,567 Shekinah
12,160 Age of Leo Lion
12,000+ Holocene
Interglacial MIS 1 the present
12,000 Antarctica
Last Collapse of Larson B Ice Shelf +5 deg warm spike
12,000 Oronce/Reis maps? Show Antarctica land
12,000 Arctic
Europe/N.America Surging Sea Levels
12,000 Spain Old Tartessos disappeared?
12,000 China Neolithic agriculture millet
11,840 Deluge
Kolbrin Ark legend
11,607 Shekinah
11,127 Shekinah
11,607 Shekinah
11,650 Atlantis Disappeared
under the sea (Plato’s date)
11,560 Nabta Playa observatory Egypt
11,500 Interstadial 2nd Global Warming Sea Level Rise
11,500 Megalith
Civilization Final Cultural
alteration, assimilation, destruction
11,500 Clovis Culture
11,500 SW China Red
Deer Cave People, archaic characteristics
11,127 Shekinah
10,647 Shekinah
10,700 ? Melancovich
cycle maximum 24.5 axial tilt
10,647 Shekinah
10,252 Olmec
Maya Begin new Calendar Round 3
10,200 Neolithic in
Europe New lineages enter Europe, E1b1, Ashkenazi
10,167 Shekinah
10,000 Argentina Rio
Quarto Craters asteroid strike
10,000 Lake
Agassiz Refilled with glacial melt
10,000 +Americas Na
dene, Inuit migrations
10,000 Chaco
first occupied area
10,000 Antarctica
Larson ice shelf froze over
10,160 Age
of Cancer Crab
9,800 MTDNA
V from HVoa, origin Levant
9,640 Bolide
hit SE Asia, S. Australia, Indian Ocean
,Scandinavia, Azores, SW Mexico, Tierra del Fuego
9,640 Another
Destroyer Kolbrin bolide
9,500 Bolide
Indicator radiocarbon blip in
dendrochronological record
9,440 Kolbrin
Written? From the Destroyer +200 years,
10 generations
9,380 Indus
Valley PreHarappan horizon
9,207 Shekinah
9,000 Catal
Hoyuk Turkey Neolithic, chalcolithic,
cattle, grain, lead
8,000 China written language petroglyphs
8,000 Axial
Tilt Theory 24.1 then 23.5 now
8,160 Age
of Gemini Twins
8,200 Lake
Agassiz Final flood,
9ft rise sea levels
8000-4,000 Greenland
warm period Settlements, seafaring, Bronze
7000 Daxi
? NW China Inland Regional Center 5000 to 3300 BC
7000 Yangshao?
Coastal Center 5000 BC to
3000 BC
7,000 Persia Hammered meteoritic iron
6,500 Sumer Inland Establishment of first settlements
6,300 Indus
Valley Chalcolithic
6,241 Sothic
Cycle Egyptian Civil Calendar began
6,000 Egypt,
Sumer Hammered meteoritic iron
6,000 Sahara Verdant but began drying, causal migrations
6,160 Age of Taurus Bull
5,500 Valdivia: coast Peru Coastal Regional Center/Pottery 3500-1800 BC
5,600 Tauregs Haplotype Ydna E North Africa
5,500 Sahara Desertified
5,300 Indus Valley Harappan
Civilization ydna J
5,247+-4 Sothic
Cycle extrapolated
5,126 Olmec Maya Beginning of new Calendar Round 2
5000 Daxi NW China
Inland Regional Center 5000 to 3300 BC
5000 Yangshao
China 5000 BC to 3000 BC
5,000 Persia Hammered meteoritic iron
5,000 England Stonehenge Conventional date
5,000 Middle East Iron
5,000 Polynesia Expansion
in South Pacific, Rapa Nui
5000 Monte
Alto Culture Guatemala
4,773 Sothic
Cycle Djer Egyptian record
4,705 Atland submerged Oera Linda, Jutland/Doggerland flooding
4,700 Minoan trading
empire begins from Crete
5000- 4,500 Indian Ocean Burckle
Crater, tsunami, bolide hit? Taurid?
4,345 Dodwell
Karnak 25o 09’ 55” precession aberration observed (Burckle?)
4,350 CLIMATE CHANGE End of Neolithic Wet Phase, severe droughts
4,300 Buache/Bouvet
maps Onset of Glaciation in N. Antarctica/Rising
Sea Levels /drying
of the Sahara/N. Hemisphere warming
4,300 Cultural
Expansions Agriculture expands, Age of
4,200 Climate
Change End of Warm Period from 9,640 BP
4,200 Cultural
change pattern of worldwide cultural extinctions
4,193 Cymbrian Flood: Frisians and Finns dispersed, final Doggerland
4,160 Age of
Aries Ram
4,000 Zuni SW USA 2,000 BC – 2017 AD
4,000 End
Greenland warm period End of N.
America, Greenland contact
4,000 +Americas End
Minoans Mining, ydnaR M 173, mtdna X *
3,800 Caral Coastal Regional Center final abandonment
3,700 Bronze Age: Ugarit, Israel, Mittani, Hittites, Mycenae,
Cyprus, Cilecia
3,786 Sothic
3,700 China Shang Dynasty
3,600 Persian
Gulf Strait open and navigable
3,600-3,100 Turkey-Troy Hittite Empire IndoEuropean Language Ydna R1b1
3,570 Dodwell
Karnak 24o 32’ 06”
3,525 3,647 Thera
Eruption Destruction of Minoans
3500 Olmec: S. Mexico 1500 BC to 400 BC conventional date
3,447 Shekinah A Deluge
3,341 King
Tutankamen Egypt R1b1a2 haplotype well
3,200 Rise of
Celts Urnfield Culture central Europe
3,200 End of Bronze
Age Europe Drought Hatti, Wars,
migrations, raiding, drop in trade
3,200 Mediterranean
Sea Peoples Origins Sardinia, Anatolia,
Greece, raided Levant, Egypt
3100 Dodwell
Chinese 24o13’56”
3100 Dodwell Chou
Kung 23o54’04”
3,100 Egypt Empire Dynastic Egypt began, iron smelting
3,000 Scythians inland Asian empire 3000-1500 Persian
3,000 Adena: Midwest
USA Inland Regional Center 1000 to 200 BC
2.900 Chavin
de Huantar 900 BC to 200 BC
2,967 Shekinah Solomon’s Temple built
3,000-5,000 Umm al Binni Bolide
hit S. Iraq
2,900 Dodwell Hindu 24o11’04”
2,800 Etruscans Coastal
Regional Center followed Villanova Culture
2,700 Calendar 5 days added to 360 days
worldwide several cultures
2,540 Swiss Lake Pile Dwellings Historical Reports
2,487 Shekinah
2,350 Maya:
MesoAmerica Coastal Inland Empire 350BC to 1540 AD
2,200 Hopewell:
Midwest USA Inland Regional Center 200 BC to 500 AD
Age of
Pisces Fish
2,139 Sothic Cycle Roman Report
2,113-101 Cimbrian
War Rome defeats migrating Cimbri,
2,100 Teotihuacan: C.
Mexico Inland Regional Center 100 BC to 550 AD
2,007 Shekinah Birth of Jesus
2,000 Moche: 100 AD to 800 AD
2,000 Celts Related to Hallstatt Culture,
E. Europe
1,527 Shekinah
1174 Dodwell Ben
Maimon 23o31’51” Cordova
1290 Dodwell
Nasar-Al-Din 23o31’40” Maragha Persia
1,500- 980 Vikings
Greenland Colony
1,500 Celts Subjugated by Romans
1047 Shekinah
1400 Wari: Inland/Coastal
Empire SA 600
to 1000 AD
1400 Cahokia:
Illinois/St. Louis Inland Regional Center 600 to 1400 AD
1250 Sican Coastal Regional Center SA 750 to 1375 AD
960 Chaco Inland Regional Center until drought 1176 AD
900 Chimu Regional
Center 1100 to 1470 AD
550 China Shanxi
Province 10,000 killed meteorite rain
567 Shekinah
463-163 Europe ‘Little Ice Age’, Migrations to Americas
463-163 Sahara Increase in rainfall until 1800
368-288 Maunder
Minimum Extremely low sunspot activity
240 United
States technological civilization
87 Shekinah
92 Tunguska bolide hit Russia (1908)
2 Olmec
Maya Beginning of new calendar round
(2012) 1
present Melankovich
Cycle 23.1 axial tilt and decreasing to
22.1, 11,700 years away
present Axial
Shift axial tilt accelerates
2.6 cm a year due Greenland Melt
present Age
of Aquarius Water Bearer
as the seas rise
2393 AD Shekinah
next in the year 2393 AD
AD dates figured at 2000 instead of 2016