Thursday, November 10, 2016


Election 2016

So the Election of 2016 is now past, described by the discredited media as an upset outcome.  I followed the entire presidential election avidly and am not surprised that the media is sticking with their fallacious polls, still using them to discuss the election. 

In the Primary, the polls were limited to a subset of voters, those qualified to vote in any given primary, thus raising the likelihood of accuracy.  During the Presidential, some polls were shown to sample voters most likely to vote for their partisan candidate, rather than a representative sample of the population.  After this bias sample was taken, then their candidate was declared ahead in the polls and the media chitchat proclaimed the Democrats the winning candidates.   The Los Angeles Times polls were the most accurate showing Mr. Trump ahead nationally, but were discounted by conflicting polls. 

Online the polls suggested different results.  Donald Trump had more followers on social media and the phone polls online indicated that Mr. Trump would win the election.  I followed the poll discrepancies during the election and was not surprised to find that an NBC poll was allegedly stacked against the Republican. 

And how about the cheating during the debates?  It was proven that the Democrat cheated by accepting purloined questions from Donna Brazile, employed by CNN.  How many other debate questions were provided by network staffers?  Some of the media creeps were even taking suggestions for them to ask Mr. Trump during future interviews.  Isn’t this cheating also?  These morally bankrupt media people were bought and paid for by the Democrat Machine, which surely will be dismantled as a threat to Democracy.  The media news networks need to clean house and they need to do it now, before a new administration gets underway.  Any ‘journalist’ who was proven to take orders from the DNC or any other political organization should be fired immediately in order for the networks to regain journalistic credibility. 

I believe the intensely partisan nature of the Washington DC atmosphere lately is due to the entrenched power brokers begun by earlier administrations and continued on through the loss of the White House to the present.  30 years of this line of thinking has produced a declining USA economy, a concentration of wealth in the hands of a few, huge student debt and fewer good jobs, plus an expensive unwieldy insurance debacle.  This is an unsustainable trend.   I view with relief the Republican controlled presidency, house and senate. 

As for Mexico, we have important, beneficial trade to maintain with Mexico.  About 30% of Hispanics voted for Mr. Trump, so the basis for trust is present.  The deep water port in Guaymas can be an asset for continued commerce through Pima County and maybe the border towns can have revitalized tourism and trade as banking problems in border communities are resolved.  Governor Doug Ducey has initiated better trade relations with Mexico and our representative is Juan Ciscomani, a local Tucsonian.  Things are looking up in our relations with Mexico. 

The Supreme Court nominees will be those who would preserve the integrity of the Judicial, Legislative and Executive branches of the government.  Mr. Trump has already mentioned some candidates who don’t scare people.  The Justice Department needs to be cleaned out and the partisans removed from any position of power or knowledge because they have proven themselves to be untrustworthy.  And for Mr. Podesta, who obviously cultivated sources within the FBI and the Justice Department, will have his own day of reckoning as his reputation has plummeted.  Mr. Comey also needs to clean house and continue any investigations underway.  Mr. Comey has escaped blame for the Democrats’ loss by warning people there were investigations before the election, then bringing it up again in the Weiner Abedin case, then again on the eve of the election, announcing the Democrats innocence of a very narrow range of the investigation, reminding us all of possible, even probable malfeasance.  I’m beginning to believe Mr. Comey is a cop after all. 

Is it possible to pardon anyone before they can be investigated and charged?  The idea of that makes me view it as a coverup, which the current administration cannot want on record.  Subverting an investigation using the power of the pardon is not my idea of justice.  It’s like a hydrogen sulfide bomb in a high school hallway. 

Friday, October 21, 2016


Election 2016

Thinking back on the beginning of the election cycle for President, I see predefined correctness imposed on a gullible grassroots populace via the ‘TV stream’ news being shattered by Donald Trump.  Mr. Trump has been known and liked for a long time in our society, which the TV stream media immediately used to garner ratings and money for themselves. 

Playing themselves for fools, the TV stream media took advantage of Mr. Trump’s ratings while mostly plotting to benefit Hillary Clinton behind the scenes, like slipping her the questions in advance, asking for her approval on ‘news’ pieces, which turned them into vicious journalistic hacks masquerading as decent journalists searching for the truth to present to the people dependent upon them to do that job. 

Chris Wallace is by far and away the best Journalist to anchor a presidential debate.  He went into the experience with a good reputation that is now enhanced.  He was fair; not perfect, but fair.  I thank him and I appreciate the honest approach. 

I follow the TV stream news and the internet news and the Facebook news and the disparities in the polls are such that nobody really knows for sure but Mr. Trump is way ahead on social media and the internet, but behind in TV stream media.  Crowd size is another issue, with Mr. Trump drawing thousands while his opponent draws hundreds.  Mike Pence drew more than Bill Clinton in our town, to give you an idea.  Crowd size is an issue ignored by the TV stream media.  I have heard them dismiss crowd size as an indicator of anything, but of course we know better. 

Social Media News and Internet News allow the grassroots to bypass TV Media News in favor of self-searches, internet alerts, phone aps, and other shortcuts to data exemplified in our new electronic society.  Thanks to our teachers, our population is literate and have been taught to think for themselves, despite all the rhetoric to the contrary.  I know young professionals who unsubscribed to TV media due to a lack of interest or a desire not to fund blatant bias disguised as news.  People are no longer gullible.

The final presidential debate proved several things:  Ms. Clinton lied at least 7 times during the debate, evaded pointed questions about Bill Clinton, talked over Mr. Trump when he was discussing the Clinton Foundation, took a jab at Mr. Trump about taxes when he has broken no tax law, and slandered Mr. Trump’s character.  She sets herself up as an authority on who is ‘qualified’ to be President, without taking responsibility for her errors and possible illegalities and high payment requirements for her pay to play schemes.  Money from corrupt dictators becomes clean and fresh in the hands of the Clinton Foundation!  I felt she was defensive, nervous and showed it by repeatedly smirking at Mr. Trump’s answers, which was condescending and rude. 

So now we are heading down the homestretch in a contest between a Jack of all trades billionaire businessman builder and a career politician wife of a former president who has ‘connections’.  The biased members of the media are part of her connections, as is the Clinton Foundation, the FBI, the State Department and the DOJ and the presidency and the Moroccan King, apparently.  She just wants to continue everything as it is now, so many of these people are backing her.  All this coziness has not produced success in the Middle East arena, nor has the economy picked up, and the labor participation rate stands at about 63%.  That means that 37% of able bodied people of working age are not working.  Obamacare is a failure and Mr. Trump wants to replace it with free market insurance and affordable healthcare opportunities.  His opponent apparently wants to socialize medicine, require payment through income tax, force medical personnel to accept pay cuts, and take over the hospitals and make it all like the VA while taking a large percentage of your income to do so. 

The craziness continues the more I learn about Ms. Clinton.  Foreign policy based on who donated to her foundation was not a success.  The Haiti debacle took advantage of the poorest people to line the Clinton’s foundations coffers.  The King of Morocco bought an audience with Queen Hillary for $12,000,000.  Qatar gives Billy Boy a million for his birthday.  Saudi Arabia gets fighter jets and donates to the Clinton Foundation.  What happened to the stinger missiles in Libya?  Where did the missing billions from the State Department go during Ms. Clinton’s tenure there?  Who donated to the Clintons in Canada and why is it secret?  Why did Ms. Clinton say she wants to assassinate Julian Assange of Wikileaks?  Mr. Kennedy was asking the FBI to enable him to hide Ms. Clinton’s emails in return for FBI jobs overseas.   There are more and more serious questions every day. 

Donald Trump has weathered the Clinton Machine and has defeated opposition within the Republicans that has persisted in the old entrenched interests and among disgruntled losers.  Of course he is not perfect, yet his values resonate with the grassroots voters and he understands how the economy can be revitalized.  He also has a clear vision for the Supreme Court that will maintain our Bill of Rights.  Mr. Trump believes in free enterprise and lower taxes and less regulation. 

I am a Populist and I admire the groundswell of voters supporting Mr. Trump.  His showing in the Primaries was amazing as Mr. Trump, from a standing start, defeated all those other candidates, including the favored of the ‘establishment’ who spent millions and still lost.  This proved that money was not the deciding factor.  The restlessness of the voters became evident as Mr. Trump won.  What was the deciding factor? 

Radical Islamic terrorism and immigration is an issue people will not ignore and Mr. Trump is very conservative on this important issue.  Military security and preparedness is important to citizens.  Getting rid of Obamacare and Common Core are key issues on the domestic front.  Intense regulation and taxation of small businesses has strangled the economy….I have listened to Mr. Trump discuss the problems of the nation and he is expert in recognizing solutions to problems like fixing the tax code and encouraging stateside investment in real projects.

Mike Pence is a huge asset to the Donald Trump campaign.  He bested his opponent in the vice presidential debate and has maintain a steady, dependable presence in this presidential race.  Gov. Pence is a good example of the kind of people Donald Trump will choose to fill his cabinet.  Some people know how to delegate important jobs and Donald Trump is one of them.  His opponent merely chooses whomever benefits herself the most and gives them the job.  Or they could donate to her campaign or to her foundation to get an advantage, rather than relying on resumes and excellence.  That’s why her foreign policy was an abject failure.  She has surrounded herself with self-serving sycophants. 

Looking down through the campaign, I see huge success for Donald Trump, not because he is a perfect man, but because he is right.        –DP Niemi

Friday, September 09, 2016



So it looks like the presidential campaign has entered the last weeks and both candidates have their ways of facing the future. 

Ms. Clinton is more afraid of being indicted than of losing the election, or she would not have used a faulty memory as an excuse to avoid prosecution for security lapses.  A concussion and subsequent health problems would not have been mentioned in front of the voters, except out of desperation.

I did watch Matt Lauer’s Town Hall featuring Mr. Trump and Ms. Clinton.  I am not familiar with Mr. Lauer’s work, but this Town Hall was good, respectable work.  He does have a reputation to hold up and I think he did well towards that end during this program.  He did put Ms. Clinton on the hotseat when he asked he about all the pay for play scandals.  He also asked Mr. Trump if he really knew more than the generals, like he had said earlier.  Mr. Trump adroitly dodged the direct question but did deal with the dicey situation with the generals.  Maybe Mr. Trump does know more about Isis’ finances than the generals.

Ms. Clinton complained about lack of time to talk, but she attacked Mr. Trump six times after giving her word at the beginning that she would discuss the issues rather than her opponent.  I mean this woman made a promise on worldwide media and then broke it six times in the next thirty minutes.  Mr. Lauer had anticipated the attack dog problem and attempted to handle it by asking for a commitment from Ms. Clinton to discuss only her views on the issues at the outset.  She happily agreed then broke the agreement six times.  She can be counted on to be agreeable to whatever, then doing what she impulsively chooses to do. 

I thank Mr. Lauer for bringing this out. 

The media has been under fire lately.  I’ve seen stories of rampant bias ordered by the huge honcho owner and I’ve seen stories of reporters influencing the news with their own inclinations, whether real or paid for by special interests.  How about the one that the liberals had infiltrated the media with friends, associates and family members, exemplified by Chelsea’s $600,000 starting salary?  Ms. Kelly viciously attacks a Republican presidential candidate on the basis of what he used to do in show business and this is condoned in the media and she is temporarily elevated but like Humpty Dumpty is she destined to be.   Editorializing should always be identified instead of being embedded as fact.   

A $20,000,000 lawsuit settlement over sexual harassment and stories of the old casting couch still in use in the show business the news media has become.  Sleeping your way to the top was always an option, apparently.  No wonder the mission became flaunting legs and influence peddling, rather than reporting the news.

Whatever happened to the morality of the media?  Whatever happened to the old ideal that journalists were committed to the telling of the truth and the achievement of justice?  What happened to commitment to truth and justice by the media?  If the media cannot be trusted, then their influence is waning because people have other sources of news.  Remember that bias is a form of lying if you are being paid to spout it.  And due to the tremendous literacy rate in the USA, WE WILL SEE THE LIARS.

SO WHO IN THE MEDIA IS GOING TO SURVIVE THE COMING PURGE OF LIARS AND FOR SALE JOURNALISTS?  The journalists chosen to moderate the debates are going to be scrutinized very carefully by a very literate and alert population.  If the candidates are not treated fairly, we will see it and your careers will suffer as a result.  I hope they realize that their own careers are in jeopardy and that they are not in charge of the results of the debates, even if their purpose is to slant the coverage in favor of one candidate or the other.  Impartiality is the key if they want to keep their credibility.  I’m tired of left right games and I feel we deserve some impartiality from the news media around here.    

Monday, June 13, 2016


Donald Trump and the Will to Win

So now after all the media and sore loser hooraw against the idea, Mr. Donald Trump is the elected presidential nominee for the Republican Party, duly chosen by the people with a majority of delegates far exceeding the required number for a win.

No way around it unless you are that cold eyed guy who used to be in the Sen. Ted Cruz campaign before Sen. Cruz fired him.  MSNBC quickly picked him up as an erstwhile commentator and now he was on the air advocating changing the Republican Convention rules to allow an ‘open’ vote on the first vote.  This way the nomination could be jerked away from Mr. Trump and gifted to someone more malleable towards the existing power structure.  And to hell with the Republican electorate who elected Mr. Trump. 

With so many delegates obligated to him by the massive vote for him, Donald Trump will officially become the nominee and the opportunity for new people to be heard is immense, as ‘party insiders’ lose their powerbase and are forced to more on to other endeavors. 

I like the populism and the surging knowledge levels among the people as the communication revolution sweeps the nation.  The population is less dominated by TV and alternative ideas flood the Internet.  The negative political media coverage of Mr. Trump was counteracted by the fact that Mr. Trump was already known in entertainment media and his reputation as a fair guy was established, and slanted negative stories did nothing to change the opinion of the electorate.   The political media attacks actually made them look bad because they were so obviously biased for other candidates.  Nobody likes unfairness, especially those who have so little defense against it.  And they vote too.

Get out the vote!  How often have I been told that in political meetings!  Now the Republican Vote is burgeoning due to Donald Trump and the Republicans should become in action what they are in fact.  Defeating Hillary Clinton is possible with party unity plus some Independents, some Bernie supporters, and anybody else who feels the present trend is not helping the nation meet the challenges of the future.  So many of us worked to get out the vote but Donald Trump is actually doing it and we can win in November.