Thursday, October 20, 2011


The first item to be examined is the feasibility of creating any given job, the ramifications of continuing to create that kind of job and the resources needed to create that job.

Energy Independence:

Applying this concept would provide jobs across the country as the resources vary from district to district. Natural gas in several places around the country where jobs would be created exploiting it, solar in other appropriate places to create jobs, petroleum in others, wave action energy production on coasts and so on all creating jobs and a desirable outcome of energy independence. Energy independence would save a huge amount of money for this nation and we would not be paying enemies for energy. Maybe they would be too broke to attack us.

Sponsor a competition for entrepreneurs and students highlighting possible new energy sources or a new angle on an existing resource. Offer prizes, recognition and job offers from sponsors. Make these with a local angle, as in Tucson, Arizona working with solar would be local, or a wind solar combo or solar smelter. Florida might want wave action/solar/wind combo. Natural gas combined with wind generators or something brand new that nobody ever thought of before.

This competition would create jobs and stir up new ideas that we need. The institutions of learning could contribute free tuition and other perks to winners to bolster interest. Our students are so creative and so well educated they don't know the intellectual boundaries felt by others. This money infusion into the schools could be based on sheer size: X number of students=Y number of prizes.

Benefits: money and recognition would be infused into the creative world of entrepreneurs and students. competition for prizes would be stiff but the most feasible improvement leading to energy independence would be rewarded. A big prize for the best research lead should be included.

Recall the huge benefits of government support of Research and Development from back in the 1950s. Sputnik and the push in education for science? We walked on the moon! We can achieve energy independence and free ourselves from the expense of foreign oil. And when oil runs out, we will have developed alternative resources to sustain our civilization.


Construction jobs should be minimal because of surfeit of structures. Renovating and reenergizing existing structures is a possibility. Tax/fee/ licensing breaks for spending money that way for individuals and businesses benefits: homes and businesses are renovated and the community looks better and people are more comfortable. People are employed doing the renovations, which is a continuing profession if the field doesn't get too crowded. Unemployed construction workers can compete for these jobs and they already have the skills.

Space Program:

The space program is a logical extension of the R&D money invested during the 20th century that has changed our civilization with the new knowledge. Exploration of the moon could be accomplished through government R&D and through private investment. The mining companies could be given tax breaks for investing in moon exploration, which could yield plentiful titanium, other metals and minerals. Private enterprise is already funding ventures in space exploration.

Expanding the USA space presence could be funded through the military, NASA and Transportation and other nations. Dream up another academic contest aimed at delivering smelted titanium to Earth from the moon. .. Go for USA creativity because that is where excellence shines in our students. Jobs in R&D and fabrication of units and possibly a new space station terminus. Only fund studies of something new or a vast improvement on existing ideas, like floating a payload in like those satellites that 'fall' but then control the reentry.

Benefits: Immediate employment funding for students, researchers and fabrication and construction of associated units. Long term benefit could be the utilization of the minerals and metals found on the moon, which would enrich our civilization and provide long term jobs on the moon and Earth. Our military could develop defenses for our planet and nation and international cooperation could flourish.


Expansion of the roads has been heavily funded throughout manifest destiny, but now jobs and money should be focused on repair and maintenance and replacement of dangerous structures. Funding for more new roads is like the bridge to nowhere but the land of a land speculator who has contributed to politicos who respond to such stimuli. An elaborate storm drain structure at Quartzite is a good example of temporary jobs that produced no lasting economic stimulus and was basically unneeded because it only rains every few years in the Mojave Desert. Money needs to be invested in what will bring in a return, like solar generating stations at Quartzite would have generated a valuable commodity. The culverts look nice, however. This was transportation money. The transportation lobby needs to cut back and take a look at what will truly benefit the community instead of supporting jobs that drain the coffers without an adequate return in tax revenue that is needed to continue the system.

The key here is what will continue the system. What will continue the system?

• maintaining existing infrastructure

• cut back on debt and consider default on usury and ignore rating agencies

• maintain a strong national defense on Earth and in Space

• continue the innovation that our nation has fostered.

• fund research and development in higher learning institutions

• get insurance out of mandatory status and return to the free market

• free up businesses from mandatory insurance requirements except in hazardous situations

• penalize businesses and countries that abuse trade relations or tax codes

• give tax breaks to businesses established in the USA, the more jobs the higher the percent

• encourage national production of common items

• amend the tax code to prevent lienholders from getting a tax break in any form for foreclosures

• Keep our mineral resources here for job creation

• respect the need for unions with fiscally responsible leadership

• cooperation will continue the system, disunity will not.

At this point in time, analyze data on what professions are disproportionately represented in unemployment statistics. Cut back on training programs in those professions, while encouraging training in professions where job growth is forecast by investment. Teach the students these statistics so they can make their own choices.

In the schools, stress a liberal arts program, because we simply do not know where an increase in R&D investment is going to produce another Jobs/Gates breakthrough that changes our civilization. Stress education in the basic skills of reading, mathematics, and composition plus the use of computers in all areas of learning and researching. An educated individual with those skills will be quick to learn new applications and will be ready for whatever is coming. This is adaptability, a characteristic of our species. A technocrat speaks of the future with hope and faith in the creativity of our students and entrepreneurs.

Gaming the system to acquire wealth by manipulating instead of producing is counterproductive to the goal of continuing the system. At least Caesar had a good motive when he violated the Roman Constitution and created an emperor, thus bringing to an end the Roman Republic. The apparent motivation to control as much money as possible without regard to the social consequences can be discussed... The forethought that should go into the removal of legislation formed by the fine minds of the time in an earnest effort to prevent the economic devastation of another Great Depression apparently was incomplete. The economic gamesters even scooped into tax money to further their 'derivative' schemes and continue the gaming to this day. Hang around a casino for a while and see gaming. Gambling losses must be tax deductable for some, just not for the average Joe. And the games continue, tying up cash.

So now remember what happened to Caesar while there is in the here and how an organized movement protesting Wall Street greed and political corruption on all levels. They hit the streets a while ago in New York and now other cities around the world are hosting demonstrations. This is the direct aftermath of all the gaming and undermining and short term thinking. Sure, Z group won but what did the prize turn out to be?

A flat tax would prevent the use of the tax code to discourage destructive behaviors in the community. Right now the tax code is encouraging population growth. Perhaps deductions per child should be limited to one per adult. Any other children after that would be financed from the family income. Of course the rich will do whatever but common sense will dictate courses of action. The reason is that each child costs the government and disparate groups with high birthrates are increasing at the expense of other groups who have fewer children. Part of parenting is responsibility. An individual should have to pay for increasing the population by more than replacement value. Who should pay, but the person contributing to the public obligation? The same should apply to school vouchers, one adult = one voucher. If you have more children to send to school, then you pay. This political hot potato is never tossed around for comment. Possibly this flat tax would eliminate this deduction.

The issue of population growth must come up when it comes to jobs. High unemployment rates are associated with overpopulation. As cadres of workers come of age, the economy must produce jobs for them. Say X equals population growth, Y equals existing unemployment, then X+Y=unemployment rate. If the economy cannot produce enough jobs, the unemployment rate will grow. Something must happen to restore stability: new jobs, less population growth or a decrease in population to match resources, or the USA will have an ever increasing population with a new lower level of poverty every year. It is time to limit the child deduction to one per adult.

The problem of foreclosures and the state of the housing 'industry' leads to the conclusion that any tax breaks for lienholders for foreclosures should be denied. The foreclosures are a drain on public resources, can become a public hazard and devalue neighborhoods, all which harm the community and cost money. The lienholders should pay this cost because they own the property. Local governments should consider laying a fee on foreclosures. Discouraging foreclosures seems appropriate since a study in Phoenix showed that lienholders were less likely to foreclose on high end properties they held the paper on. So the smallholders are taking the brunt of the foreclosures because their mortgage was 'securitized'. Time to bust some bricks! It's time when a schmuck who took out a loan of $200,000 for a property is foreclosed on and kicked out so his home can be sold at auction to a buddy of the lienholder for $30,000, while the government pays the difference to the lienholder. Of course, the schmuck could have easily paid the payment on $30,000 but that was never an option for him. The more expensive the property, the more likely the lienholder would 'work' with the debtor. Pass moral judgment on that.

In conclusion, after cheap money and massive debt bankrupted so many, there are now fewer jobs and more imports. Unions sometimes demand exorbitant pay and benefits, which drives up the cost of local products, which encouraged investment in importing. The daisy chain goes on and on. Them that has, gets. An old adage come true once again. The problem is in the balance of wealth: "We are the 99%" on a sign at an Occupy Tucson rally, seen across the nation in other cities.

Local job possibilities: The Indians have land and water. What crop could generate local jobs? Cotton is in demand. Cotton spinning, cloth, clothes all made here. Pumpkins grow here. Dried pumpkin? Canning takes water, which is scarce here. Sales in other countries? How about greenhouses? Greenhouses in the winter are cost effective. Research on new plant use at the UA might uncover cash crops we never knew we had, like buffgrass flour maybe. Food crops grown here are to everyone's advantage and could provide jobs and lower everyone's food costs. I think Pima County is a natural for greenhouses, which conserve water. Hydroponics and tilapia farms are also a possibility. There is a successful experimental tilapia farm here, sponsored by the UofA.

Already, jobs are being created in the second hand industry, with thrift stores opening all over Tucson. Recessions generate interest in thrift shopping. This shift has closed some retail stores. Interesting, that the price of antiques appears to have peaked with the real estate boom, as a luxury item not so valued during recession. How about a huge thrift shop on the far east side of the UA like the White Elephant store in Green Valley? Employ students on a flex schedule. Remember, the old Value Village store was on 4th Avenue for years of success.

If the city contracted out the landscaping without demanding union membership, more jobs could be created on the private market. Other jobs could be contracted out also, which would lift the burden of high pay and benefits for city workers. No more can be afforded and more jobs would be created in the private sector.

People should contact their legislators concerning tort reform. The stranglehold the lawyers have on the economy is second only to that of the insurance companies. Study the Texas model. The insurance companies are holding cash for all of us but when a big payout is required, they have to be bailed out. Nice to know that AIG now has a new line of credit, is opening a life insurance program with 40 year payouts and is now hosting lavish meetings at a posh resort once again. This must be part of the jobless recovery. The people should be free of these taxes disguised as insurance and they should be free of the costs of Armageddon litigation.

Zoning is a barrier to home based businesses. Unreasonable parking space requirements, retrofitting and inspecting and rejecting all restrict the right of a person to their own property. The purpose of the city should go back to the original charter, which has been interpreted and ballooned into a puffer fish. More jobs would be created if people were 'allowed' to use their properties to make money, like a wood shop, a cooler repair shop, a sewing shop, a bakery, a consignment shop....

Of course, Tucson needs new businesses who do not use water. We have plenty buildings, cheap solar energy, workers, cheap housing, a major research university...what else do you need?


Thursday, October 13, 2011


Ideas for Tucson

The recent international baseball event at Kino stadium where about 12,000 people attended over three days was such a success to be repeated.

How about hosting international baseball here? League games could be played here while weather in the Southern Hemisphere is cold.

Why not build a soccer field out there on some of that land downtown? Let go of grandiose plans and go for bleachers and field and associated health needs and forget the 10 storey stadium idea. Bring in soccer teams from across the states in the winter for practice and games. Lure international soccer in and get things going again. Build fancier facilities incrementally and avoid debt. Get rid of the moneylenders and go for what we can do here and now. Partner with Rio Nuevo and get soccer facilities over there.


Everybody in this town is charging too much rent, probably because of the debt load. The reasoning goes like this: if we owe a payment of X then we have to charge X+1. So nobody rents it because nobody has enough money and it stands empty. Teams can't afford X+1 so they don't have anywhere to go. If the rent is lowered then the teams would rent the facility and something would be gained. It appears that these facilities are owned by the people but the controllers are charging so much to use it, the people's teams can't use it. Lower the rents for Kino and Corbett and see them fill up.

How about free admission for little league kids plus an exhibition game for them the next time the Mexican league is here? This would boost attendance and stir up interest. Lower the bleachers seats to $1 per person! Kids free! Give families a place to go!


Another problem are the prices the vendors charge for food and drink. Monopolies do not lower the prices and result in price gouging. It's like the TCC that charges exorbitant rates for vendors to set up during events, which in turn raises the prices for the average guy who stumbles in there and the four kids scream for a $5 hotdog after he already paid $8 to park and more money to get in. And they wonder why their events are not so successful or the TCC stands empty.

Get rid of the vendor monopolies and charge a minimal fee to set up. Provide jobs and opportunity for vendors, which is jobs for the community. Let them set up and compete and they make a living, and the people have more food choices and lower food prices. Everyone benefits.


Free parking or $1 for all events. Parkwise reports dollar in dollar out in the revenue/expenditure line, so maybe they are padding their bank accounts at the expense of everyone else.


Get rid of confrontational management. If the facility they are managing is not profitable, fire them. Get rid of management that does not want to work internationally to attract teams and conventions.


In summary:

• Lower rents for Corbett, Kino and TCC

• Lower admission charges

• Free parking

• lower vendor charges

• cancel vendor monopolies

• scale back Parkwise


The winter weather in Tucson is a huge advantage in attracting teams. There are many open rental units in town, which is an advantage unless the landlords demand exorbitant rent. Perhaps reduced rates for visiting teams in apartments, motels and condos could be arranged.

These are just a few ideas for improving the use of our public facilities that will increase revenue and give our families wholesome games and events to attend at a cost that all can afford.

Dorothy Prater Niemi October 2011

Available on Kindle Amazon

Friday, September 09, 2011

Political Issues As Related to Environmental Limitations

The issue of climate change may loom large to the nations of the world as sea levels slowly rise. The outcome of receding floods may be that the prior coastline is obliterated in low lying areas as sea levels have risen from the icemelt in the north and south lands. We're not inundated but the sea level rise continues. Study of the fossil record informs that lands now one way were not always that way. Like fossil seashells in the mountains of New Mexico. Dinosaur bones near Showlow among the pines. We are in a sea of change all the time and are just now beginning to understand the enormity of history and how limited our view has been.

Hurricanes might begin forming where the cold arctic water hits the warm equatorial waters flowing off Africa and now with more melt the water is flowing faster and makes a more energy filled turn when it hits the mass of warm water off North Africa. The wide whirlpool where one meets the other extends to the atmosphere. I wonder what the stats might say about the connection between more and warmer arctic water pouring south. Where is the Antarctic melt going? Does the melt travel towards the equator? The melt occurs in one place where sea levels rise, slowly pushing the excess to an average very gradually. Incremental melting. Storms redistribute the melt. New Orleans would be a good place to look for evidence of sea level rise that is obvious at the poles.  Or Bangladesh.

The implication of this for public policy is enormous. Politicians must be willing to address actual problems without worrying about donations to themselves. These problems are too important to allow them to be solved as a secondary issue to any other concern. Arguing about who or what causes warming trends is not my purpose here.

The predicted sea level rise and the predicted increase in precipitation in northeastern North America has so far proven true. What does this have to do with public policy? Here are a few public policy issues and ideas for long term planning concerning climate change.

• Evaluate floodplain data and possibly expand the floodplain designation in low lying areas along coasts and rivers.
• Deny Federal insurance to every property in these low lying areas and provide a relocation fund for needy families. Use cut rate excess housing for these people. If somebody wants to stay in the zone, private property rules but no federal insurance will be held on the property. Voluntary sale of properties in the zones would be the rule, not imminent domain but no federal insurance. Local governments should be held legally responsible if they issue occupational zoning for these flood zones.
• Sell or lease floodzones on the open market for use as pasture, farming and recreation. If local governments retain the land, private contractors could be hired to convert flood prone areas into parks, ball fields and green zones. This action could create jobs in the affected areas, create more recreational areas and enhance tourism. Perhaps some of the floodlands could be leased for temporary concessionaires, like taco and hotdog stands.

These solutions to problems created by sea level rise would take years to implement, which is a long term solution for a long term problem. It would also create jobs immediately and circulate money through the economy. The issue is where is the money for such projects without borrowing? Possibly some of the 'transportation' money could be funneled into reclamation of these lowland recreational areas. Since the infrastructure is in disrepair, attention should be paid to maintenance, rather than creating new roads. We need to utilize existing rather than spending money on new ones that give limited economic benefit to only a few. We need something new, but it isn't new roads. We need roads in excellent repair and that is where those jobs are.

I have drifted to the topic of the repercussions of these actions. Political opposition to rezoning/expanding floodzones due to the loss of value of the land to their constituents will occur but the economic advantages of such recreational areas over time and the savings from national flood insurance as these at risk properties could be partly remitted to the states for a more cooperative attitude. Since the national flood insurance program is billions in deficit, some action must be taken to discourage continued occupation of flood zones and the foolhardy insuring of structures in floodzones.

I do have a few observations about the stimulus. In Tucson, the TIGER Grant from the Feds caused more borrowing and commitment to a streetcar project that will leave the city with a $6 million a year maintenance cost, while the local bus system is already subsidized by $40 million. For the past two years the city has borrowed to pay costs, now has a debt of $1.2 billion, has cut police and fire and services to citizens, ad nauseum. So the TIGER grant put the city in more debt and added $6 million a year to the millions in deficit. Some stimulus.

Apparently, stimulus money was used by the ATF to fund 'Fast and Furious', the gunrunning scandal that is now reaching to the white house. All these people have been transferred, hopefully in a holding tank for interrogation. Do we really need to help depose the legitimate government of Mexico by providing firearms to what look to be revolutionaries funded by drug money? What were they thinking? Were local law enforcement like county sheriffs informed of this scheme? Were the city police chiefs told about this 'Fast and Furious'? This stupid scheme endangered every law enforcement officer in Arizona and they reportedly spent stimulus funds on this horseshit. Were the Border Patrol people informed???

Now the Democrats are screaming about a GOP gun raffle, while they remain conspicuously silent on the issue of the ATF scandal, no doubt because it was the brainchild of the Democratic administration, who apparently has a cavalier attitude about Arizona law enforcement . Those guns surfaced in 23 crime scenes in Phoenix, at the Agent Terry killing, and all over Mexico, including where two of our agents died on a mission close to Tampico. And this is economic help? More jobs for the undertakers and medics?

Tax code revision is coming. I hope they start from scratch, simplify the code and give a calculated group of tax breaks for businesses that locate in the United States and make physical objects to replace imports.

A rationale for this tax break: Fuel costs will increase, which will increase the cost of the overseas objects, particularly the heavy items. As an example, glass making used to be a huge industry but has now been hurt by cheap imports. A tariff on heavy items seems reasonable, as fuel becomes more scarce. Exporting our raw materials seems foolish with unemployment as high as it is here. Let's use the raw materials to create jobs here. We need to keep our precious metals, copper, wood, uranium and anything else of use. Don't export scrap metal, use it to make jobs here at smelters, steel plants and all the things that go into the industry. Think long term goals and jobs as a result of tax breaks, not largesse for political contributors. We really need to help the country.

No tax breaks for non productive investments like derivatives and mortgage securities and equities. If the scheme 'investment' does not create jobs then tax it at a higher rate to discourage the practice. Possibly this kind of 'insurance' should not be tax deductable. These 'derivatives' the originators were so smug about creating something that the peons could not understand just give me your money and I will take care of it for us. It was just another scam. Mr. Bernanke tell me it isn't true that QE2 went to purchase securities in an effort to keep the scheme going? The originator of the loan should be responsible for servicing it and if it goes belly up must pay whomever they sold it to for the full cost. Something has to stop the schemers and charlatans from running this country. Tax heavily those who make a living soliciting and setting up debt.

On from the tax ideas, another problem is the increasing cost and scarcity of fuel. On a positive note, the current administration has taken steps to raise mileage requirements and the carmakers have returned to solvency with new fuel efficient models. Natural gas data needs to be examined. We need a variety of fuel sources. The ethanol industry has begun and should be maintained, for the possible need of it. Federal funding of Research and Development brought us computer technology and there is more creativity where that came from. Fund universities and create student jobs in R&D, not more administration. The ideas are endless and the solutions to national problems are endless but we need to act before the situation reaches crisis stage.

Another problem is population growth. In these times, increasing population will increase joblessness because there are not enough jobs. Each cadre of workers now averages about 9% unemployment and job creation has just about kept pace with population growth. In revising the tax code, perhaps slowing population growth might be accomplished by allowing only one child deduction per person, with higher taxes to be paid for each additional child, in order to pay for the expensive accommodation of more population when unemployment is high. We cannot afford to increase the population at the expense of the rest of the population, who is supporting the surplus with unemployment benefits and welfare. We are no longer expanding into 'empty' territory: we cannot continue to increase in numbers since we are living in a finite space with finite resources. You cannot infinitely expand in a finite territory. One person has one child tax deduction and must pay higher taxes for more children. The encouragement of childbearing through the tax code should be discontinued as an anachronism. The welfare system also must address this problem, the sooner the better. A school tax for more than one child needs to be implemented, in order for the actual parents to contribute towards the education of more than one child. Who else should pay for it?

I don't like the idea of a flat tax. Taxes should be aimed at the phenomena that actually costs the system as solvency has become a problem. Tort reform comes to mind as well as the tax setup on repossessed properties. I heard that lienholders were not paying property taxes on the foreclosed properties and that the local governments need the cash. How about a huge penalty for these lienholders not paying local taxes? If they hold over a certain number of foreclosed properties, they must pay a tax for the police and fire protection fund? To discourage foreclosure, taxes on foreclosed properties must be paid before delinquency. Taxes can be used to form public policy as well as a source of revenue.

Taxes discourage business creation but the number of other ways to discourage business that exist in our society today are legion and the total adds up to stagnation. The price war conducted by foreign nations has replaced too many jobs and now the stuff they sell is rising in price and quality while our workers sit idle. I read of an instance up in the NE part of the country where an object was manufactured welcomed a foreign observer with samples and was later driven out of business by cheap foreign copies. They have tariffs on our goods but we have no tariffs. I know our consumer has enjoyed the low prices but now the unemployment is causing social unrest and welfare costs. We cannot afford to buy so much overseas and pay benefits and welfare to the unemployed. We need a tax on goods we can make ourselves coming into this country. Tax imports and investors will see an opportunity to create jobs here making something: Cotton/cloth/clothes/linens/canvas......See the job possibilities if the unions can restrain their wage demands. I am for open shop because I always disliked paying into a union that did not represent my political beliefs. It was a violation of my civil rights.

Taxing is a valuable tool if the ones wielding the tool are doing it for the public good and not as a personal favor to their contributors, who may or may not be contributing to the public good, but rather feeding from the tax trough. Maybe I'm talking about corruption here. Like you don't give tax breaks to your friends and lay tax on their enemies. We're not on the playground here. We are attempting to plan for the future and petty reasoning should not be heeded.

So back to doing business in my community, which is hampered by licensing, inspections, rejections, favoritism, zoning, neighborhood associations, cronyism and corruption. The desire of the populace to obey the laws allows the bureaucrats who work for the taxpayers to slow things down. The bigger the bribe the faster the service to allow for business activity? Do you realize what I just wrote? Should all these laws, licenses, inspections etc even exist? These laws must be simplified, because communities need some laws like public health laws but they don't need the level of control that is being exerted in an effort to extract money from businesspeople. First we need enabling legislation to Rezone, then throw out all existing zoning and begin again.

Since the local governments have increased spending by borrowing, which is a deep hole, this mania for getting money from people starting a business has catered to the wealthy chains who can afford all the fees and hoopla. During recessionary times, perhaps a different approach could be tried. The 'upscale' chains are going broke and scaling back because the high unemployment rate has less ready cash in the local system. Less cash out of a job doesn't go even midscale, gravitating toward discount and cheap fast food. Less spending means less tax collected by the city, who prefers raising taxes instead of laying off people, useful or not. Raising taxes means less money in the system because people have to now pay more tax instead of consumer spending generating more sales tax. Sometime, governments are going to have to cut spending. Is it beginning now? Devaluation would make each dollar buy more but there would be fewer dollars. Cash is king again and let the pawnbrokers rule. Americans have accumulated material possessions and perhaps can weather a devaluation and possible shortages of material goods and continued high unemployment.

This Rezoning idea of just starting over and changing all the zoning designations would allow for a fresh approach to economic problems. We need to help set up a way for people to actually open their own tiny businesses in their homes, as a mode of survival if nothing else. Idle hands are the devil's workshop. Forcing people to drive long distances to get groceries is going to be counterproductive as fuel supplies dwindle. If our neighborhoods are already set up with a secondary distribution system in the form of farmers' markets and local Abarrotes, it would be easier to cope with a fuel shortage. Trucking or railing in food is cheaper than every family driving in a car to a grocery store. We need more distribution centers in the neighborhoods. The zoning laws are preventing this survival mechanism and also the development of neighborhood small businesses. Zoning as we know it today should be revised

                                                            EL  TIRADITO

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Hate Speech and Death Threats in Tucson

Hate Speech or Freedom of Speech?

I am writing this to protest an editorial in the Arizona Daily Star that incites violence by name calling and making insinuations against a specific group. I think this comes under hate speech.

An inflammatory unsigned editorial veted by the Arizona Daily Star viciously connects two unrelated circumstances and then proceeds to flay the Pima County Republican Party for it. Such specious logic would be laughable if such journalistic bias had not resulted in a death threat against Republican candidates and members.

The Star used the following descriptors against the entire Republican Party of Pima County:

"Crass, insensitive, vulgar, displaying a lack of empathy or compassion, dumb-founding, offensive, callous, boorish, thoughtless-all words that would fit." or how about "But Shaw proves again that the county party isn't concerned with the people who lived through the Jan. 8 rampage, the families and friends of those who were killed or the community that has been dealing with the loss and grief."

I think that is an unfounded attack on all Republicans in Pima County and I think this fallacious connecting of our local Republican Party to the Loughner shootings is inciting violence, as evidenced by the recent death threat generated by all the publicity around this vicious linking to the Republican Party. The first paragraph of the editorial mentioned the GOP raffle and the next brought up the Loughner shootings, as if the two were related.

Civility? These individuals are using a tragedy perpetuated by a madman for their own political ends as a smokescreen to cover up all the criminal investigations concerning Rio Nuevo and the city. Whipping up raw emotion and using it to strip the skin from somebody who had nothing to do with it is contemptible. And, according to the Arizona Daily Star, we must have 'done' all this before because 'again' indicates a prior occurrence. I feel they are inciting violence against a particular group.

Such outrage over Glocks: The NRA raffled off Glocks right here in Tucson just last month, Police carry Glocks, Glocks are used in shooting competitions and Gabrielle Giffords owned a Glock. I wonder why the Democrats and the Star didn't take on the NRA about the Glock raffles right here in Tucson a few weeks ago? Was the Pima GOP a better target?

Jeff Rogers, head of Pima Democrats, has been hate mongering and he must think this latest emotional blast over the shootings during elections will get more votes for Democrats. At what cost? Will someone else be shot due to all this hate mongering and insinuations and death threats against Republican members and candidates? I think that Jeff Rogers and the Arizona Daily Star are indulging in hate politics and that the community is being hurt as a result.

It is probably too much to expect an apology or even a cease and desist order, so I find it necessary to call this situation to the attention of law enforcement, due to the death threats against Republicans and their candidates. 

Tucson AZ September 6, 2011