Monday, December 27, 2021


12           Trade Routes



Who is George Dodwell?  George Dodwell was an Australian astronomer who determined through searching historical records and mathematical calculations that the Earth was hit by a bolide in 2345 BC, which disrupted the Precession and knocked the Earth off the cycle for a few thousand years.   He meticulously documented ancient astronomical observations and came up with a curve of return to normal after the bolide hit, based on that data.  The more recent observations corroborate the curve trajectory lower down and further back in time as a deviation from the predicted precession trajectory. 

Was Mr. Dodwell accurate?  Mr. Dodwell’s manuscript was published in 1935 and has been argued about ever since.  I think he was correct and others have corroborated his findings of a bolide strike through dendrochronology research.   Mr. Dodwell’s manuscript is available online at   courtesy of his family.  This is a real gem of information and I cannot help but wish such were available to document the Younger Dryas aftermath.  If the Earth was slammed and knocked temporarily out of the predicted orbit and that actually changed the climate, then the humans on the Earth now need to attempt to protect ourselves from another strike. 

The next figure is a copy from the Dodwell Manuscript of the deviation, which looks jolting and sudden at the inception with an initial recovery towards the predicted normal that might not have been fun on the ground.  The Burckle Crater in the Southern Indian Ocean offers a clue:  Burckle Crater is an undersea feature hypothesized to be an impact crater by the Holocene Impact Working Group. They considered that it likely was formed by a very-large-scale and relatively recent (c. 3000–2800 BCE) comet or meteorite impact event. It is estimated to be about 30 km (18 mi) in diameter,[1] about 25 times wider than Arizona's Meteor Crater.” Citation 16:

The Burkle Crater estimated age matches Mr. Dodwell’s data and that of at least one Dendrochronologist:   “ In 2011 Mike Baillie, the renowned dendrochronologist, had a PowerPoint presentation(d) at the Quantavolution Conference in Athens, which offered tree-ring evidence that clearly demonstrated an 'event' in 2345BC.”  Citation 17: .

Mr. Dodwell wrote that he thought this event created a flood.  I can imagine earthquakes and tsunamis as a result of the impact and a sloshing effect as the effects of the bolide hit petered out.  The tsunami roared up and took out the early Tigris Euphrates civilizations.   Check out this impressive list of flood myths compiled by Wikipedia:

I think the 2345 BC bolide hit did cause floods, the last of a series of documented floods dating from the end of the Pleistocene.  I hypothesize that the Greenland Hiawatha Crater was the causative agent for the inundation of Atlantis, as it may have hit melt ice that caused a huge flood and volcanic eruption from the sudden pressure of meltwater south of Greenland in the Atlantic Ocean.  Atlantis had almost survived the Younger Dryas when it went under.  The Hiawatha Crater was made by a bolide about the same size as the Burckle Crater in the Indian Ocean, and probably caused just as much damage to the planet. 

So did the Burckle Bolide cause the Dodwell deviation curve from the predicted path of Newcomb’s Precession?   Is Newcomb’s Precession model correct?  I wish we had accurate dates. 

Mr. Dodwell indicated the aberration returned to a normal trajectory in 1850 AD.

When did the current bout of global warming begin?

 Figure 105:  Bolide hit recovery trajectory

I included a few of Mr. Dodwell’s sources in the timeline but the original manuscript contains a complete list of sources used.  All are from the Dodwell manuscript.

5000- 4,500 Years Ago                   Indian Ocean Burckle Crater, tsunami, bolide hit? Taurid?

                                                                Before Present

Dodwell Karnak                                  4,345                                25o 09’ 55”  precession aberration observed 

Dodwell Karnak                                     3,570                 24o 32’ 06”

Dodwell Chinese                                  3100                  24o 13’56”

Dodwell Chou Kung                             3100                  23o 54’04”

Dodwell Hindu                                    2,900                 24o 11’04”

Dodwell Ben Maimon                         1174                  23o 31’51”  Cordova

Dodwell Nasar-Al-Din                         1290                 23o 31’40”  Maragha Persia

Melankovich Cycle                                present          23.1 axial tilt and decreasing to 22.1, 11,700 years away

Axial Shift                                                 present          axial tilt accelerates 2.6 cm a year  due Greenland Melt

Was the Earth impacted by a bolide at 2345 BC?  I think so.  There is evidence that a huge flood wiped out the Ubiad Culture about this time, a culture that flourished where Ur grew up later.

A succession of events are probably related rather than random.   

Before Present

6,000                                       Sahara  Verdant but began drying, causal migrations

5,500                                       Sahara Desertified

4,705                                       Atland submerged  Oera Linda, Jutland/Doggerland flooding

5000- 4,500                             Indian Ocean Burckle Crater, tsunami, bolide hit? Taurid?

4345                                                       Dodwell Bolide Hit

4,350                                                     CLIMATE CHANGE  End of Neolithic Wet Phase, severe droughts ensued

4,193                                                     Cymbrian Flood:  Frisians and Finns dispersed, final Doggerland flooding

4,000                                                     End Greenland warm period   End of N. America and Greenland contact

4,000                                                     +Americas End Minoans Mining, ydnaR M 173, mtdna X *

Questions remain.  The drying warming trend began before the bolide hit, so was the bolide hit the cause of the end of the Neolithic Wet Phase or would it have happened anyway, as part of the existing trend?  Were there any real results of this bolide?  Or were the results of it more local, like the tsunami evidence in Australia, the Maldives and Africa?  Maybe the bolides that hit near the equator have a different effect than those that hit close to the poles.  Maybe the ones that hit near the poles are magnetic iron pulled in plus natural momentum.  Blam!  The flood from the Indian Ocean caused by the Burckle Bolide probably did travel up to the Ubiad Culture at the head of the Persian Gulf.   Was this Noah’s flood?  Who knows?  There were a succession of floods….

And the modern isolation of Europe began as the Saragasso Sea burgeoned in the Atlantic and technology was lost in some places and found in others.  The ancient megalith civilizations had perished, leaving behind the Masons and other enclaves of the ancient learning to connect with the long gone past.  We did not have much to go on but a recent UTube presentation of a kid in Russia who found a drilled pendant of mastodon ivory inscribed with runes dated at least 10,000 BP.   The idea of writing, agriculture, husbandry and architecture persisted in legend if not in fact, a thing for the people to strive towards having what they once had as they eked out a hunting gathering existence. 

Who emerged from this tumultuous time? 

3,800     BP                                           Caral  Coastal Regional Center  final abandonment (Chaco Canyon?)

3,700                                                     Bronze Age:  Ugarit, Israel, Mittani, Hittites, Mycenae, Cyprus, Cilecia

3,786                                                     Sothic Cycle

3,700                                                     China  Shang

3,600                                                     Persian Gulf   Strait open and navigable

3,600-3,100                                        Turkey-Troy   Hittite Empire  IndoEuropean Language Ydna R1b1

3,570                                                     Dodwell Karnak  24o 32’ 06”

3,525-3,504                                        Sothic Cycle

3,525     3,647                                    Thera Eruption   Destruction of Minoans

3500                                                       Olmec: S. Mexico  1500 BC to 400 BC

3,447                                                     Shekinah   A Deluge

3,341                                                     King Tutankamen Egypt   R1b1a2 haplotype well established

3,200                                                     Rise of Celts  Urnfield Culture central Europe YDNA R1b

3,200                                                     End of Bronze Age Europe     Drought Hatti, Wars, migrations, raiding, drop in trade

Who built pyramids out of the emergent cultures?    Caral, Ugarit, Olmec, Egypt, SE Asia, Azores, Olmec, Maya, Aztec, Teotihuacan, Chinese, Ethiopia, Bosnia, Moundbuilders…

Who built on the basis of megaliths?  Mycenae, Greece, Rome, Troy, Inca, Aztec, Maya, Olmec, Egypt, SE Asia….

Pyramids, handbags, huge snakes, huge cats….in common in many ancient civilizations.  Why? 

I am obsessed with the ‘handbags’ found in so many ancient depictions and some reading of other ideas produced a realization that sometimes the handbags are associated with opium poppy representations, something I had already read about the Minoans also.  Here’s a scientific drawing of the poppy plant:



 Figure 106:  Poppy


So here is another handbag and I think it may have been a symbol of medicine.  I see depictions of the Eagle headed guy in Sumerian art bringing medications and the rosette it wears on his arm looks just like the one on the Phaistos Disc.  Maybe the rosette represented medicines seized or paid in tribute to the Sea Peoples. 

 Figure 106:  Poppy

Are those poppies on the Sumerian bag?


 Figure 107:  Sumerian Doctor?

This man appears to be holding poppies.  Sumerian


Could this guy fly while holding a Pine cone?   Was Pine a trade item?  Pine is a medicine and pitch is a waterproofer….

Figure 108:  Pine Cone?


Sumerian poppies, bags and pine cones.  Were these people healers and traders in medicines?  I bet they were and the Minoans and Phoenicians traveled selling and looking for new medicines. 

The next figure shows a script across the top that looks like Shang script to me.  Does it look like Cuneiform or Egyptian Hieroglyphics?

 Figure 109:  Poppies and bags and writing


Figure 110:  Saffron

So the Minoans traded in poppies and saffron, both potent medicines.  From gazing at Minoan art, I saw a variety of human skin color and I did notice that the various colored humans wore similar clothing, which indicates equality.  The Mediterranean area is still multicultural and the word ‘race’ is becoming a gradually blending everywhere twain met.  So ‘race’ is actually a fallacy.  Nobody talks about dog ‘races’ but they do talk about variation in dogs.  Cultural variation is much wider than biological variation and cultural variation is what is causing wars today and yesterday.  The eruption of Thera wiped out the cultural center of the Minoans, but their culture lived on in the Mycenae and the Greeks.  Ancestral DNA ties to Greece welcomed refugees from the explosion, I believe.  And thus the culture survived and merged with the local, producing a new foray into the Mediterranean to compete with the Phoenicians. 

Where did the Poppy come from?  It was surely spread in the Mediterranean by the Minoans, Sumerians and Phoenicians and others once they realized what it was.  

An estimate of when the posited mining  by the Phoenicians/ Minoans in the Americas ended due to cold conditions was at 4000 BP and the Thera eruption occurred somewhere  between 3525 and 3647 BP, a  500 year cushion of activity in the Mediterranean and adjacent coasts, if the estimate is correct.


Figure 111:  Lilies


I ran across what appears to be lilies on this design and after seeing the poppies and saffron, I looked up the lily plant for medicinal uses and I found that it has many important uses: 

Regulating heart rate

Dilate arteries

Treating burns and scar tissue

Weak contractions in childbirth

Laxative and diuretic

Ulcers and inflammations.   

Citation 18:

Did the Minoans trade in medicines?  It looks like it.  Were people glad to see them?  I bet they were welcoming traders.  No telling who was hurt by the Thera Eruption and the disruption in trade. 

Figure 111:  Lilies

A nicely dressed young woman is gathering saffron.  Where did they get these fabrics she is wearing?

Figure 112:  Woman gathering saffron


Figure 113:   Was this a treatment room?

Saffron treats:  Asthma, cough, sore throat, whooping cough, expectorant, insomnia, cancer, atherosclerosis, vomiting, depression, memory, Alzheimer’s, birthpain, heartburn, exercise, psoriasis, dry skin, menstrual cramps, PMS, premature ejaculation, infertility, aphrodisiac, baldness, and as a spice in food.

Citation 19:  Saffron


So the Minoans were traders in important lucrative goods and they perished in a volcanic eruption.  And meanwhile in South America, the ancient city of Caral was rebuilding for the last time before a final abandonment.  Caral was ancient, according to Mario Buildreps.   So Caral had pyramids the same time the Minoans were trading around the Mediterranean.  I think there was a trading network from Caral Supe all the way north from Peru to North America, hugging the waterways.

Caral Supe Pyramids

Figure 114:  Caral Supe Peru


This looks like Teotihuacan in Mexico.  And it also looks like the Moundbuilders in middle North America.  I think we are seeing the remnants of a civilization that thrived before the Bolling Allerod, a civilization that took in the entire world not glaciated and a civilization that actually survived the cataclysms at the end of the Pleistocene.  This civilization then existed in fragmented form and immediately began diverging in behavior from the mother civilization, which had become unsustainable.  As in todays’ world, there were probably several variations in existence already, but were in communication, like China and the USA today, different but talking and visiting. 

This ancient worldwide communication system among divergent groups existed way back in the sands of time, as exhibited by the proliferation of pyramids across the globe.  The Reign of the Gods began about 38,000 years ago in Egyptian history and I think this gives us a timeframe for the proliferation of the pyramid idea.  I think the Reign of the Gods was the civilization that survived the Eemian downfall into the Pleistocene and grew to prominence again.  There are myths of a northland civilization and the only time since the present that glaciation receded enough for a civilization was during the Eemian and maybe produced the Hyperboreans the Greeks had heard about.  The hiding in caves, fleeing the ice and migrating south came during the Pleistocene where only very limited refugios were available in Europe and Asia.  In North America, everything moved South to escape the ice and cold.  The pyramid cultures were a Pleistocene phenomenon, the remains of the Reign of the Gods who themselves were the remains of a prior high northland culture, and if some speculators are correct, there were other long ago civilizations as well, just like now with hunter gatherers and air travelers existing on the same planet among the same species.  Was Caral Supe an outpost of a survival civilization and a colony originating in Eurasia?   Did refugees from Caral Supe create Chaco Canyon, New Mexico USA?  Caral and Chaco look alike.

Figure 115:  Caral Super



This is not a coincidence.  I looked on a map and the connection was probably by sea up and down the west coast of the Americas, probably traveling up the Sea of Cortez to the Colorado River.  The Colorado River is famous for the very large stature of the Mojave and the Seris living on the coast of Tiburon and the mainland.  The Piutes have legends of very large red haired giants they had to kill in order to survive because these giants were stealing their children.  Did the giants build Chaco?  Did the red headed giants build Caral?   Who knows?  Academia does not know.


So are the Chaco Canyon ruins related to Caral?  It looks like it to me.  Which was first? 

Figure 116:  Chaco Canyon


Next is a photo of Saksayhuaman in Peru.  I think later peoples built upon Megalith ruins far older but the building model used resembles Chaco and Caral, indicating a long ago far reaching civilization that flourished after the Megaliths and before the precursors to the Inca. 

 Figure 117:  Saksayhuaman Infill



I think that Caral Supe, Chaco and the newer ruins of Saksayhuaman were related. 

The next photo was described as a goddess in the middle and a blond male and a red headed female.  The goddess is a freckle faced redhead.  These were found at Caral Supe and are an indicator of a look differing from current norms.  The Paracas were also shown to be red haired and the early Spanish reported tall red and blond haired aristocrats in Peru.  Tall red and blonde haired people were also reported across the South Seas by early European explorers.  The Tocharians of central Asia were tall red and blonde haired people.  The goddess in the middle looks tall, which is a common descriptor of these ancient red and blonde haired people.  They were tall.  Check out Brian Forster’s description of the DNA analysis of Paracas for more information. 


Figure 118:   Caral Supe Figurines


Figure 119:  Chaco

Chaco Canyon in the photo above shows ‘kivas’ or round rooms, which have been said to be ceremonial meeting rooms, common rooms or even storage areas.  Caral Supe has pyramids but none have been reported at Chaco but I wonder if anyone every looked for them.  The pyramids at Caral used to be considered natural formations but archaeologists found they were pyramids. 

Mario Buildreps has calculated that the Caral site was occupied by 410,000 years ago, detected again by 330,000 years ago and into the relatively modern era.   Huaca del Sol in Peru was also one of the early ones also. 

Even conventional academics admit that Caral Supe is one of the older sites in the northern hemisphere.  Was it the progenitor of the later Teotihuacan which then rose to prominence by conquering the Mayans?  Did the Teotihuacan style pyramid spread from Caral Supe, north to Teotihuacan and on to the Moundbuilders?


 Figure 120:  Caral in ruins



Teotihuacan  Pyramid of the Moon partly reconstructed

 Figure 212:  Teotihuacan



Teotihuacan is a beautiful structure and the avenue is magnificent.


Moundbuilders   Ohio Valley

 Figure 122:   Ohio Valley Moundbuilders

Did the pyramid civilizations spread from South to North, like Mr. Buildreps posits?  When did this pyramid form spread overland?  Was the Chaco Canyon/Caral Supe pattern in conjunction with the pyramids or was it later or earlier?  I think that there was contact between South America and middle North America up the Rio Grande, up the Mississippi River and up the Colorado River through the Sea of Cortez.  These routes ran both ways and were of ancient origin.  The Spanish wrote of boats laden with trade goods roaming the Caribbean and the coasts before they took over the lucrative trade. 

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Chapter 7 Egypt 38,000 "Gods" Reigned in Egypt Until 14,800 BP



7              Egypt  38,000 “Gods” Reigned in Egypt until 14,800 BP

The Laschamp Event that produced a pole reversal that meandered across the globe and back again after 440 years.  This preceded a deeply cold period across the northern globe that altered the ecology and decimated marginal species about 40,000 years ago and probably sparked migration to warmer climes.  According to the timeline the massive volcanic eruption in Southern Italy erupted after the pole shift but it sure comes close or right on the money as a cause of this volcanic eruption.  It was the largest in the world in the last 200,000 years.  Severe cold in the northlands led to a drop in sea level in the south, producing a land bridge to Africa from the Mediterranean Sea.  I am positive animals and people traveled both ways.  The Bering Straits were closed but land existed further south during this time, a probable migration and trade route.

In Southern Italy, the largest volcanic eruption in the last 100,000 years covered a huge area of southern Europe in a shroud 300 feet deep of tephra, a liquid stone blown into the air and aerated, not as much as pumice, probably much used for building in later times as it is easy to cut.  It was said that this blowout caused a worldwide dip in temperatures for years after, due to particulate matter in the air.  An event like this would cause refugees. 

Now the pole reversal event and this volcanic blowout are possibly contemporaneous.  This event would have wiped out populations and voided territories that later groups could occupy.  What could have happened?

I found a chlorine date of 40,000 years for Stonehenge, which conflicts with ‘modern’ dating at 5,000 years.  Stonehenge was close to the edge of the glacier during the last ice age, a significant placement in my opinion.  I believe that Stonehenge was much more complicated, with wooden palisades, possibly one for each day of the year, a moon viewing division, a sun watching division and a precession watching component.  It looks like the henge at Nabta Playa in arid Egypt and it looks eerily like the dolmens found across Europe.  I ran across this website  that certainly has a history I had not seen before.  I discount nothing and was fascinated by this account and the ancient connection to minorities in Eurasia.  This site posits an ancient empire: 

In 7000 BC, Bharatvarsha under Emperor Vikramaditya extended from Jerusalem in the West to Cheliabinsk Urals in the North to Vietnam in the East. The seat of this empire was at Ujjain India at the Kshpira ( Shipra ) river,…”  Citation 6: 

This same site maintains that Arkaim in Russia is older than Stonehenge.  I read up on Arkaim and came across several interesting elements.   Arkaim is said to be settled by the early Indo-Europeans  5,000 years ago or so, but with deep roots in the past.   Burials show elongated skulls and tall stature about 2000 BC.   


Figure 26:  Arkaim Russia Skeleton

It is fascinating how these elongated skulls show up around the world, which is an indicator of prior migration events, might be by military invasion or cultural overwhelming or fleeing violence.


Figure 27:  Western Russia

 An artifact was found in Arkaim and to me she resembles homo Nadeli.  It just seems that archaic forms remained alive for millennia after conventional historians decided they had all died and indeed these ancient forms live within us.  I believe that the evidence is there, like this artifact that does resemble homo Nadeli and the Dnamisi skulls.

Figure 28:  Dmanisi Skulls

Figure 29:  Arkaim Artifact

Figure 30:  Homo Nadeli

I think more collections of ancient art should be examined for more examples of art showing past relationships that existed.  Look at the Arkaim artifact and think about all the Sapiens myths and legends of other types of intelligent beings like trolls, elves, fairies, giants, menehune, and other hobbits.  Again, I am aware that the timeframe does not fit but the visual evidence does.

I was looking at an old Larousse Encyclopedia of Prehistoric and Ancient Art, edited by Rene Huyghe way back in the 1950s and I found something startling in the Greek art.   I look at art all the time, searching for artistic connections that denote the past.  The cave paintings of Europe have always fascinated me and I imagine to see humans in them disguised as animals stalking their prey.  I lived in Europe for a few years and I found it to be an amazing place with distinct cultural lines, possibly now somewhat blurred by immigration, as it has many times in the past.  The Neolithic Revolution came from Eurasia in the form of farming and a cessation of the hunting gathering lifestyle.  

This old encyclopedia of art is a somewhat ethnocentric tome, but the photographs are interesting, even if the descriptors sound a bit weak, like it was overanalyzed.  Sometimes the most literal explanation is the most logical.  The Greek vase pictured from the old Larousse show two women, each wearing a headdress.  I don’t have a photograph of another angle of this piece!  These women are shown in profile, one a young woman who looks ‘Greek’ and another young woman who looks like a Neanderthal, with smooth features.  The “Greek” headdress looks like a bonnet with embroidered flowers on it and the Neanderthal headdress looks almost metallic and is abstract using dots or points, a very different style than the Greek.  What is this thing?  What does it mean?  Why would they make a vase like this?  I think they saw both phenotypes when they made this vessel.   This is evidence!

Figure 31  Greek Art:  Larousse Encyclopedia of Prehistoric and Ancient Art, edited by Rene Huyghe        

So 40,000 years ago, there was this culture that existed called the Uluzzian.  Known evidence of this culture shows it existed about 33,000 years ago until it was destroyed by the volcanic eruption in Italy and Greece about 39,000 years ago.  The Uluzzian combined elements of Mousterian Neanderthal lithic technology with that of archaic humans, showing cultural interchange and possible admixture opportunities.   So the later cultures of Greece and Rome were ultimately influenced by the Neanderthals?  Croatia also had a Neanderthal lithic technology at Vindija Cave that was distinct from the Uluzzian but was dated about the same time.   

Archaeologists working in Africa have determined that the East and West African populations began to mix about 40,000 years ago, which could have led to a cultural bloom that led to an advanced culture, but at the least this admixture was an important event that led to enormous cultural change in Africa.

Now the Egyptians have this ‘mythology’ that the ‘Reign of the Gods’ began in Egypt 38,000 years ago and I have no reason to doubt their accounts, other than it has been decreed that nothing like this existed.  The ‘Reign of the Gods’ is also mentioned in the Kolbrin Bible and the Book of Enoch, without the precise dating given by the Egyptians.   

Who were these ‘Gods’? 

The Gods ruled Egypt and probably other places too from 38,000 until 14,800 years ago.  What else happened during this time? 

Figure 32:  Post Glacial Sea Level Rise




So the Gods in Egypt thrived during the depths of the ice age, obviously a more southerly oriented culture that may have built extensively in the lowlands exposed by the sea level drop.  Where ever they were, their reign ended with Meltwater Pulse I as the world warmed during the Bolling Allerod warm period that ended abruptly with the return of the ice age for 1,500 years during the Younger Dryas.  If you were living on the ground during that time, it was more complicated…

 Figure 33:  Temperature Dryas Allerod Bolling

So for 3,500 years the world suffered severe climate change.  This pattern has been documented in Venezuela also, so it looks like a worldwide event.  This whole time period would be difficult to survive, unless you had access to resources and technology.  This is the time of the end of the ‘Gods’, who left a legacy of stone, spiritual texts, and myths of alchemy, Zep Tepe and a straightforward history that says their rule died in 14,800 BP.   Where did they go?  Plato’s date for the disappearance of Atlantis is 11,650 years ago, which occurred during a precipitous warming at the end of the Younger Dryas, a time when floods would have occurred.   What happened to the human race at this time?

I cannot help but think the Paracas skulls harbor a clue to this.  Brian Foerster has pursued DNA testing of those and some of them have similarities in shape, size and DNA to samples from the Caucasus area in Eurasia.  Mr. Foerster also found similarities in weaving patterns and techniques between the two groups.  He has videos on UTube on this subject that are fascinating.  Academia is stuck in the mud somewhere, so I will not follow them. 

Dr. Dillahay also published results in academia concerning the age of artifacts found on the west coast of South America and he eventually won the argument because he was right and he was arguing with pedantic fools.  50,000 years of habitation in South America indicates the Paracas were maybe later than that but maybe there were different levels of cultures at that time, just like now.   MTDNA U2 was found in Paracas, which is one of the first haplotypes to branch off from the ancient macrogroup begun by interbreeding with Neanderthals in central Asia.   Hunter Gatherers still exist in South America and they have for 50,000 years and more.  The megalith stonework in South America was a culture of the Pleistocene, a time of giant animals and maybe giant humans.   If Zep Tepe was in effect in Egypt from 38,000 bp until 14,800, then a worldwide civilization certainly had time to develop and indeed there is evidence through the stonework they left behind.  I call them the Stonemasons.  Zep Tepe is the best date we have. 

So a culture that lasted 23,000 years just disappeared?     Did the disappearance have anything to do with the flooding of Sundaland?  Sunda was the first to flood as the glacial melt began.  This is a large area to lose and migrations would be the logical outcome of flooding and migrations cause problems.

 Figure 34:  Temperature Dryas Allerod Bolling

This brings me back to the radiation of the Denisovans. 


Figure 35:  Denisovan Hotspots

Was there once a great Denisovan civilization on Sundaland and the surrounding areas like ancient Cambodia?  These people must have been in South America also, as a colonization maybe, since the concentration of the genes was in New Guinea, but there was obviously contact that resulted in admixture.  If there was a civilization on the Pacific Rim, it was flooded out and refugees took off in all directions. 

This map would lead me to think that the Zep Tepe people were of a different high culture than the Sunda culture.  The ancestry was different and the climate was tropical, not subject to fierce drought like middle Eurasia.  India had a high culture in the Tamils and Harappans.  It’s entirely possible that the Americas had several civilizations; Cahokia, Teotihuacan, Peru/Bolivia, Maya, and Olmec.  Maybe the systems of writing available today relate to who these ancient civilizations were and where they were. 

As there were many different language systems, the purpose was to communicate and keep records.  The Inca Quipo is a system of knot tying in patterns and colors that conveys records and ancestry and other data streams.  Is that a written language?  I think so.  I bet you could say I love you in Quipo.

 MTDNA E is said to have appeared about 39,000 years ago, which coincides nicely with the beginning of the Reign of the Gods in Egypt.  MTDNA E is associated with the Austronesian language, which could have had a large civilization in Sundaland that was inundated by the Eemian or the Holocene.  The Buildreps data indicates human activity and knowledge hundreds of thousands of years ago.  The Austronesian expansion could have occurred much earlier.  Traces of Austronesian ancestry have been found in the Amazon, Taiwan, Japan and Kamchatka.  The colonization of Madagascar is said to be part of the Austronesian expansion, which I believe led to a trip around Africa, across to the Amazon and north to the Doggerland coast and north to Japan.  It must have been a grand civilization, larger than the scope of the map.


Figure 36:  Pacific Expansion By Vrata - modified file:Indo-Pacific_biogeographic_region_map-fr.svg, CC BY-SA 3.0,

The triumph of the Austronesians was not related to the Oase skulls, but to another source of genes other than those brought from Africa.  Were they part of an ancient Pacific Rim Culture? 

The advent of the Austronesians came after the breeding events among Neanderthals and Denisovans in central Eurasia, which is dated about 40,000 years ago proven by skeletal and DNA evidence. 

Oase 1 was a skull part found in a Romanian cave and is dated about 37-42,000 years before present:

”"Oase 1" exhibits morphological traits from early modern humans and archaic humans, including Neanderthal features.[7]

“DNA analysis of Oase 1 since 2015 has made a number of significant findings.

·         About 6-9% of the genome is Neanderthal in origin. This is the highest percentage of archaic introgression found in an anatomically modern human and together with the linkage disequilibrium patterns indicates that Oase 1 had a relatively-recent Neanderthal ancestor – about four to six generations earlier.

·         The autosomal DNA of Oase 1 by Fu et al. (2015) indicates that he (as it was a male) may have shared more alleles with modern East Asian populations than with modern Europeans. However, Oase shared equal alleles with Mesolithic Europeans and East Eurasians suggesting non-European admixture in modern Europeans.[8]

·         Oase 1 belongs to an extinct Y-DNA haplogroup and an extinct mitochondrial DNA haplogroup.

·         Research by Poznik et al. (2016) suggests that Oase 1 Y-DNA belongs to haplogroup K2a*.

Citation 7:  Oase 1 FindingsÈ™tera_cu_Oase

Oase 1 is now said to be part Denisovan also.  Ma’alta boy found in Siberia is related to Oase 1 and native Americans and also the Anzik Child found close to the west coast of northern North America.

Melanesians have the greatest amount of Denisovan DNA, plus Neanderthal DNA. 


Figure 37:  Melanesian Children      

 Figure 38:  Melanesian Boy


YDNA K2 formed at the juncture of Archaic Sapiens/Neanderthal admixture and proceeded to Australia, where it is common today.  The Australian Aborigines sometimes have blonde hair, which indicates that it might be a Neanderthal trait.  



Figure 39:  Australian Man

Figure 40:  Older Australian Man

Figure 41:   Australian Child


The ‘Negritos’ are an ancient people who were said to be small in stature with very dark skin and short hair.  These peoples have been found all over the globe in small numbers, like remnant populations that were overlaid with later adventurers.  These peoples are found across India, Southeast Asia and along the western European coast and across Polynesia.  Were they related to a different Neanderthal clan or did the genes enter at a later time, by admixture with new populations?  The Harappans look like a mix of Eurasian and negritos and the Dravidians look like they have the line also.  Were these related to the Australians?  Probably some of them.   Some doubt their existence, but possibly the time of disbursal is off.  The Andamese are said to have reached the islands during the last glacial maximum and became an isolated population after sea level rise at the end of the ice age.   They swim with elephants!

Andaman Islanders

YDNA D prevalent



Old YDNA D from 60,000 years ago found themselves young girlfriends, coinciding in central Asia, Tibet and the islands of Japan and producing ancient civilizations like the Mongols, the  Jomon and Shangrila from the way old days.  Apparently the old YDNA D developed in Asia, related to the ancient YDNA E of Africa and Europe, but D was common in Asia, not Europe.   YDNA D must have quite a bit of variation.  And the new combination of YDNA D and MTDNA G from about 35,000 years ago produce a cultural bloom in Japan among the Jomon, where marvelous pottery was made at a very early time.     MTDNA G is common among the Itelmen, living people in Kamchatka.

Figure 42:  Itelman    By Theodore de Pauly - Description ethnographique des peuples de la Russie, p.408, Public Domain,

I think there is a connection between rice cultivation and pottery and that pottery was a concept that was worldwide, and was probably a technology that survived the beginning of the Holocene and all the changes that were forced on humans adapting to a changing climate.  Who would discard the idea of pottery, even if you could not make it?  Just like ancient myths of flying, the legends persist.   Pottery was made worldwide and gorillas weave funny little constructs, so maybe we just naturally weave baskets.   

I’m not going to guess about who invented pottery, but I am waiting for information from China about ancient pottery, where many traditions surfaced over the eons of time and where rice cultivation goes back into the distant past.  After all, Homo Erectus was in China two million years ago, walking around with control of fire and flourishing, meeting new hominid immigrants with open arms for admixture upon admixture for a million years.  Homo Erectus is obviously the ‘unknown hominid’ in some studies of admixture patterns.   

Asia was the real ‘melting pot’ of the ancient world.  And the admixtures were beneficial to Homo Sapiens.  All of those different phenotypes were of the same species but probably had different cultures that developed in isolation, then these cultures were shared by admixing, when the offspring would ideally learn the customs and technologies of both groups and a cultural bloom would begin. 

The Mousterian tradition was of longstanding existence related to Neanderthal.  There is evidence that Neanderthal used heavy short spears with sharp chipped flint spear heads and were possibly ambush artists, a quick rush from a hidden position to kill the prey.  They were sprinters but could probably keep up a good pace.   Guerrilla Warfare, anyone?  The Neanderthal toolkit survived until around 35,000 years ago, merged with toolkits from archaic Sapiens, and then was replaced by ever increasing technology.  The bloodlines now contain both variations of Homo and the age of innovation began.  The same thing happened in Asia, as the Oase blood spread east and mixed with Denisovan, so did new technologies.

Somewhere in all this were the megalith societies, the Stonemasons.   Were these the “Gods” that helped the early cultures?  The Kolbrin speaks of ‘reserves’ where the natives were off limits for sexual activity but it happened anyway, which describes encounters described in ancient texts.  The liaisons described in Greek myths resulted in offspring who became the great warriors of old and Prometheus was punished for giving fire to the savages.  Perhaps those gods came from a different megalith culture than that of Viracocha in South America.  Viracocha came for only long enough to teach the natives agriculture and husbandry and maybe weaving, and then he left.  The megaliths of Peru speak of a former high culture with amazing technology that could build Saksayhuaman.  Viracocha may have been a government or dynasty.  Myths are allegories. 

Neanderthal buried the dead with ochre, had flutes and even may have made bagpipes, if the article I read was not an English hoax.   The survival of this human variation throughout the last five ice ages is nothing less than phenomenal but the Pleistocene was the last one for the phenotype Neanderthal. 

35,000 years ago Europe hosted several new toolkits derived from a merge of Mousterian and archaic Sapiens named the Chatelperronian.

After perusing the Mousterian and Chatelperronian and the Cro Magnon toolkits, it looks like the Cro Magnon came from the arctic type areas because they were economically dependent on reindeer and had a toolkit that resembled that of arctic fishermen with advanced bone harpoons and apparently fewer big game hunting stone points.  They had the atalatl and possibly bows and arrows and had a more omnivorous diet than the Neanderthal.  The Cro Magnon  had a varied economy, utilizing reindeer, gathering and fishing.  The evidence suggests that the Cro Magnon originated in a subarctic climate.  They probably did not come from Africa.  If they possessed the bow and arrow 35,000 years ago, that could have been a high technology producing formidable warriors. 

Nobody knows if the Neanderthals had bows and arrows and atalatls.  There are suspected remains of heavy spears and an array of delicately chipped flints that exceeded the expertise of the Cro Magnon, as judged by the quality of their stone points.   I think some of the Neanderthal toolkit is not represented in collections because of the longer time differential.  The longer ago it was, the less information is left. 

At La Roche Cotard, France, a handmade face was found that is dated at 32,000 years ago and is Mousterian Le Masque Neanderthal.  I think of the Neanderthal site deep in a cave of stalactites carefully arranged and the geometric drawings and the series of dots that might signify days or something practical.  The handprints are Neanderthal and they are found all over the world, along with the genes that made up Homo Sapiens. 

Figure 43:  The Mousterian Face La Roche Cotard


I think the union that the ‘gods’ tried to prevent was that between the two phenotypes.  The Kolbrin talks about the necessity to keep the variant human groups apart in order to prevent disease.  The two groups intermingled anyway and both groups ended up sick.  The Yosling told the archaic human that they would win even though their numbers were few, and indeed they did, for they live on in us

The cave paintings of Europe and Indonesia all show the handprint motif.  So many of them date tentatively to around the 30-40,000 BP time period when the cultural liaisons of Mousterian and Cro Magnon/Aurignacian were taking place over thousands of years.  Did the cultural bloom as a result of the new data lead to the cave art?  Who did the cave art?  Is it dated correctly? 

The Toba Eruption and the Proliferation of Haplotypes


Climate and Odd Lot Data

Before Present                       Descriptor                             

188,000                                                 +MTDNA B006   sapiens/neander/Deniso /Amer/Europe admixture

75,000                                                   Toba eruption Cooling Climate, bottleneck mammals SE Asia

71-12,000                                            Glacial MIS 2-4, 5a-d  40,000 years

@70,000                                               Scholz’s Star   .8 Light Yr from sun binary star inside Oort Cloud flyby


I think Toba and a cooling climate is what killed off the ‘gods’ and radiated their cultural remains throughout the Pacific Rim because the differentiation caused by the bottleneck and subsequent migrations brought into being the modern haplotypes. 

I suspect that the remnants were of larger stature than the current Homo Sapiens average and were widely disbursed throughout the world.  There is evidence of inbreeding and decline in population numbers in some places among this group and some evidence of integration as in the Moundbuilders where different sized skeletons were common and were buried together.  They were in Europe and brought gifts of knowledge and they were in Eurasia making war and they sparsely populated the coast of Argentina and they spread across the Pacific Islands, but they did not survive as a coherent culture as the new Homo Sapiens moved in. 

The out of Africa theory is only partially correct.  Sentient humans were all over the globe before Toba but Toba had an effect of diminishing populations and allowing for subsequent migrations.  Perhaps these migrations brought diseases to the remnants of the ‘gods’ and diminished the populations even more.  The Toba eruption was a more local phenomenon but whatever existed at that time was important in maintaining an ancient culture.  Whatever it was, Toba ended it. 

I posit that a disbursal of Homo varieties occurred far and long before the Toba Eruption and that the new migrants merged with them, with whomever had the largest population coming out on top in the haplotype game.  And whomever had the best immune system would triumph. 

I think the immune system is the key to all.  Out of Africa brought diseases.  I wonder which diseases it was?    

Timeline of Haplotype Appearance as of 2019.    

Descriptor                              Before Present

+Americas also    

MTDNA N macro                                71,000                 Australia, W. EurAsia with haplotypes M & R Europe

YDNA D  M174                                     60,000                 coastal migration Jomon, Ainu, Andaman, Japan, Arabia

YDNA B M60                                         60,000                 Tropical Africa, Pygmies some in Iran, Hazara

+MTDNA C                                            60,000                 NE Asia, Amerinds, Siberia, Eurasia

MTDNA M macro                               60,000                 Asia, Japan, Tibet

MTDNA U                                              55,000                 paleolithic Europe, W.Eurasia, N.Africa, S. Asia

YDNA E                                                   55,000                 African, Bantu, lite Arabia, Malta, Greece, Baltic

MTDNA Q                                              50,000                 Australia, Melanesia, New Guinea

Homo Florienses                                50,000                 went extinct on Flores SE Asia as Sapiens arrived

MTDNA P                                               50,000                 Australia, Melanesia, Phillippines, Bataan origin SE Asia

+MTDNA B2                                          50,000                 Origin in SE Asia, found in Americas

+YDNA C                                                50,000                 Indus, Americas,Polynesia, Melanesia, Micronesia, E.Eur

+MTDNA A                                            50,000                 Origin Asia: N. America, Aleuts, Siberia, N. Asia

+MTDNA D                                            48,000                 E Asia, China, Amerinds, NE Asia, Central Asia

YDNA F M89  macro                          48,000                 SW Asia, SE Asia 90% nonafrican hominids

YDNA K macro                                     47,000                 S&W Asia, Formed T-R Y haplogroups

YDNA K                                                   47,000                 SW Asian origin, Australia, Micronesia, Melanesia

YDNA M-P256                                      47,000                 SE Asia, Melanesia, W New Guinea,

Europe R1b Ydna, MTDna H           47,000              Aurignacian  CroMagnon (tall form?)

Egypt                                        38,000           “Gods” Reigned in Egypt until 14,800 bp

YDNA J P209                                         31,700                Arabia, Ethiopia, Egypt, Anatolia, Med. Sea

 YDNA G                                                  30,000                Baltic, Mediterranean area, Pakistan, Alps

YDNA I M170                                         30,000                Bosnia, Macedonia, Danes, Finns, Iceland, Sardinia

+MTDNA X                                             30,000                Levant, N America, Druze, Scots, Algonquin, Sioux, Dene

YDNA G                                                   30,000                Baltic, Mediterranean area, Pakistan, Alps

YDNA L  (K, M120)                               30,000                Indus Valley origin, Dravidian, S. India, Afghan, Syria

Homo Erectus                                       27,000                Phenotype extinct or assimilated into Sapiens etc.  

MTDNA T                                                25,000                origin Levant, Eurasia, Europe

MTDNA H                                               25,000                Europe, Med. Sea, Gravettian, Magdalenian, Minoan

 YDNA N                                                  25,000                N Eurasia, Siberia, Finns, Saami, Baltics, Yakuts, Hungary

MTDNA W                                              23,900                minority clade, Pakistan, Kurds, Caucasus, Australians

MTDNA I                                                 23,000                Europe Carpathian, Iran, glacial expansion, Anatolia

YDNA E3b M215                                   22,400                Ashkenazim, Sephardim, Sardinia, Europe, Africa, Tunis

R1b YDNA Europe                      22 - 17,000              Solutrean Spain

YDNA R1b                                               18,500                British Isles, Iberia, Cameroon, Caucasus, W. Europe

YDNA R  M 173                                     18,500                Native American

Neanderthal                                         18,000                Phenotype absorbed into Homo Sapiens

+YDNA Q                                                 17,000                Dominant male haplotype in Native Americans appears

This same data is arranged differently in the following chapter, to highlight regional differences.