Thursday, March 29, 2007

Oh, God Where is Judge Larry?

Fourteen men and one woman Brit captured by the Persians
They should release her
Before their women see her
From such a different society
Might influence those women
Into a worldview beyond the one taught

The captured diplomats
Defined by those holding the meeting
Let them go after a dose
Of frontier mentality
To take home
The Code of the West.

So the Persians did what?
Is this the first time a conflict
Has occurred in that estuary?
Provocation or error
Trespassers or hostages?

Show we mercy to the world?
Injustice answered with injustice
To the innocent is self defeating
Our Supreme Commander should listen
To his Generals lest he emulate Pompey.

If indeed England is again
The financial capital of the world
And we are left with our tekkies
To dream up future success for our species
We amass and categorize knowledge

Let Alexandria rise again
Let the glory of Egypt shine
See the new glory of Rome
Tenochitlan and Monte Alban
New York and LA and China

We must share knowledge
Therein lies the trust
Necessary for academic creativity
We owe the world peace
After decades of strife.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Cutoff of Colorado River CAP Water to Arizona

Analysis of: Colorado River Interim Guidelines for Lower Basin Shortages and Coordinated Operations for Lake Powell and Lake Mead

In Stage I Colorado River Shortages:

It appears that the math used to arrive at the shortage assignments differs from case to case, no doubt the result of the 60s agreement that optimistically took responsibility for all shortages on the river unto Arizona.

I now ask what the incentive for all those water users in California to conserve might be? I believe this antiquated agreement that penalizes Arizona water users unduly while cutting no allocations for others leads to profligate development and wastage of water.

As a native Arizonan, I deplore this unfair distribution of water shortage ‘allocations’. This ill-conceived agreement should be renegotiated.

Another problem is the cutting off of agriculture in favor of bedroom communities and ever continuing development is strategically foolish. Agriculture recharges the water table, provides human food and fodder for livestock and is a viable business in Arizona. I know the assumption is that food can be shipped in with less cost than the value of the water used in agriculture, but making sure that the population of Arizona is totally dependent on supplies brought in using fossil fuels is poor future planning. Fossil fuel is not going to ever be cheaper and this policy insures that the people of Arizona will be paying inflated food prices on all foodstuffs. I have a problem with this kind of shortsighted planning. Of course, the developers promote this destructive plan since they can then sop up the last of the Arizona allocation in more homes. As of now, Tucson has over 9,000 housing units for sale at inflated prices.

I do believe that prohibiting further water hookups, cutting water to golf courses and other water saving measures should be required of all communities using Colorado River water before this shortage allocation plan be implemented.

The economic problems generated by a cessation of raw development are real and can be predicted in terms of construction related unemployment. All of the communities using Colorado River water must aim for sustainability in water resources, which will force a lifestyle change among the water users.

I know that the present allocations were assigned during flood times on the Colorado, as corroborated by data from 1500-2000 AD. The ‘new’ average river flow will not sustain the current populations at their level of water use.

I suggest that mandatory conservation and cessation of new water hookups be required of all communities using Colorado River water. A refusal to conserve water and a refusal to deny new water hookups should result in immediate cuts of Colorado River water deliveries. All communities should share in the results of drought conditions.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Judge Larry and the Solution Format

War mongering and needling and provoking
Enforcement of tribal mentality
Developed in antiquity
When time speeded up
Driven by technology

We struggle to adjust to sudden change
That would have taken thousands of years
At previous rates of cultural change
Brought about by technology
Peace takes self control
Evidently lacking in warlike policy

What is a prenegotiation demand?
Is this like a preemptive strike?
Let the younger leaders come forward
Was anybody raised to vengeance
Immune from the sins of the fathers?
What facet of God shines upon us?

Begin again take a free breath
Learn from the past
But do not let the past
Control your future.
Prenegotiation means fatal prejudice
Sequence the negotiation format.

Accept the representatives they send.
If a group wishes to send a negotiator
Then so be it
All choose their own negotiator
Each negotiator will present grievances
No walkouts or absentee all listen to all

A second round of speakers addressing grievances
Each negotiator will then present desired rebuttals
To what was said
And so on until all grievances
Have been addressed.
All must have a voice for justice to be served.

Freedom of speech means
You will hear that which you do not like
You will hear what you do like
People you dislike
Can speak as can you
Threatening speech is criminal remember

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Israelis and Palestinians

Schoolyard State Department Lacks Leadership

Remember playground politics when an aggressive individual would decree who could talk to whom and would control followers’ personal spaces to prevent the exchange of information. Should you find out something about this bully person? Are secrets being kept from you? If so, why? Why should we not talk to all parties in any issue?

If Mr. David Welch did turn down the new Palestinian Platform, then there are at least two things wrong about this scene. A duly elected Democratic government is in power and has actively compromised with rivals and is now constructing a more permanent arrangement that will lead to peace. If Mr. Welch, an apparent U.S. Assistant Secretary of State, feels free to prematurely denounce these efforts, then he is foolish in his choice of actions. If he already named to whom he would not speak, perhaps he should resign and position himself where he cannot harm so many diligent efforts. Perhaps he should look up compromise in the dictionary and try to imagine the place of it in ‘his’ foreign policy that unfortunately represents the great United States of America.

Support this truly democratic effort, do not interfere in the negotiations and respect the government they choose to construct using those democratic principles so precious to the people. Dictation of what this new government may say is antithetical to the precepts we so hold dear, even if large toes are stepped upon. Bow out and allow the proceedings on the world stage rather than behind doors of our closing.

Peace comes from civilized dialogue, however spirited it may be. Since Mr. Welch is evidently a soothsayer or is making a faulty attempt to direct the course of events, perhaps a more unilateral approach should be taken, in order to reestablish our prestige in the world as a champion of freedom and individual rights of self expression. We must now prove a lack of hypocrisy as our president offers freedom to the people. We must be prepared to hear that which we did not expect to hear. One cannot dictate like a King and offer believable elections.

This compromise is a real chance for peace. The decisions concerning this delicate time should be allowed considerable more study, lest the world think we are constructing puppet governments.